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Anyone want to fake fight?

earl broclo ESQ

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I used to play "samurai" with my friends from church when I was smaller.


We had long sticks (no homo) and we would jump off the shed in the back and do barrel rolls at the bottom and shit. We used to run and "jump slice" each other.


It was fun actually.


And if anyone were to hit us forreal we'd be visibly upset.



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We used to get into playing "ninja", made crossbows out of rubber bands and arrow heads out of mechanical pencil nibs or whatever you call the end.

I found some sheet metal and used my neighbors dad's snips to make ninja stars out of the metal.

None of the weapons we produced would kill anything though, we tested all of them out on my friends little brother and our neighbors dogs.

Good times.

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Those makeshift slingshots were vicious.


I used to make those "papercrackers" by the dozen, pass them all out then in unison we would swing our arm down with the quickness, laughs were had.




Oh and on the topic of loud ass jimmyriggin, you guys ever take an empty byrne dairy milk carton, fold down the spout so it ws flat on all sides then curb stomp the fucker? If you sealed it good enough shit sounded like a 20 gauge.

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Playing outside was the best..


My friends and I played 'guns' of course. There was a lot of construction in our area at the time so we used to hide in the ditches and throw dirt clods at each other. At the time SWAT was a big deal, so we would all play our favorite characters and run around abandon houses and be sneaky about trying to get in.


One thing we would also do is play a simple game of catch imitating our favorite players. We would try and make the catches as difficult as possible.. We would do this on different lawns across the street and no one seemed to care.. Is it even still like that these days?

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Reading through this thread provides me with further evidence proving my claim, Parents nowadays are raising a fairies.



Playing in other people's yards is a no go for my younger brother.


He plays "500" in the street as much as he can until some asshole teenager races down the street or some crotchety old man honks at him. But luckily there is an excess amount of buckshot gravel in the gutters. I didn't even have to tell him to throw it, what a good kid.



This reminds me, Any of you always have that one set of friends you could always rely on to play catch? The kind of dudes that whenever you got home from school were down?

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Count knows the deal.. It seemed like all the parents were cool with kids just running around where they could see them..


Another thing good that all the construction brought was fucking ramps that we jumped off on our bikes.


Just going hiking was an entire adventure itself..


I had games to play at home as well, but it was all about going out. . The games didn't come into play until I couldn't go outside no more.

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when i was 10 or 11, my old friend used to live on a hill. noone in his neighborhood really had fences so we stole some todler toys with wheels. ya know, a bus with little 6 inch plastic tires that 3-4 YOs would ride. and we raced them down that hill.


that same friend and i took his sisters cookie dough mix she had just made and had a food fight with it in his house. needless to say his mom hated me and blamed me for his misconduct. bitch.


we could climb on his roof. i used to peel shingles off the roof and frisbe the pieces at cars.

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We'd play knife fight with those Marks-a-lot wedge tips that my dad would bring home. If you got marked then you got cut of stabbed. My brothers were bigger than me so I'd look like a tattooed, Mauri style. Then I'd get mad and they'd throw me down and run. So I throw it and it hits the wall and mom get mad!


Playing guns? all the time. It's not that mom didn't want us to have toy guns, we just thought that the clear plastic water pistols looked weak. So I was the kid with the home made wood ones. They were bad (meaning super kill you bad). Bent nail for a trigger and staples for sights.

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me and my friends use to get pretty crazy. we'd like totally be talking about science and the similarities between wolfs and dogs shit was kinda crazy. kids now days don't now bout that.




anyways we had this pond on our property that was totally covered in slimy algae and we would ball it up and have pirate wars with it.

i split my head open alot as a kid one time i was twisting one of those three wire fences with a stick the wires were loose so it was easy to twist. it stopped being so easy and i lost my grip and the stick started spinning with a bunch of force my head was bleeding in 4 diffrent spots.

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for like a whole year in middle school we were broken into groups in my english class. whenever the teacher would leave the room all the seperated friends would stand and have all out war across the room with these joints.




we did something similar but with these hard ass seeds that fell on the sidewalk on the way to school, we'd scoopm up on the way and in class we had these old school metal blinds, soon as the lights went down for a movie or whatever


* BANG! *



Lights would have to go back on , and the movie would stop


"Who did it!?"




when the lights went back off the mayhem resumed, this was the cycle. nothing was ever learned during movie day. lol

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I remember finding an old wooden "sawed off shotgun" type looking cap gun in our basement, I still have it too. We used to play Cops and Robbers, Kind of like capture the flag, but we would just do circles around the house. No matter how many times we shot each other we never seemed to die, we would just pull off a dramatic death, then stand back up and start running and fire back haha


Good times!




Picture of said capgun




Shit looked real so my mom didn't let me leave our property with it :lol:

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^ this & manhunt

i got suspended because i "almost took out someones eye" with one of these, but deadlier (hollow bic pen with both ends popped open, the elastic releasing the ballpoint+inkstick)


-mobbing around the neighbourhood on bikes with friends at night, kicking every car with an alarm & hurling crab apples at houses


-throwing handfuls of rock-hard dollar store easter chocolates at cars


-pine cone wars (the hard green ones)


-writing fuck & bitch on various things


-stealing fire extinguishers & filling up hallways with its contents


-getting into fights because a kid from a different neighbourhood scratched off all our bubblegum sticker collection on our apartments porch


-running around in the dirty ravine, pretending we were being chased by the velociraptors from jurassic park


-countless hours spent building the perfect lego piece


forgot who was talking about the swings, but there was always that one kid in every neighbourhood who claims to have swung a full loop, but could never prove his claim. i hated those kids (wish i knew the phrase back then - "pics or it didnt happen")


agreed, kids these days suck at being a kid

funny how when you get older, "imaginaries" ---> schizophrenia

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for like a whole year in middle school we were broken into groups in my english class. whenever the teacher would leave the room all the seperated friends would stand and have all out war across the room with these joints.




this rite here brings back so many memories of niggas getting hit in the eyes and shit and kids getting suspended

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