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getting maced


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apparently, i assaulted some people and got maced and then arrested.. this is quite possibly the most painful thing i have ever endured in my life. i stumbled around blind for an hour after bonding out and eventually caught a cab home by some sort of miracle. my question is, does getting maced by a civilian make me automatically guilty of assault or is it a matter of his/her word against mine? my knuckles are unscathed and i show no other signs of a physical altercation. would the distress experienced by being maced be a plausible reason to lie to police? i feel seriously fucked over in this situation and could use some real advice before i see a lawyer.


no tits, if you don't have something relevant to say gtfo.

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Oh and having no recollection of the event means you have no statement in any trial or report. IE you're fucked.


Being maced does suck. Friend of mine got maced by a couple muggers. Muggers didnt realize he was ex special forces. Half of friend's face was swollen up like a grapefruit. Muggers still lost.


Play through it dude. Live and learn.

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my boys girl took some random bitches jacket, just some asian bitch, and she had mace, a knife and a pack of reds. Hardcore asian bitch. We still have the mace, saving it for some good use.


and an interesting trick i have found out by mistake




Ever been to a party that just sucks ass and is full of faggotry? Planning on leaving said party but feel like a retard for showing up anyway? Here is your way to get revenge. YOu need to rely on the owner of watever house you are in to have some Jalepenos, if they dont they you should have brought some ahead of time.


Pop the jalepenos in the microwave and set that shit for like 10 minutes. Then leave. That whole fuckin building will be cleared out within an hour. This shit fucks you up. In my boys 3 floor house, the microwave was on the bottom floor and you couldnt stand ANYWHERE on any floor without crying and choking like a mother fuck on this burning gas. My boy threw up twice because he couldnt get out fast enough, trying to get his dog out. We let the whole crib air out for like 2 hours before we could go back inside without getting extreme burning in your eyes throat and nose. This shit fucks you up.


So if you are at a whack party, Throw some jalepenos in the microwave on them and dip. I think after 4 minutes it should start getting really bad, we put it for 8 and it was a fucking mission to go inside and turn the fucker off.

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my boys girl took some random bitches jacket, just some asian bitch, and she had mace, a knife and a pack of reds. Hardcore asian bitch. We still have the mace, saving it for some good use.


and an interesting trick i have found out by mistake




Ever been to a party that just sucks ass and is full of faggotry? Planning on leaving said party but feel like a retard for showing up anyway? Here is your way to get revenge. YOu need to rely on the owner of watever house you are in to have some Jalepenos, if they dont they you should have brought some ahead of time.


Pop the jalepenos in the microwave and set that shit for like 10 minutes. Then leave. That whole fuckin building will be cleared out within an hour. This shit fucks you up. In my boys 3 floor house, the microwave was on the bottom floor and you couldnt stand ANYWHERE on any floor without crying and choking like a mother fuck on this burning gas. My boy threw up twice because he couldnt get out fast enough, trying to get his dog out. We let the whole crib air out for like 2 hours before we could go back inside without getting extreme burning in your eyes throat and nose. This shit fucks you up.


So if you are at a whack party, Throw some jalepenos in the microwave on them and dip. I think after 4 minutes it should start getting really bad, we put it for 8 and it was a fucking mission to go inside and turn the fucker off.



i will remember this

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some graffiti kids maced me, i had to drive that way a few blocks, it sucks because your eyes want to involuntarily want to stay closed...

depending on the mace formulation it could kill you, bear mace for sure... they even make gels now that stick to you... shit is rough...

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Once at a party my buddy caught a face full of BEAR mace from a guy twice his size over some stupid graffiti beef. We had to take my friend to the hospital. Fuck that shit.


who fights with mace over graffiti? dude with the bear mace pulled a bitch move hell never live down


that pic of the pig getting a faceful of mace - right click, save

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apparently, i assaulted some people and got maced and then arrested.. this is quite possibly the most painful thing i have ever endured in my life. i stumbled around blind for an hour after bonding out and eventually caught a cab home by some sort of miracle. my question is, does getting maced by a civilian make me automatically guilty of assault or is it a matter of his/her word against mine? my knuckles are unscathed and i show no other signs of a physical altercation. would the distress experienced by being maced be a plausible reason to lie to police? i feel seriously fucked over in this situation and could use some real advice before i see a lawyer.


no tits, if you don't have something relevant to say gtfo.




How the fuck were you still feeling the effects of the mace by the time you bonded out?

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