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black panther party

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there was a huge BPP presence here in Sacramento back when the party was in full effect...in fact they protested here at the state capitol and arrests were made.


i always loved the BPP breakfast for kids idea.

members of the BPP used to wake up at like 5:30am and cook breakfast for the children of the community to make sure that they were sending the children to school well nourished.


i have dabbled with the idea of creating something similar in underserved communities.

but help for this would be a challenge.


heres some interesting things i found a couple years back when i was researching the sacramento chapter:



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So I joined the Lil' Bobby Hutton Literacy Program today.


It's volunteer tutoring work. I will be teaching kids in my community how to read and write. It is established by the Black Panther Party.



I've been trying to find a local organization that is something similar to this. There are a ton of kids in my neighborhood who don't go to school, can't read or write, and probably sell drugs (at least the ones I talk to do). These kids are like ten years old. I couldn't find an organization that worked out as well as the Bobby Hutton Literacy Program, so I said what the hell do I have to lose.


I have orientation on Monday. They also invited me to their pot luck tomorrow night to get to know some local organizers of the Party.



The BPP in the east bay is mainly Muslim. I am a white non religious female. They probably think I'm nuts...But either way, I feel like this is a good cause. I will let you all know how it goes.



Anyone else have any affiliation with the BPP?










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I'll say it again.



Raped, tortured, shot, left on the railroad tracks.



And to reinstate,










^You forgot to mention the part where it was a "Black Panther initiation ceremony". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Seriously though... provide a credible news link to your aunt being raped and murdered in a "Black Panther initiation ceremony" or


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Who is Major Bullshit and what sort of batallions are in his regement?





Either way I don't think this is a situation where you need to call the military!




ASL is a major general in the army of bullshit.

That nigga already called in the military.

They're looking for WMD in Mexico, as well as links to the BPP raping and murdering his aunt in a Black Panther initiation ceremony. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Remember what I said about going out to dinner at nice restaurants? Take that advice and apply it to this situation and you'll be all right. Here, I'll do it for you-


I don't know, maybe I'm seeing this differently...50's my friend so a) I want her to be happy and b) I figure that she knows what she's doing. Volunteering to do something positive in the community like teaching kids to read is a good thing. And if she wants to pull some trains with older men of color with strange African names and sketchy backgrounds while eating BBQ and throwing black power fists in the air, why should anyone judge her for that? AS LONG AS THE KIDS LEARN HOW TO READ, THAT'S THE IMPORTANT THING.


There sure are some shook-ass closet KKK members on this forum.

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you reached a new low by putting the laughing face in the same post you write about somebodies aunt getting raped. wow. he really needs to prove it to you that it happened? use your brain.




You've reached a new level of stupidity if you honestly believe that this dudes aunt was raped and murdered in a "Black Panther initiation ceremony".

He's fucking lying. He made that shit up out of thin air, and you actually believe him. :lol:


Use YOUR brain.

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the black panther party doesn't rape..

























































..they fist!!









sorry sorry....bad joke....im going to hell.

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"I PICK THE GOD DAMN terror of the fucking gods out of my nose! Pardon my language. But YEEEEEHAW, let the sons of God and man bear witness! Even in the belly of the Thunderbird I've been casting out the False Prohets; I'm busting a gut and blowing my O-ring, and ripe to throw a loaf! For I speak only the fucking Truth, and never in my days have I spoken other than! For my every utterance is a lie, including this very one you hear! I say, `Fuck'em if they can't take a joke!' By God, `Anything for a laugh', I say. I am the last remaining Homo Correctus, I am the god damn Man of the Future! I'll drive a mile so as not to walk a foot; I am a human being of the first god damn water! Yes, I'm the javalina humping junkie that jumped the Men from Mars! I drank the Devil under seven tables, I am too intense to die, I'm insured for acts o' God and Satan! I was shanghaied by bodiless fiends and alien jews from a corporate galaxy, and got away with their hubcaps! I cannot be tracked on radar! I wear nothing uniform, I wear no god damn uniform! Yes baby, I'm 23 feet tall and have 13 rows o' teats; I was suckled by a triceratops, I gave the Anti-Virgin a high-protien tonsil wash! I'm a bacteriological weapon, I armed and loaded! I'm a fission reactor, I fart plutonium, power plants are fueled by the sweat from my brow; when they plug me in, the lights go out in Hong Kong! I weigh 666 pounds in zero gravity, come and get me! I've sired retarded space bastards across the Cosmos, I cook and eat my dead; YAH-HOOOO, I'm the Unshaven Thorn Tree of the Atlantis Zoo! I pay no taxes! The Devil's hands are my ideal playground! I hold the Seven-Bladed Windbreaker; the wheels that turn are behind me; I think backwards! I do it for fun! My imagination is a fucking cancer and I'll pork it before it porks me! The say a godzillion is the highest number there is. Well by God! I count to a godzillion and one! Yes, I'm the purple flower of Hell County, give me wide berth; when I drop my drawers, Mother Nature swoons! I use a python for a prophylactic; I'm thicker, harder and meaner than the Alaskan Pipeline, and carry more spew! I'll freeze your seed before it hits the bathroom tile! YEE! YEEE! I kidnapped the future and ransomed it for the past, I made Time wait up for me to bleed my lizard! My infernal breath wilts the Tree of Life, I left my spoor on the Rock of Ages, who'll tear flesh with me, who'll spill their juice? Who'll gouge with me, whose candle will I fart out? Whoop! I'm ready! So step aside, all you butt-lipped, neurotic, insecure bespectacled slabs o' wimp meat! I'm a Crime Fighting Master Criminal, I am Not Insane! I'm a screamer and a laugher, I make a spectacle of myself, I am a sight! My physical type cannot be classified by science, my `familiar' is a pterodactyl, I feed it dipshits! I communicate without wires or strings! I am a Thuggee, I am feared in the Tongs, I have the Evil Eye, I carry the Mojo Bag; I swam the Bermuda Triangle and didn't get wet! I circumcize dinosaurs with my teeth and make 'em leave a tip; I change tires with my tongue and my tool! Every night I hock up a lunger and extinguish the Sun! I'm the bigfooted devil of Level 14, who'll try to blow me down? I've packed the brownies of the gods, I leak the Plague from my nether parts, opiates are the mass of my religion, I take drugs! Yes, I'm a rip-snorter, I cram coca leaves right into my arm-veins before they're picked off the tree! Space monsters cringe at my tread! I wipe the Pyramides off my shoes before I enter my house. I'm fuel-injected, I'll live forever and remember it afterwords! I'm immune! I'm radioactive! Come on and give me cancer, I'll spit up the tumor and butter my bread with the juice! I'm supernatural, I bend crowbars with my meat ax and a thought! My droppings bore through the earth and erupt volcanoes in China! Yes, I can drink more wine and stay soberer than all the heathen Hindoos in Asia! YEEE HAW! Gut Blowout! I am a Moray Eel, I am a Komodo Dragon, I am the Killer Whale bereft of its pup! I have a triple backbone, I was sired by the Wolf Man, give me all your Slack! I told Jesus I wouldn't go to church and He shook my hand! I have my own personal saviors, I change 'em every hour, I don't give a fuck if there's life after death, I want to know if there's even any fucking Slack after death! I am a god damn visionary, I see the future and the past in comic books and wine bottles; I eat black holes for breakfast! I bend my genes and whittle my DNA with the sheer force of my mighty will! I steer my own god damn evolution! I ran 'em out of Heaven and sold it to Hell for a profit! I'm enlightened, I achieved `Nirvana' and took it home with me. Yip, yip, YEEEEEEE! I'm so ugly the Speed of Light can't slow me down and Gravity won't tug at my cuffs! When the Rapture comes, I'll make 'em wait! They'll never clean my cage! Now give me some more of..."

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I met Boby Seale a couple of months ago. He was a really rad guy, it was nice hearing from someone who has been through what he went through, and letting you know that all the shit you're doing in your community isn't going to waste


Fuck all you honky mother fuckers.

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Guest spectr

Dam 50 props. Though I do have to say that I am not so down with the new BPP. They do some great stuff in the community but I fell that the whole black muslim thing overwhelms everything that they do. I used to go kick it at some of the meetings they would have and know a few of them. I still am good friends with a bunch of original members around the east bay, in general those guys are on point and doing much more in the community then the new bpp does.

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Whatever opinion you may have on the BPP that's fine. Whether or not thy're good people is up for debate


The NEW Black Panther Party or NBPP openly preach for the genocide of white people. I'll put a bullet in any one of those muthafuckas given the chance. Same goes for any of you supporting em

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Whatever opinion you may have on the BPP that's fine. Whether or not thy're good people is up for debate


The NEW Black Panther Party or NBPP openly preach for the genocide of white people. I'll put a bullet in any one of those muthafuckas given the chance. Same goes for any of you supporting em



I supported them until seeing this post and thus no longer support them.

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Seriously though the NBPP should've gotten their own name because they are tarnishing the name of the orignally BPP. Although technically it's a different name with an updated logo, people still seem to lump them altogether.


The original BPP grew up during a time when institutionalized white racism was actually a real problem, & police brutality against innocent blacks was more of an epidemic than it is today. The BPP never talked about eradicating whites, they were just there to act as a police force to patrol their own neighborhoods against the police or white hate groups. They had programs to feed poor children, make sure kids went to school, etc.


The NBPP today is on some other shit, often preaching hate. Many are also Muslims that change their names to Arabic or African names. The original BPP generally were not Muslims and kept their "American" European names.

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if she was trying to get initiated how was the sex not consentual? theres your problem...


and wheres that photo of the bitch with the sign saying "30 percent of female homicides are caused by husbands or boyfriends" and then "30 percent of women should have shut the fuck up?"

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