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I didn't grow up with this internet shit.


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So can somebody please explain to me what all this hype over Firefox is all about?

Because to me, it fucking sucks and the only reason I ever bother to use it is in times like this when for whatever reason Opera won't open.


1) The shit is slower than Internet Explorer.


2) It doesn't memorize your websites, thus you have to type in the entire http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum, instead of just typing in the 1 and the rest coming up on it's own.


3) Every time I click on a link and I'm done watching the Youtube video or whatever and I instinctively click the red X when I'm done, it kicks me off the internet entirely. Then I have to go through the whole motions of clicking back onto the shit, sitting there with my thumb up my ass (/nofingerbang) waiting for this slow ass shit to load again, then typing in the whole "www.12ozprophet.com/forum" all over again, then logging in again just to find the thread that I was on and pick up where I left off.

Sure I could avoid all that by simply pressing the back arrow when I'm done with the link, but my instinct is to click the red X when I'm done with a link, and why should I be bothered with retraining my psyche?


Seriously, the only thing good about this shit is the spell check. And I could honestly give a fuck about a spell check.

I'm just looking for some other reasons (besides the spell check) why this Firefox shit is so hype. Cause whatever they are, the shit has flown completely over my head.






And cue the old man jokes.

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you can go to options in mozilla and set it to open links in a new window rather than a new tab so you won't have the problem of clicking in your red box and closing it down


I personally find it much quicker than IE


If you bookmark the main sites you use, 12oz etc then you won't have to type in the full address it should stay in the drop down, dunno why yours doesn't remember the sites you go to just checked mine and it remembers everything, do you clear your browsing history etc everytime you use the internet, that might be why


It is more secure than IE and can stop access to malicious websites


not gonna make make any old man commens cos you are my age lol

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firefox is better because


1) i know you don't care but its got spellcheck (even though it is set to american spelling which is annoying for me. COLOUR HAS A U DAMNIT)


2) with firefox you can make little buttons under the address bar. i have one for youtube, 12oz myspace etc. i just click it and it takes me here.


3) i dont know if its slower than IE. but it looks much nicer


4) it remembers passwords and shit better than IE

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Even if you dont have the page bookmarked, if its in your history, and you start to type the name it'll come up below the address bar.


And why dont you just click history and click the last page you were on, instead of retyping everything and all that shit.


Also who the fuck wants any type of program that makes a clicking noise when it does anything!?(IE)




and im pretty sure you can thank Fire Fox for most of IE's new features.

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you can go to options in mozilla and set it to open links in a new window rather than a new tab so you won't have the problem of clicking in your red box and closing it down


I personally find it much quicker than IE


If you bookmark the main sites you use, 12oz etc then you won't have to type in the full address it should stay in the drop down, dunno why yours doesn't remember the sites you go to just checked mine and it remembers everything, do you clear your browsing history etc everytime you use the internet, that might be why




Nah, I don't do shit.


I also don't have to do any of this other shit you mentioned with Opera or Internet Explorer.

The only reason I don't use Internet Explorer when Opera is down is because of the security issues.

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Even if you dont have the page bookmarked, if its in your history, and you start to type the name it'll come up below the address bar.


Firefox doesn't do that for me.

And I have the Mozilla jawn.




And why dont you just click history and click the last page you were on, instead of retyping everything and all that shit.






Also who the fuck wants any type of program that makes a clicking noise when it does anything!?(IE)


and im pretty sure you can thank Fire Fox for most of IE's new features.




I don't use Internet explorer anymore. I usually use Opera. But occasionally (like tonight) Opera won't open for me.

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Most words ending in unstressed -our in the United Kingdom (e.g., colour, flavour, honour, armour, rumour) end in -or in the United States (e.g., color, flavor, honor, armor, rumor). Where the vowel is unreduced, this does not occur: contour, paramour, troubadour, are spelled thus everywhere. Most words of this category derive from Latin non-agent nouns having nominative -or; the first such borrowings into English were from early Old French and the ending was -or or -ur.

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Most words ending in unstressed -our in the United Kingdom (e.g., colour, flavour, honour, armour, rumour) end in -or in the United States (e.g., color, flavor, honor, armor, rumor). Where the vowel is unreduced, this does not occur: contour, paramour, troubadour, are spelled thus everywhere. Most words of this category derive from Latin non-agent nouns having nominative -or; the first such borrowings into English were from early Old French and the ending was -or or -ur.


this nigga has my back /nh

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