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got fam


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i kno how important family is. That said.... My extended familia

is on some way other shit. If it wasn't a big deal to my mom I would blow off thanksgiving. I just dont want to deal with these people. That side of the fam is... well... I look forward to an afternoon of nobody drinking and everybody passing judgement and being shitty. We dont communicate well but they are still going to try to talk to me. Just thinking about it fucks my whole mood up. Its going to be like hanging out with a bunch of prosecuting attorneys.

On the flip side of the coin. Uncle on the other side has been in town all week. This fucking guy. I dont really kno him, lives out of state. Hes like 50 with the mentality of a retarded 15 year old. Its almost like he is trying to impress me, tryin to get me to think hes down or cool or something but all he has done is come off like a scumfuck. When he got in town i gave him a few grams of tree to take up north hunting. I dont hide the stash. I have never had to. Today i come to discover that he pretty much smoked a quarter of purple without asking me. Telling me how he cheats on his wife, telling me about all the drugs he does. Getting drunk and being annoying. Trying to talk about all this conspiracy theory shit that I really dont care about. Or talk about how bad his life is. All of this shit that is none of my business. I just really dont want to kno any of it. Reason i made this unthreadworthy thread. Fucker just woke me up for my lighter at 4:30... probably so he could smoke some more of the weed he stole from me and now i cant fall back asleep.

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Hide your weed better. Or call him out, but don't expect to get any kind of useful reply from him.


I haven't hung out with my extended family for any holiday in 20 years. No big loss to me or them, I'm sure. I'm going to call my dad, but I plan to keep it as brief as possible so I don't get sucked into anything I don't want to talk about.

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Extended family is generally a horrible thing. Luckily for me my parents don't really like their families, so I've never had much to do with them. My family has pretty much always been me, my parents, and my siblings, and everyone else (notable exceptions being my Grandmother and my niece) has always just been on some "Oh hey, we're related" type shit


That being said, we obviously don't do holidays or anything like that with them. Never have, never will. Thanksgiving I'll be making dinner with my brother, and we'll chill at my parents eating, drinking, and watching football. Very unstressful

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Christmas In Prison

©John Prine


It was Christmas in prison

and the food was real good

we had turkey and pistols

carved out of wood

and I dream of her always

even when I don't dream

her name's on my tongue

and her blood's in my stream.



Wait awhile eternity

old mother nature's got nothing on me

come to me

run to me

come to me, now

we're rolling

my sweetheart

we're flowing

by God!


She reminds me of a chess game

with someone I admire

or a picnic in the rain

after a prairie fire

her heart is as big

as this whole goddamn jail

and she's sweeter than saccharine

at a drug store sale.




The search light in the big yard

swings round with the gun

and spotlights the snowflakes

like the dust in the sun

it's Christmas in prison

there'll be music tonight

I'll probably get homesick

I love you. Goodnight.



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Hide your weed better. Or call him out, but don't expect to get any kind of useful reply from him..

shai's got the right idea.call him out on it or learn to stash your weed better.or just pop that fool in the mouth.i mean i know thats harsh concidering your related to him but he's never gonna change and if it was me it wouldnt be a relationship i would miss in the first place.do what you gotta do.

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