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Scams Scams and more Scams


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I'm actually a master electronics tech, setting up this rinky dink shit is childs play.

The good news is, if you were good enough to set this shit up properly and pull this off without getting caught,

You'd probably be smart enough to get a good paying legit job.

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Usually someone that lazy would never go through the trouble to learn about electronics.


its not that someone is lazy, perhaps they had a dad who did nothing but work and they barely knew there dad and it tore the family apart and whatnot, i think that would be strong enough to motivate someone to decide to not waste their days working.


or maybe they have a criminal record, wrong place wrong time sorta stuff. it can happen.


or possibly they just really really really hate the idea of being stuck in one place fr a set amount of time per day every day.


for me, its a combination of all 3 of those.

thats why if i find a easy and not too time consuming but also fun way to make money.... im doin it

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Well, here's a word of warning, you've all ready posted your master plan on the internet in a place that cops love to look through.

I'd at least come up with something different now, or rethink the whole idea about hard work being a waste.

I love working hard and building a career, fuck what you heard, it's good for you

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Well, here's a word of warning, you've all ready posted your master plan on the internet in a place that cops love to look through.

I'd at least come up with something different now, or rethink the whole idea about hard work being a waste.

I love working hard and building a career, fuck what you heard, it's good for you


you really think id post anything illegal i was serious about doing on the internet?

i just wanted to know how legit that article was because it sounded too good to be true...


and dont come off thinking im some suburban punk who just discovered rock'n'roll and beer. all my time is either spent doing school related crap, working with the full belly project or doing general construction work. i know what hard work is and i put in hard work where its needed.


and from just 3 years of working every possible hour presented to me for the money i can see how it gets old quick. now maybe it isnt that way with some jobs but i havent found that job yet. and once i do, il probly stick with it and make a career out of it.







and besides, id need a legitimate excuse for all of the income ;)

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Haha it's super easy to turn just the number of a CC into cash



Set up paypal linked to a prepaid credit card in someone elses name (very easy to do since these cards don't have the same ID requirements as bank Accts)


paypal $$$ from cc # online


move paypal funds to prepaid Cc


use prepaid cc for ATM withdrawl minus 2$ svc fee






You guys ain't runnin no scams, clearly

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what about the good old fashioned punk rock scams like ripping off soda machines with salt water? Small and large return gigs like scrap metal or telling Jane Seniorcitizen that those cedar trees are going to fall on her house and removing them for a small fee and selling the timber? Ripping copper wire from construction sites. jk One always has to stop and think about the monetary value of any crime and personally evaluate the worth.

I had a co-worker whose brother was heavily involved in counterfeiting, dude broke down the process to me and internally I had to shut down to not absorb the info to protect myself from myself if that makes any sense.

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it sorta made sense.


i dont know the salt water one...


everyone and their grandma is doing the scrap metal one here


i dont have a chainsaw or truck, plus pesky neighbors


everyone already stripped all the copper from everything here. half the city lost phone service because someone found out there was copper int he satellite dish things

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in all honesty, it'd be easier to just rob people. i went to school for electronics, i study computers. this shit is detectable. easily. it's not worth risking fed time. anything involving banks is now not worth doing, they're 2 steps ahead of you normally. additionally, banks pay security auditors RETARDED amounts of money. a family member of mine used to be in that trade (which got me into computers), but long story short, these people line up to do this shit constantly. find one hole. ONE, and you get anywhere from 2-4 grand, and that's for a minor one. the only place something like this would work is some backward-ass mountain town that's at least 2-3 hours away from any sort of law enforcement, and with ONE atm. but normally with those, the people barely have any money in the first place, therefore not worth the crazy amount of effort in the first place.


long story short. steal the whole fucking ATM. it's easier.



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not if you get around town on your bike...


i think you guys are misreading what ive been saying, the first scam posted does not involve the banks at all....


it involves stealing the information to make dummy card to withdraw cash from ATMs

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heres my own scam.




take your credit card







and slide it here
























































io accept debit and credit

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cool d00d.


a crackhead tried to scam me at work today


i was the only one there and the front door stays open because the shop doesnt have AC and i was in the office and i heard someone saying "yo yo yo!" so i went out into the shop and this guy was like "eyyyyy that guy said i could have my purple radio today...." (we have a purple radio) so i told him to come back later.

after walking out he turned around and came right back in and said "eyy! look at dis!" and pointed at these drug dealers on the corner and asked me "you got a problem with dem? il take care of dem for you"


i thought it was pretty funny

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