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Friends Who Steal.. FTL


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Yeah, a dope dealer with integrity. Dude...GET OUT OF THE GAME NOW. You are not cut out for that life.


My guess is that you probably aren't slinging for a living, you're just have a little side hustle so you can get high for free. Take my advice and get out before you take a fall. Be an end consumer like everyone else, you'll be better off for it.


I didn't read this before, but it's pretty clear that's what anyone with a shred of common sense can see about you dawg.


If you want some real advice. Seriously go and bash your friend then stop being friends with him. You need to change these habbits of basically being a chump. Go and do it right now if you know where he is or you can find out. Even if he wins, it's better to do it. As you are too aware of most people will avoid fighting if they can. So even if he wins he'll probably find someone else to steal off, and so will other people who know the both of you. Plus you both sound like kids and either way I doubt either of you could very seriously hurt each other, maybe a broken nose or something.


After that, quit this dealing thing. Stop doing stupid shit like this and get over more. Get a nice girlfriend, paint stuff, make friends who aren't faggots.


the end.


Also listen to Nina Simone.

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You really need to get some self respect. Also maybe stop kidding yourself with this drug dealing shit and find another way to make money. You're clearly young, and not very good at taking care of yourself.



Basically what I"m saying is stop being a faggot.



Take this advice.

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You're retarded.

Once again I quote.




You asked for advice or input.





Have you confused yourself???


i just threw that in there because... because idk.


i wasnt going to add that part but i did anyway.


sounds retarded... because it was for me to add that little bit.





to shai:

i dont 'sling'..


i bought it to smoke.

and to occasionally hit people off if they needed it.


i split it up so it lasts longer.


me+big bag= gone in like 4 hours


little bags make me feel as though i have to conserve, so i smoke less.





KJI: it is dro.

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For real man



Integrity and the game are incompatible



How do you keep integrity while making sure your "friends" spend as much money as possible on something that rots them from the inside and wastes all their money



If you just sold dro you might have a point



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to shai:

i dont 'sling'..


i bought it to smoke.

and to occasionally hit people off if they needed it.


I thought you said you were in business...and "hit people off?" What does that mean? Is there money exchanging hands? Then it's sales...hell, even giving it away is distribution.


i split it up so it lasts longer.


Oh my God...I wish I could be a fly on the wall when the cops find your shit. "Honest guys, I don't sling...I "hit people off" when they "need" it, and I split it up so it will last longer! If I have a big sack I'll smoke it all in four hours! You have to believe me, can't you tell that I have integrity?!"


There are smart drug people and there are dumb drug people. You are clearly one of the latter. You don't have to be a dumb drug person, but judging by the way you take advice from experienced drug people you're probably going to stay that way.


*edit- I'm sure this distinction will be lost on you, but check this out.


You admitted to hanging out with sneak-thieves that know enough about you to be able to steal weed from you. That means if they get rolled up by the cops, they're probably going to drop a dime on you to get out of some shit. Depending on where you live, that might be good enough for the cops to get a warrant and search your house/car/whatever. If you have shit bagged up, that's a sales charge which is an automatic felony.


For someone who knows all this you're sure not covering your angles well.

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Besides, it's not like someone put a gun to your head, laid you down and broke you for all your dope and money. I could understand not wanting to retaliate in that situation if you're the type to get shook...but what really happened is that he probably pinched a couple bags or buds out of your stash when you got up to get a snack or take a piss, proceeded to brag about it to some people he got high with off of your shit, and you're planning to let it slide till he gets paid and then maybe you'll rough him up a bit and get what you think he owes you. Maybe. Because that's "good business" and it shows "integrity" on your end.


Congratulations. You're as big of a coward as he is.

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I was think while walking to the post office (after I replied to this thread) people on an internet forum can see that you are there for the taking. I wonder how obvious it must be to people you meet in real life?


In hindsight I think this guy was right to steal from you. Maybe he should of done it to your face, but you really do seem to be asking for it. I think he probably reacted accordingly. Maybe instead of fighting him you should just buy him some beers.

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Clifnotes on the shit that got edited out:


Turtz went to bathroom.

Turtz came back feeling 10 pounds lighter (floater).

His boy left all quick, no handshake (turtz don't wash hands after shitting, normal).

Turtz noticed a bag of weed missing after dude scurried off.

His thieving boy's girlfriend even admitted dude stole the weed.

Dude deny's it over phone to turtz and suggested washing hands after shitting.

Turtz is now confused as to how to rectify situation and his hand smells like teh poopz.

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I realize I'm being harsh, but I had to grow up around this shit. Literally...I've spent 30+ years with dope in my life in some capacity, either through my parents, my friends or my own usage...I've seen all kinds of bad things happen to all kinds of different people and the one constant over the years that I've noticed is this-


If you're just using drugs, you're exposing yourself to a small but manageable amount of risk...that risk varies considerably depending on what your poison is, how you do it, the company you keep, what you're willing to do to get it, etc. But once you start serving, all bets are off. You are then officially a "bad guy" in the eyes of the law and 90% of society, no matter what you're selling, how much of it or to who. If you don't come to terms with that and make some serious adjustments in your lifestyle...whether it has to do with your drug intake, your day to day business or who you associate with, then you will be fucked. If you can't recognize that and think you're the exception somehow, then you are going to get fucked one way or the other and it's going to be your own damn fault.


Plus, you don't get a pass because you're young or because no one schooled you. When you start making grown up decisions regarding your consciousness and your freedom, it's your responsibility to be informed and to own up to your actions. It's okay to be a chump once in a while if you chalk it up to experience and learn from your mistakes, but whatever you do don't think you're smarter than the game because you will always come out second best.

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turtle, lemme give you some advice. when a custie comes over to buy a bag, the only bag that needs to be out is the one he is purchasing. find out beforehand how much he needs, and weigh it in advance.


dont be one of these fucking tards that thinks its cool to have a big bag of herb out, and pull their nuggets out of it so you can weigh it in front of them. this isnt the safeway deli and dude isnt purchasing chicken strips and jo-jos.

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turtle, lemme give you some advice. when a custie comes over to buy a bag, the only bag that needs to be out is the one he is purchasing. find out beforehand how much he needs, and weigh it in advance.


dont be one of these fucking tards that thinks its cool to have a big bag of herb out, and pull their nuggets out of it so you can weigh it in front of them. this isnt the safeway deli and dude isnt purchasing chicken strips and jo-jos.


In this case, I think a "big bag" is probably no more than a 1/4 or 1/2 oz (going off of the "dawg if my dro ain't dubbed up I can chief it in four hours" comment). It's definitely not jack-move amounts, but to your average suburban teenage-juggalo-cockholster-dimebag customer they're probably scheming like "duhhhhhh...yo I can pinch a couple of nugs and this nigga will never know slarv slarv dode slarv slurp ugggggghh" if the opportunity presents itself.

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Besides, it's not like someone put a gun to your head, laid you down and broke you for all your dope and money. I could understand not wanting to retaliate in that situation if you're the type to get shook...but what really happened is that he probably pinched a couple bags or buds out of your stash when you got up to get a snack or take a piss, proceeded to brag about it to some people he got high with off of your shit, and you're planning to let it slide till he gets paid and then maybe you'll rough him up a bit and get what you think he owes you. Maybe. Because that's "good business" and it shows "integrity" on your end.


Congratulations. You're as big of a coward as he is.




People like Turtz need not apply for this life

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i just got back from a party. my boys ipod got stolen, and throgh deduction, we figured out who it was. when he came back to the the house, we fucked him up royally, ran his pockets, took 200 bucks, took his car keys, found the ipod in his whip, fucked him up some more, pissed on his bed, destroyed his room, split the money, took his beer,and bounced, thats how you do it

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