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But for real man, homegirl is all clean and prim and proper outside the house. I needed a place for a few weeks to crash until I can bust out and she was nice to offer, but God damn!


Her place is gnarly dirty. Fridge leaks what looks like puss. Soot on the ceiling and the clothing racks. Bathroom...don't get me started. Dishes piled to the brim nightly after I washed em the day before. Cigarette butts overflowing the ashtray. I guess beggars can't be choosers but this shit surprised me. I've seen frat houses cleaner than this jawn. I'm living alone forever until I find a girl that can keep her place as I kept all mine. I'm not even talking about messy, messy is easy to fix. But, straight filth?


Whatever, I'll be in Phuket in 4 days if any of you fucks will be in the area. PM me and we will drink shroom shakes and harass brown women. Or you can chase ladyboys if you're into that shit. Homos!


I'm out this dump for real.

I cleaned that house 4 times in 4 weeks and it still reaks of filth. Guess that's why I only post up in my room to sleep for a few hours a day.


Sorry for the rant.


And don't post a "FIRST" after this because you all know GOOGLE ONER gets first everytime.

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i was there during the tsunami..... in the mountains


chiengmai baby


My homie was there during the tsunami aswell.


I was in amsterdam... He flew out of bangkok the day it hit and met up with us.


Where he flew out of was not affected but villages/people/families he met/chilled at days prior were washed away from existance completely.


Shit was weird for him. He was there like a month.


Then in amsterdam, literally the day after the tsunami hit thailand the city through a massive outdoor event with a huge stage and flew out Tiesto among other dj's/groups.


Shit was crazy.

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My last roommate was the laziest person I've ever met. I cleaned the house one time, and left the dishes where they were. I said he could do that, and they sat there for six months. At one point in time, he shoved a dishtowel in the drain to clog it, and filled up the sink with soapy water and dishes. He then left that there for a few months. So his band was going on tour and he said he'd do it before he left. He didn't, and I finally broke down and decided to take care of it.


This was the towel (which was originally white):





He also never cleaned his cat box, and he had two cats that were shitting machines. They also puked everywhere, and he wouldn't clean it. It would just form into a petrified hairball, then he'd spray it with some cleaner and lay a paper towel over it --only to let it sit for another day or two.


Yeah --living with dirty people is a pain in the ass.

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i hate living with filthy cunts, seriously how hard is it to pick up your shit after you use it??


Phuket is the best place ever, if you can go to a full moon party in koh pangang.. seriously the craziest thing ive been to in my life!


Lady boys are no joke, they are everywere.


thai massages is were its at tho, $5 happyending?? cant go wrong!~

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its just as bad living with a clean freak. its healthier but they always try and make you do housework or help out in some way...fuckers.


i enjoy my mess, not that kind of filth though.



This is me, I enjoy my mess!

You neat freaks fuck off, I'm a clutter freak.


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