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that ramp construction :lol:


Lol no shit, I was looking at that, looks like it was built by blind people.


Also that Tech 2 Caliper is OLLLLDDD... lol... and those center mounted brakes SUCKKKKED. If your lever/cable was in good shape, eventually the caliper's mounting hardware would wear out or loosin, and then you'd get some movement in the whole caliper. I'm sure you guys that have been around know what's up. Thank god for the invention of V-Brakes and 990 mounts....


Honestly... I'd LOVE to see some disc brake kits for bmx hubs... I think that shit would be mega player.... with hydraulic lines... you could stop on a dime and never have to worry about shitty brakes or tweaked rim f'ing up your braking power again... because your shit would be on the level of automotive brakes at that point.


Btw, in case nobody can tell, I've never been much of an advocate of riding brakeless. I have done it only a few times for a short period out of necessity, but do not like it. When I was really active at trail jumping on 9th street I'd constantly use my rear brake in the air to assist w/ the nose dive because the inertia of your rear wheel stopping throws your front end down... it works great.... and I cannot remember how many times I've had to land on a landing and slam brakes because I was squirrelly and headed towards a tree. I actually straight up bent some fork legs on an old Redline Mini I had right in half from hitting a tree... ovalized the head tube on that bike too doing that and that thing was an ill ass early 90s redline mini.


I like the advancement of technology, but I really don't want to have to upgrade all types of shit on my bike to keep up w/ the times.


I also still have a set of Kink Pegs w/ Kink chain tensioners that allow you to rotate and lock the position of the peg in... and those were the lifetime warranty pegs. I actually knew a few people that grinded through a pair, but they were excessively rough on their bikes and rode them alot. I've always been the guy that tries to keep my bike lookin really clean and shiny w/ good paint on everything because I want that shit to look damn good when I'm riding it.

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I just watched some videos of it online... looks like there's a lot of table tops there... so I can get back into this w/o having to do the whole "better make it or just eat shit in the middle of the landing/jump on a double" thing going. I'm sure after a very short time I'll be blasting the big jumps again.


BMX'rs typically have a large threshold for pain. I've been hurt quite a few times since I kinda slowed down on riding bmx and for some reason I just don't respond to pain I guess. That, and working on my car. I have made so many stupid mistakes that bust knuckles or cut you that it's not even funny, so now when it happens i'm just like... fuck... again... stupid blood ... get the super glue and alcohol.

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There are some insane jumps out there that scare me just looking at them....but there are a lot that I'm sure you could handle.

I actually took my little nephew out there when he was about a year old in one of those baby joggers and that little dude got some serious air.


It's funny, one of the dudes who's super dedicated to building out there is a lawyer and he goes out there on his lunch break and rides.


If you're interested in some Austin spots, I can talk to some of my buddies and see where they're riding now.

But I'd really suggest going to that park.


It's on N.Lamar between Kramer and Braker.

You can take the 1M bus and it should have a stop somewhere pretty close to the park.

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Yeah, its pretty cool, there are a couple of snakes that you can go around. Stay on the outside if you are kind of sketchy on jumping, they are mostly tabletops and if you decide to abort you can just roll over them. NOW the inside snake is super rad and can get some good air.


Last time I was there it rained and the inner track was kind of flooded on the landings.


Also they have some shovels out there and brooms if you feel like cleaning up or digging out a messed up jump.


Also a lot of Lonestar beer cans

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God I cannot drink LoneStar anymore, I'm so worn out on that shit... and everyone here loves it so much... and where they brew it in Fort Worth nobody even knows wtf it is or can find it in any store. Lol.


I dunno how much you guys know about ninth street but I used to jump the Main Line... which was the big tabletop until they turned it into a double, a roller, then "second set", then another jump they called "maytag" (probably because it had a dryer or washer in it)... and then some other jump after that that was long, then transitioned into front line.


I could also jump most of left line as well... but at the time it was a BIT on the technical side for what I could do. I got really good when I moved to Dallas and started riding at the GPX skate park in Grand Prairie all the time. I could do 360's over the big tabletop, but the mini ramp always left more to be desired, and I was always deathly afraid to do the 8 foot spine for some reason... lol.

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I'm just happy I live a 15 minute drive from this place....






The fixed gear queers are shunned from even thinking that they're gonna ride that wack shit inside or on the outdoor trails .


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^^Damn, that looks rad as fuck. I've always been more partial to racing and dirt jumping than I have to skate park stuff.... although there was a time when I was dropping in on the 12 foot vert ramp (scary if you've never done it).... for some reason i could never air out above the coping though... not really sure why.


My younger brother won the state championship in the ABA for Texas one year in Duncanville TX... it was rad as fuck. He said this chinese kid was at the starting gate being really cocky and shaking everyone's hand and saying good luck to them like they would need it.... and then my little bro whooped them.


He still has that race bike, it's an aluminum Kastan frame. Kastan was a really bad ass company back in the day. I dunno if they do anything now..

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i didnt know gary fisher (as a company) was into that kind of riding, and especially since they are getting absorbed by trek, who to my knowledge doesnt make any bmx/dirt jump/etc products. strange.



im really looking forward to riding bmx, i havent found my "cycling niche" yet and i hope this is it.

but i was thinking last night, il be riding almost 100 percent flatland with maybe a few little home made ramps and kickers and whatnot, and MAYBE riding some in the little skatepark in our town. so would a 24 inch cruiser even be appropriate for that kind of riding? it doesnt seem like it is, i think i just subconsciously want a bmx bike thats as similar as possible to my mountainbike, which is by far the one bike in this world that im the most comfortable on.


i need to hurry up and get on a damn bike, sadly there isnt anything resembling a bmx scene in this town and the only bmx parts the lbs carries are the parts that fixed gear riders like to use (those colored semi seethrough platforms, grips etc) let alone a decent bmx bike. so im left with online options.


but yeah, what bike do i need for the riding il be (hopefully) doing?

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I dunno dude... a cruiser is fun but if you plan on doing street riding I'd get a 20".... street riding is a blast...


The reason I say this is because... for instance, I can bunnyhope ~3' high still on my 20" bike... but on a cruiser my bunny hop is significantly lesser. I can make it up a curb no problem but anything much higher than that it and it just doesn't happen. I am not saying nobody can hop high on cruiser, but for me it's quite a bit more difficult. I didn't think about that the other day when we were talking about that... sure you can launch off jumps on a cruiser and get air, but actually muscling your way or bunnyhopping high... it's not as easy because of the geometry of the frame being quite a bit different.


What you need to look into though if you get a 20" bike is the top tube length. I have owned 2 Standard Trail Bosses in my life, the first was a 20" top tube... and the second had a 21" top tube which to me made a nice difference in how much "space" i have on my bike to be comfortable moving around on it. The 20" top tube one felt cramped like my knees were constantly too close to the stem.


I also like to ride w/ my bars (I believe they're S&M Butler Bars) exactly parallel w/ my forks.

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i didnt know gary fisher (as a company) was into that kind of riding, and especially since they are getting absorbed by trek, who to my knowledge doesnt make any bmx/dirt jump/etc products. strange.



Gary Fisher is a sponsor because it's Ray's Mountain Bike Park.

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I'm just happy I live a 15 minute drive from this place....






The fixed gear queers are shunned from even thinking that they're gonna ride that wack shit inside or on the outdoor trails .



I have seen this park in videos before, the Tree team just did a segment there

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i didnt know gary fisher (as a company) was into that kind of riding, and especially since they are getting absorbed by trek, who to my knowledge doesnt make any bmx/dirt jump/etc products. strange.



im really looking forward to riding bmx, i havent found my "cycling niche" yet and i hope this is it.

but i was thinking last night, il be riding almost 100 percent flatland with maybe a few little home made ramps and kickers and whatnot, and MAYBE riding some in the little skatepark in our town. so would a 24 inch cruiser even be appropriate for that kind of riding? it doesnt seem like it is, i think i just subconsciously want a bmx bike thats as similar as possible to my mountainbike, which is by far the one bike in this world that im the most comfortable on.


i need to hurry up and get on a damn bike, sadly there isnt anything resembling a bmx scene in this town and the only bmx parts the lbs carries are the parts that fixed gear riders like to use (those colored semi seethrough platforms, grips etc) let alone a decent bmx bike. so im left with online options.


but yeah, what bike do i need for the riding il be (hopefully) doing?[/color]



Dude, the Sunday Cruiser is really like riding a 20 with 24 wheels. The geo for that bike is really something different from other cruisers on the market. They really but a lot of thought into making this a 24 that is similar to riding a 20, and from personal experience it really is. The BB is high and the Seat is low and back, its kind of weird at first but when you try to do dirt jumps or tricks it is really responsive and easy to get up like a 20. There is a video out there of Jim C doing some awesome shit on that Sunday



But...I aint trying to sell you, just you wanted a 24, I ride a 20 and its fucking fun. So what ever


I dunno dude... a cruiser is fun but if you plan on doing street riding I'd get a 20".... street riding is a blast...


The reason I say this is because... for instance, I can bunnyhope ~3' high still on my 20" bike... but on a cruiser my bunny hop is significantly lesser. I can make it up a curb no problem but anything much higher than that it and it just doesn't happen. I am not saying nobody can hop high on cruiser, but for me it's quite a bit more difficult. I didn't think about that the other day when we were talking about that... sure you can launch off jumps on a cruiser and get air, but actually muscling your way or bunnyhopping high... it's not as easy because of the geometry of the frame being quite a bit different.


What you need to look into though if you get a 20" bike is the top tube length. I have owned 2 Standard Trail Bosses in my life, the first was a 20" top tube... and the second had a 21" top tube which to me made a nice difference in how much "space" i have on my bike to be comfortable moving around on it. The 20" top tube one felt cramped like my knees were constantly too close to the stem.


I also like to ride w/ my bars (I believe they're S&M Butler Bars) exactly parallel w/ my forks.



Like I said in the above comment, I am pretty sure you can get that Sunday to some pro hopping steez. When i rode the Model C we were at a dirt jump track and we were getting pretty good air on it



yeah, if i bought a 24 id probly just put nobbies on it and take it to cx races to freak everyone out.


how do you determine what top tube length you need? im 6 foot and 155lbs, if that has anything to do with it.[/color]


6 foot? go with a 20.75 and bigger top tube on a 20.


I am 5"9' and I ride a 21tt, I like a little more room and really it personal preference. But I wouldnt ride anything smaller then a 20,75 for you unless you feel like banging the shit out of your knees on bars and when you do barspins not getting a lot of clearance.


They even make 21.75 for all you freaks of nature out there

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yeah i thought i wanted a 24, i guess thats just because i was thinking of a bike i could comfortably ride like i can my 26.


and im not getting the sunday, im not spending 500 on a bike i might not even want to ride.



whats a decent bike company to look into? im not trying to build up a bike, i want a complete.

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