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spectr I think this is the wrong place for this to be honest, I agree with you, I think the palestine people are heros for putting up with the shit they have to from Israel but they are viewed as the baddies so no one cares.


Americans will hold up Americans that have lost their lives as heros no matter what they actually were like as people, whether their cause is right or wrong.


I do feel for the firefighters as they were just doing their job, for some reason I have more respect for firemen than I do for police men, because police men don't really put their lives on the line they enforce the law, firemen go above and beyond what a normal job is, to me that is, I wouldn't do it no matter what they were paying, but that is their job to be put in danger and some don't make it, I have no sympathy for anyone that dies at war , your a soldier you signed up for it, you know what the potential outcome is

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So I suppose you would ask me to give the same respect to hamas, who are defending their home from a racist, genocidal, government. Or lets say an Iraqi soldier shooting an american soldier who was invading his country... What about the police.. they dedicate their lives to 'help others' same with lawyers, judges, politicians etc.....



Fire men are real heros. Period. I didnt make this thread to talk about anything else, so if you feel like doing that, you can stop posting here.

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word so some fire fighters died.. some people in some buildings died.. that sucks...

lets look back at the history of the middle east and talk about innocent people dying.. coup d'etat after coup d'etat funded with american $, the unwavering support of a racist genocidal government with no legitimate right to exist who is destabilizing a region by being in possession of nuclear weapons.. the 12 year daily bombing a nation, while it was under sanction, and unable to create or purchase chlorine to purify it's water for it's citizens, leaving millions dead from completely preventable reasons...

now explain to me why i should give a fuck about some firefighters and everyone who fucking died in those buildings more then I should anyone else.. what their lives are all of a sudden more important then the lives of any other person in the world cause they were born this side of some invisible line... had lily white skin.. yo fuck you...





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RIP to all of the people that died on 9/11.


For everyone else that rushed down on the scene on that day to help others while also being told by our own government it was safe to do so, and are now being denied coverage by their insurance companies and get to waste away as their families watch. Hold your heads. I'm sure eventually someone in a position to do so will look out.


This shouldn't even be able what's going on in the middle east. That shit is for another thread. Same with anyone's opinion on what happened on that day or why it happened.


And I know this is just the internet, and some you guys are in troll mode 24/7, but show some fucking respect.

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These were emailed to me a while back. I usually post them when 9/11 comes around.


I slept in till 11:00am EST that morning (college life). The phone kept ringing and I woke to my GF leaving a message "CALL YOUR DAD, SOMETHING IS HAPPENING" (he worked a few 100 feet from the Pentagon). I got up, turned on the TV and saw the saw a smoking stump of a building and reporters were talking about Manhattan. Took a second to put 2 and 2 together. Then ...."Oh My God!"































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spectr I think this is the wrong place for this to be honest, I agree with you, I think the palestine people are heros for putting up with the shit they have to from Israel but they are viewed as the baddies so no one cares.


Americans will hold up Americans that have lost their lives as heros no matter what they actually were like as people, whether their cause is right or wrong.


I do feel for the firefighters as they were just doing their job, for some reason I have more respect for firemen than I do for police men, because police men don't really put their lives on the line they enforce the law, firemen go above and beyond what a normal job is, to me that is, I wouldn't do it no matter what they were paying, but that is their job to be put in danger and some don't make it, I have no sympathy for anyone that dies at war , your a soldier you signed up for it, you know what the potential outcome is



Respect the fallen firemen who selflessly gave their lives for others

Fuck a bitch ass cop, and anyone hateing on the FF that have nothing to do with the

corrupt western world

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a lot of the people who act cool and pop shit didnt live in NYC on that day, and didnt have anyone close tot hem effected. Yall niggaz have no class. period. and if I was in a bar and overheard someone like you saying a dumb joke or acting like a cool guy, i would not hesitate to reach out and tap that jaw.



9-11 was a horrific incident. and posting pictures of the aftermath from every different angle in itself is disrespectful, you should be spending energy googling images of the towers standing to remember it as it was, not glorify the aftermath.


That idiot Chico in the LES did a mural that week of the twin towers burning with a plane flying into it. Thats the dumbest shit Ive ever seen, why imortalize the aftermath ? It doesnt take much to realize the thing to imortalize is the image of the buildings prior to the tragedy.




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twonpoo - that is why a lot of us can act cool about it, if we don't live in NY and no one we know was affected by it then why is it such a big deal to us? It isn't disrespectful, it just didn't affect us like it did people closer to it, do you have a moments thought on the anniversary of the Tsunami that killed so many in Thailand? where the people that died in that any less innocent?


I know it affected New Yorkers (unbearstandably) and Americans (less understandably) but you can't expect it to affect the whole world, I mean I'm in the UK and I never think about or consider the terrorist attacks in London we had here on july 7th (couldn't even tell you the year), why? because I don't live in London and no one I know was affected, so as terrible as the incident was (like 9/11) it doesn't have the same resonance, if it happened in my own home town I would probably think different


but I do feel for the people that died doign their jobs as I stated earlier and i understand the magnitude of what happened


damn stoned rant end

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I am now drunk and i really appreciate all the support and everyone who has given their respect to the dudes that died. And also, like other people said if i was out at a bar tonight and someone said what spectre said i would fucking punch them in the face just out of principle, and i never get into pointless fights. /no internet thug but seriously, when someone in person offends you and a dead family member you cant sit there and do nothing.

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i took this about a year before the towers went down. an everyday thing but total awe inspiring, facing south west on church st not the plaza. i scanned it and 4 hard drives later its still with me. i saw a lot of horror that day but im not here for that. a good memory is more powerful then all that pain, and this pic makes me feel good. try and keep a the good ones close.

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twonpoo - that is why a lot of us can act cool about it, if we don't live in NY and no one we know was affected by it then why is it such a big deal to us? It isn't disrespectful, it just didn't affect us like it did people closer to it, do you have a moments thought on the anniversary of the Tsunami that killed so many in Thailand? where the people that died in that any less innocent?


I know it affected New Yorkers (unbearstandably) and Americans (less understandably) but you can't expect it to affect the whole world, I mean I'm in the UK and I never think about or consider the terrorist attacks in London we had here on july 7th (couldn't even tell you the year), why? because I don't live in London and no one I know was affected, so as terrible as the incident was (like 9/11) it doesn't have the same resonance, if it happened in my own home town I would probably think different


but I do feel for the people that died doign their jobs as I stated earlier and i understand the magnitude of what happened


damn stoned rant end


Of course i understand where youre coming from but in the same example you gave Im not making jokes about the Tsunami either out of respect. Im not effected by the L.a fires, but I still give my concern to my cali folk. Its just recognition of humanity, tragedy is everywhere. the cool guy bit is what urks me the most about us "mature" folk on the oontz at times.

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mad respects to everyone who lost a loved one or was a witness to this terrible attack...

i myself dont live in NYC nor did i know anyone that perished that day, but

i did see thousands of people die that day on live tv and that has affected

me in so many ways as it is true for many other americans not near NYC

at the time..let this day not be forgotten but be remembered as a true

testiment of what America stands for..our enemies can come here and try to

destroy us with such bold acts but the brotherhood that is America will never

allow such evil tear the greatest nation apart...God bless the firemen, policemen,

and the thousands that we lost that day..may God keep on healing the aching

hearts of their families..God bless you all and God bless America...

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