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The South is Fat...


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My pops tells me stories about my grandpop takin him out to the bars when he was a teenager, then they'd hit up the diner afterwards.

My grandpop would tell the waitress to bring his usual.

His usual was a dozen eggs and a pound of bacon.

He'd sit there and eat the whole shit to my pops amazement.


My grandpops was skinny till the day he died.

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Nah, regular food is shit that everyday people eat on a regular basis, and that everybody knows what the fuck it is when you mention it.

If a fucking waitress even cosigns that she doesn't even know what that shit is, then that's proof enough that I'm far from alone.

Especially since I'm not even from the south and I had no idea what the fuck that shit was before this thread.

Where you from leotuck?

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I'm from california but Im saying you must not know a lot if you don't know what poached eggs are. i don't even cook but still, and a fucking waitress not knowing what that was is beyond me. isn't her job to know how to cook an egg? that must be a lot to ask these days

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Nah, regular food is shit that everyday people eat on a regular basis, and that everybody knows what the fuck it is when you mention it.

If a fucking waitress even cosigns that she doesn't even know what that shit is, then that's proof enough that I'm far from alone.

Especially since I'm not even from the south and I had no idea what the fuck that shit was before this thread.

Where you from leotuck?


No, it just mean that waitress is from the south where most food is fried, and she is ignorant.


The chefs knew what it meant because after we explained "poaching" to her, they were poached. And in all my life going to restaurants when me or anyone else asked for the eggs poached, no waitress was ever confused on what poaching was except that one time in the South.


Remember -- you're the same neanderthal that says alcohol is a stimulant, Scandinavia isn't apart of Europe, and that Native Americans are Hispanic... so it's not like anyone can take you seriously when it comes to your interpretations of what's "regular" and what isn't.

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No, it just mean that waitress is from the south where most food is fried, and she is ignorant.


The chefs knew what it meant because after we explained "poaching" to her, they were poached. And in all my life going to restaurants when me or anyone else asked for the eggs poached, no waitress was ever confused on what poaching was except that one time in the South.



Nigga said "CHEFS"!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



They got chefs at the Dennys and IHOPs in Cali, Theo?


In all your life you lived in LA.

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Well there you go. Just cause yall got mad dragqueens walking around with plastic faces and detatchable noses, adopting kids and ODing on IV anesthetics, ordering sushi and poached egg grandslams at Denny's don't mean that that shit's normal or "regular" for everybody else.


i knew that would be the thing you font size 7'd. your too predictable, and what does any of those things mentioned have to do with knowing what a poached egg was? I truly think you're mentally disabled sometimes

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I use cook/chef interchangeably. Is there a real difference? I'm guessing chef is more commonly used at fancy restaurants.


But seriously, you're sounding like those arrogant Americans that the rest of the world hates. The kind that think anything that isn't a cheesesteak, a hot dog, or a hamburger is "weird". You're the type of nigga that would go to India and tell them that curry is not regular food just because you didn't grow up eating it. I thought most of these types of ethnocentric Americans were of the Fox News type, but it appears liberals have their share too.

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Remember -- you're the same neanderthal that says alcohol is a stimulant, Scandinavia isn't apart of Europe, and that Native Americans are Hispanic... so it's not like anyone can take you seriously when it comes to your interpretations of what's "regular" and what isn't.


When people drink alcohol (especially liquor) they get stimulated.

They get loud, roudy and obnoxious and often break things and punch people.

People often get into fights when drunk. How often do you hear about people getting into fights when they're high on weed or dipped out on dope?

That was my point when I said that IMHO alcohol is mislabled as a "depressant".

IMHO alcohol (and especially liquor) is more of a stimulant.

I don't think too many people who drink alcohol can really argue against that when they really think about it.

That's what you already knew that I was getting at.


And Hispanics ARE decendants from native Americans. That's why their skin is brown.

They speak Spanish because they were conquored by Spain centuries ago.

The language they speak has nothing to do with their genetics.

Barack Obama is "half white", but he's still "black" because he has black features that come from his black genes.

Just like you.

You're black.

That's why you're black.

Because you have dominant black genes.

Just like Hispanic people are brown because have Native American genes.

Is it really that hard for you to comprehend common sense and common knowledge that you have to resort to calling me a Neaderthal for stating the obvious?

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