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Gossip Girl (no homo)


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That's right, I'm no homo'ing this thread before it even starts. I admit, it's THAT suspect, but hear me out


As some of you may remember me mentioning in my other thread, the other night while I was on acid/coked out of my skull, some girl I chill with threw on season one of this show. Now, this same girl has preached about this show to me before, but I always (like most of you I'm sure) blew it off because it sounds faggy as fuck.


However, I am here to freely and openly admit that this show is fucking awesome. It's like Cruel Intentions, but in an hour long, weekly format.


I'm telling you people, give it a chance. Husk will co-sign, even if he's ashamed to.



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nigga drugs made you gay


:lol: :lol:

honestly i cant even stunt swamp

ive had to sit through some shit like that myself..

when my ex used to live with me she was addicted to

"sin senos no hay paraiso" some spanish soap oprah...

now THAT shit was crazy.. once my girl translated some of it..

the story line is crazy and will never make it as an american soap..

not only that but all the broads on the show was bad...

gossip girls though ive never heard of....

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I've seen it a few times, in pieces..my wifey watches it religiously. There are a few smoking hot broads on that show.


Tell me you choose Monday Night Football last night over Gossip Girl? I did...thank god for two tv's..


I don't actually watch sports (except basketball, wake me up when the actual season finally rolls around), and since we're watching the first season on DVD I haven't even been paying attention to it being on TV.


However, if there were to be, say, a Lakers game and Gossip Girl on I would watch the game, and then watch gossip girl later. Thank god for 2 TV's and a DVR :lol:

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wow swamp i didnt know you threw down like this

























































































































































































































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