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law students at happy hour appreciation thread


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god I hate these assholes.


the only thing that even remotely compares to the self absorbed / delusional grandeur of a pack of 2nd year law students is a pack of 2nd year punk ass toy graffiti writers.


oh, so that's what you read / heard about in class today? why don't you shut the fuck up until 15 years from now when you've put in some time. I'm not impressed.

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I'm like the only person I know who did not eventually sell out and go to law school.


I really should have too, but it turned everyone into assholes.


I know what you mean about the Happy Hours - They used to drive me nuts.


Art School oner.

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I met a med student last night, I told him that his time in medical school was a waste. He was a fuck sitting with 2 fat chicks. I laughed at him and proceeded to drink my fine beverage. I dont like pre meds with their holier than thou attitudes.


I think they are worse than law students.

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med students are a whole other topic. while equally on some self important bullshit, laws and docs are cut from completely different cloths. feel free to start a med student appreciation / hating thread, I'll give my .02

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Beardo, do you work in law? I am glad to see you are making threads again, it seems like today a bunch of mods have been participating.


really? I haven't even checked the topic list. musta been a good day for CH0.


I'm no law or med retard, I'm a design retard, which frankly, might be the worst of the three.

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Somehow I've always avoided the law student happy hour in my line of work, although I get my fair share of NYU jerks who don't tip well cuz they save their trust fund money for cocaine and expensive sandwiches. The happy hour champs are usually neighborhood regulars with either British or Irish accents, those grizzled bastards seem to always keep it proper

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