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i get asked this question a lot and it never ceases to be silly to me.

if you cannot even think of an idea for a day that the two of you can enjoy sharing,

what makes you think that you could ever have any kind of future together?

when i meet someone i really like, i get super excited about showing them my spots and seeing theirs.

when i meet someone i really like, i could spend the entire night on a stoop shooting the shit and drinking beers and still have the best time of my life.

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Agree to meet her at some place. it doesnt really matter where.

Before meeting her, fill your pocket with dry sand. Then meet her and show her a handful of sand


if that doesn't work, try this:



to get a nice look at her. LOOK GIRL (1) again in this view. TALK GIRL (1)

until you get the "...enjoy gifts" response. GIVE ROSE (5), GIVE CANDY (5),

GIVE RING (5) and then DANCE (5). STAND UP and join her on the lit dance floor

for some funky moves. Afterwards return and SIT, LOOK GIRL and she will ask to

get married. Before she leaves you must GIVE MONEY (7) to her or she won't

appear at the chapel later.


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This is an easy question to answer and I have stated this before.



Organise to meet her in a public place.



Get your friends to pull up beside her in a van whilst she is walking to meet you in designated meeting area.



Friends kidnap date and take her to safe house.



Friends beat her a little and maybe stick the tips if their penises in (no full intercourse because then she becomes damaged goods).



*You break into the safe house and kill the kidnappers.

* You pretend to pay over a huge ransom so she thinks you're ballin'



Pull your cock out.



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real talk...

if someone asked me out and i agreed i would want to spend a little time just chatting and getting to know them. i DO NOT want to spend a whole fucking day with someone new or know if i even really like them. that whole romantic all day impress the date deal should come a little later, lets say the 3rd date? just meet her at a bar and you can buy her alcohol all night. 2nd date, you can take her to dinner at a nice restaurant, 3rd date you can go all out. if it's nice and warm where you're at just roll a blunt get some 40's and take her to a spot with a ridiculous view and flirt, then take her home and put it in her butt.

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This is an easy question to answer and I have stated this before.



Organise to meet her in a public place.



Get your friends to pull up beside her in a van whilst she is walking to meet you in designated meeting area.



Friends kidnap date and take her to safe house.



Friends beat her a little and maybe stick the tips if their penises in (no full intercourse because then she becomes damaged goods).



*You break into the safe house and kill the kidnappers.

* You pretend to pay over a huge ransom so she thinks you're ballin'



Pull your cock out.




this is a good plan right here, but lose the part in step five about pretending to pay a ransom.


just go in there and rock some skulls, if you pretend to pay money, she'll think youre a pussy who can fight.

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Take kick boxing lessons together, so in case you end up hating each other, you can beat each other up.


this is actually good conflict resolution with your partner.


the other day my lady and i beat the shit out of each other in a no homo pillowfight.


we both got the joy of getting out our anger, and beating the shit out of each other in a fun way.




talk about a relationship saver.

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Last time I was asked this in real life was a few years ago, by my best friend who was gonna go out on his second date with this girl.


My response was that he should take her to a fairly remote bar and just have a good time over drinks. BUT, I had to come along, and on the way we would pick up my dad, who would pretend to be an old gay hitchhiker that would then attempt to molest me in the back seat of the car, and I would flip out and start kicking and punching him and trying to push him out of the moving vehicle.


We actually carried this plan out fully. They're getting married in December.

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Last time I was asked this in real life was a few years ago, by my best friend who was gonna go out on his second date with this girl.


My response was that he should take her to a fairly remote bar and just have a good time over drinks. BUT, I had to come along, and on the way we would pick up my dad, who would pretend to be an old gay hitchhiker that would then attempt to molest me in the back seat of the car, and I would flip out and start kicking and punching him and trying to push him out of the moving vehicle.


We actually carried this plan out fully. They're getting married in December.



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