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Is 'no homo' THAT necessary?


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Jesus Christ LUGR, fucking no homo all that shit man.

That's all from the forum trying to turn this,



into this



So if you have time to kill and ink to waste....fuck those teen misc faggots up.


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hey dao...









My man... this is like the third post I've read of yours within minutes that is begging to be negapropped.

And I have some serious negaprop hammers to dish out. Just ask anyone on here who's mad at me.

The only thing that stops me is the fact that i keep vaguely thinking that there's some reason why you're cool and I should fall back, but I can't pinpoint off the top of my head what that reason is.


Please tell me you don't dress in tight pants and smedium shirts.

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My man... this is like the third post I've read of yours within minutes that is begging to be negapropped.

And I have some serious negaprop hammers.

The only thing that stops me is the fact that i keep vaguely thinking that there's some reason why you're cool and I shoud fall back, but I can't pinpoint off the top of my head what that reason is.


Please tell me you don't dress in tight pants and smedium shirts.


I was attempting to rally support so the 12 doesn't get owned by the bodybuilding scene(the screen cap and links) on drawball. Don't take my posts in this thread so personal.


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Perfect example.



"Some argue that this implies latent homosexuality on the speakers part and possibly some degree of homophobia, as the speakers worst fear is to have someone pick up any amount of homoeroticism and call him on it. Insulting the speaker and shooting him down for it will cause him to act aggressively, possibly developing a stronger hostility towards homosexuals. Therefore whenever you hear someone use this term, your duty is to call them on their faggotry and henceforth contribute something positive to society.


Others say there is a no intention of homophobia and it's simply used for 'clarification purposes'. That it's simply an expression and no-one should be offended, as it's not meant to hurt any person specifically. This is retarded and any person using this defense should be ousted as a queer by you and all your friends.


Women use 'no homo' as well but no one cares what they have to say."



Where did you find this quote?

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mike:i love sucking cock.


randy:the fuck?!..my nigga, your a fuckin faggot. stay away from me.


mike:i love suckin cock, no homo.


randy:thats more like it..you had a nigga scared for a minute!



^^^how it works.




i went to the footlocker


asked the sales dood


if they looked good


then said no homo


he said they looked cool


and ended with


no homo


class dismissed

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