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12oz. Bartenders Club

earl broclo ESQ

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Oh yeah.. Oban i think is 60-80$ and glenrothes shouldnt much more or less if you get series 1991 i believe it is. Scotch typically goes by year but glenrothes goes by series number.. weird i know.


The oler the scotch the better and more expensive (typically)..

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I've been thinking of tending bar a couple nights a week. I've heard it's best to become a bar back first, but can anyone school me on some shit before hand?


Yeah, any competent barback can move up to bartender in no time. I've also seen dishwashers/cooks/bouncers/ etc etc move to bartender if an opportunity presents itself, but barbacks are always making the jump

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work at an irish pub...all you will ever have to do is pour beer and whiskey


when i was bartending i worked day shift....come in in the morning, eat, have 5 or 6 drinks then open the place up.


i sucked at making all the lame drinks, fuck people, just drink.....jack and coke, cool....but fuck a sex on the beach or those other lame shits.....i would literally just tell heads, no we dont make that here.


the owners were cool with that, cool job overall and decent money, too bad i am an alcoholic.

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I've been drinking Redbull and vodka for like 4 years straight now, but everytime I try to switch to a new mixer I get extremely sick of it, very quickly.


The one drink I consistently drank and enjoyed for a month or two was margaritas, but I think that's strictly summer behavior


Is there just nothing else out there for me? Besides tequila shots, of course

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  • 1 month later...

I've got a few regulars at my bar who order Negronis from me, usually with beefeater. Campari was never a big hit with me, but I've seen it make a comeback around here lately. A lot of ladies order Campari and soda with bitters and a lemon twist as an aperitif.


I rarely drink negronis, but the last time I made one for myself I drank it up with an orange twist.

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I don't want a drink that makes my dick hard.


And I bet i work at the dive-est bar in brooklyn.


More of a dive than jackie's fifth amendment?

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I've found a decent balance between working at a dive bar twice a week and working in a restaurant bar 3 times a week.


In restaurant mode, you have a conversation bar, and your tips are often 20% of somebody's meal, or more than $1 per drink if you're making proper cocktails. No barback is needed in this environment. There's a busboy who will collect the glassware from tables and bring them back to me.


When working in a dive bar(a busy one, at least on friday nights), it's a "volume bar" not a conversation bar and there's not much more going on than opening beers and pouring shots/hi balls. In this atmosphere, I work without a barback, but we have 2-3 bartenders at once, so we end up barbacking ourselves with a little help from the door guy. If the owners weren't so cheap, we'd get a barback and tip him out.

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^i know exactly what your saying!

currently more in restuarant mode but we have our busy 4 deep at the bar all night evenings too.


i remember working a city centre pub on friday nights, sounding pretty similar to what you describe as a dive bar. i used to really enjoy ducking out from the bar to glass collect for a while every so often, especially when 8 hour shifts are spent non stop pouring pints.....its a nice chance to have a cigarette, flirt with girls and relax for a bit.

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Hemingway’s Death in the Afternoon:

1 1/2 oz. Absinthe

4 oz. Brut Champagne


Prescription Julep:

1½ oz cognac

½ oz rye whiskey

½ oz bar sugar and 1 oz warm water OR ½ oz simple syrup (to taste)

8-12 leaves fresh spearmint


Bourbon Renewal:

2 oz bourbon

1 oz fresh lemon juice

½ oz creme de cassis

½ oz simple syrup

1 dash Angostura bitters


sounds a little weird, but is killer. had the last 2 over christmas with my dad.

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whats a good drink for swimming in the middle of january? im doing to polar plunge, its bring your own booze unless you want to drink shitty beers. and i dont want to drink beer.


I did a plunge on super bowl sunday. Irish coffees are the way to go my man. Buy a box o' joe from D&D and a liter of Jameson and you'll be good.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Improved tequila cocktail:


After pouring tequila, replace triple sec in your margarita with appx. 3/4 oz of St. Germain, still use fresh lime and splash of OJ, dash of granulated sugar(I prefer a pack of "sugar in the raw" /nh) and shake vigorously. It's damn good.




^From the 'well tequila' thread. It's gonna be warm out soon, get ready for muddled drinks and coolers.


Earl, you gotta hit Dram when it opens. This bar will be the utmost in top shelf proper cocktails, I think it's set to open in the next few weeks(somewhere near S. 4th and Driggs). The guys running it compete on a national level, make their own bitters, etc. The one dude has a shelf of liquor in his house that spans an entire wall, with a crazy selection of mezcal, chartreuse, fernet, etc.

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god damn, I just hosted a carbomb marathon, st. patty's was epic. Cleaning those carbomb glasses is disgusting though, I cringed every time someone ordered 8-9 of those things for their whole crew.


got some really shitty free t-shirts from Guinness and Miller Lite, all XL's of course. Passed em out, made one into a sleeveless. I'm fuckin shitfaced, the post-close session behind the bar was ruthless.

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god damn, I just hosted a carbomb marathon, st. patty's was epic. Cleaning those carbomb glasses is disgusting though, I cringed every time someone ordered 8-9 of those things for their whole crew.


got some really shitty free t-shirts from Guinness and Miller Lite, all XL's of course. Passed em out, made one into a sleeveless. I'm fuckin shitfaced, the post-close session behind the bar was ruthless.


After hours are the fuckin best. Nothing like closing up at 7:30am shitfaced, with about 10 of your closest friends, sleeping it off til 1230 then doing it all over again sunday day for brunch & football.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Bartenders •-


I tend to become pretty good friends with the bartenders of the places I frequent, so I definitely discuss problems with them.


Even if I knew the person before I started drinking at their bar, over time you just naturally start to share more shit with them in that situation

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