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starving children vs. upscale dining???

Guest 50million

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Guest 50million
I guess I'm just old school in this regard, but I personally get really offended if a girl tries to pay. You want to offer once that's nice of you and all, but when I tell you I got it just smile and say "Thank you".


After you've been together for awhile if the girl wants to take me out for something specific and pay that's OK every once in awhile, but other than that please keep your money in your purse


ill pay for a few things at first, but after that, ill make him pay for everything :D




so here is a little bit more about the restaurant:





(i love anthony bourdain...)


i fucking hate caviar and i dont own any clothes that will meet dress code. but i decided im going. im going to have a 12 course, 4 hour, expensive ass meal. i probably would rather have bacon wrapped meat loaf from a pub, but im down to try anything.



i guess i should go look for a dress. damnit bf, i wish you lived here. i like your steez girl.

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I guess I'm just old school in this regard, but I personally get really offended if a girl tries to pay. You want to offer once that's nice of you and all, but when I tell you I got it just smile and say "Thank you".


After you've been together for awhile if the girl wants to take me out for something specific and pay that's OK every once in awhile, but other than that please keep your money in your purse



i used to be on the let me pay for it tip but these days it seriously melts me to be taken care of.

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I am not being all "high and mighty" because I think people should donate to charities.


If you are a tax-paying citizen, then you are not losing anything by donating to charity.

It's all tax deductible.


I understand people have their own families to support and their own lifestyle to support.


It's not as if I am living in some hippie commune and sewing all my own clothes, growing my own food, and not concerned with possessions.

I go shopping more than I probably should.

I do stupid things like buy a $75 fitted hat because I think it's funny and then wear it less than five times.

I buy high heeled shoes and wear them once and then leave them in my closet to look at once a week and think about wearing and then decide to wear sneakers.

I have a cabinet for accessories.

Not a jewelry box...a 8 drawered, 2-foot tall cabinet full of flashy accessories.

Still, I find myself not being satisfied with just that and buying more each weekend.


I'm not saying that I think I am better than anyone else because I donate to charities.

I was just saying that it is something simple that anyone can do and it not break the bank and leave them having to eat Ramen for the rest of the month.


and hayabusa, sponsoring one Nigerian kid does help.

It helps her live a life where she can attend school and eat something more than dirt cookies.

Just like making a one-time donation to provide vaccines to 10 children helps..it helps those 10 children not get diseases that can be prevented.


My mom always told me,

"No individual raindrop considers itself responsible for the flood"

That works both for the good and the bad.

Small things add up if enough small things happen.



50mil--If you end up going and are comfortable with it...you should really take pics.

I am more interested in seeing how fancy dishes are presented more than being concerned with wanting to actually taste it.

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BF, you don't sound too high and mighty, but your husband certainly does


I work for the government...so I do have a decent paying job.


I dont care about material goods

I make most of my own shit or trade with people

My money goes towards food that we dont grow ourselves, bills, and I do also go on vacations and travel. Just not over prices spending spree vacations. I do it real and see what the people see, eat what the people eat.


I dont need a high class chef to give me food

3 dollar kebab stands, decent conversations, laughs, and good friends give me happiness.


I dont need a expensive car, I can afford one..but I would rather ride my bike cause I enjoy being outdoors


I help out all I can, give money to starving african kids, volunteer around work and in the community.

You need to change your attitude about success

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Finer things in life? Dude, Life is the finer thing.

Fuck material goods, what the hell does it get you? Can your 56in plasma tv give you a hug?


You seem to really like your Wii and your computer, don't you?


Like I said before, it's cool if giving to charity makes you happy, but I don't care to do it.


Maybe a big TV and expensive food doesn't make you happy, but don't tell me it won't brighten my day

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I'd rather give my $ directly to a homeless bum or something. Sure, it's likely that he'll put it towards a bottle of something, but I know where my $ went and he has the additional benefit of knowing someone actually gives a shit. Or, if I leave a restaurant with leftovers, I'll give that knowing it will likely be eaten. When you give to a charity, how do you know that all of that $ is going to a child, versus covering other expenses such as employee salary or printing brochures to raise awareness? It's also hard for me to give to a charity for another country when we have fucked up situations in our own that need fixing. If I'm in another country and see someone begging, I'll give them my $ though.

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I give to hobos that I see, as well.

I did it more often back in Austin because there were more and they spoke the same language as I did, plus I was still drinking and I knew that I could give a dude on the street five bucks and I would still be drunk by the end of the night and still pass out in my own bed and wake up and eat breakfast and be alright.


I get the whole "things are fucked up in my own country, so other countries can fend for themselves" idea.

And sure, there are kids in America without proper food or medical care...but the basic level of living is different.

At least in America kids don't have to worry about getting sold into slavery, not having clean water to drink, or dying from diseases like Polio.

I mean shit, there was a vaccine for Polio that was available for free in America in the late 50's..it is still available for free in America..but there are kids dying from it in India and Nigeria.

It's just ridiculous to me.


But whatever.

There ain't a damn thing anyone can say to me that is going to make me feel bad for having blind compassion for the faceless masses.


There are TONS of non-profit organizations that 100% of your donations go exactly where you want them to go and not to workers

Most non-profit charities are given federal grants to pay for the salaries of employees and all of that stuff.

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I'd rather give my $ directly to a homeless bum or something. Sure, it's likely that he'll put it towards a bottle of something, but I know where my $ went and he has the additional benefit of knowing someone actually gives a shit. Or, if I leave a restaurant with leftovers, I'll give that knowing it will likely be eaten. When you give to a charity, how do you know that all of that $ is going to a child, versus covering other expenses such as employee salary or printing brochures to raise awareness? It's also hard for me to give to a charity for another country when we have fucked up situations in our own that need fixing. If I'm in another country and see someone begging, I'll give them my $ though.




Thank you. I'll give money to any number of homeless addicts / drunks before I start sending it off to Africa.


I don't mind if the dude uses it to pick up another bag of heroin, or whatever. At least he'll feel better for a little while, and he could have been me 5 years ago.



My problem with Africa in particular is that the whole of the continent seems to have been endlessly starving to death and fucking and overpopulating for a long time.... Long enough that "Eat your dinner son, there are children starving in Africa" has been a cultural meme for god knows how long in the US.


I'm all for helping people out after a disaster, earthquake, etc... but fuck an entire region of the world that seems to consistently be failing at life for decades.

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not putting out for dudes you really like is the ill power move.

this guy who i really like is playing me really close right now but i am in no hurry to do anything about it.

the buildup is key.



until he finds out that Glenn with the beard and flannel hit that the first night, and Jamal with the ill colourway Jordans hit it without even knowing your name. then you get kicked to the curb for making him wait.



50, this is all depending on how much you'd enjoy the dinner.

The website sold me.


If someone had playoff Leaf tickets and offered to sell me one, I would do what I can to go, even if it meant KD for dinner for the next month, because I've always wanted to go to one.


Don't go if you'd rather buy clothes. And stop being Catholic!

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you should def NOT take pictures

this isnt a tour through manhattan

its a luxurious upscale restaurant cmon


and to set the record straight, sushi is regular food

growing up i used to think spending money on shit like clothes, and eating out

was like ridiculously ballin and a half. then i GREW UP and attained a beter grasp of

what a dollar can get you in this country and how elusive money really is.

I am from the inner city. Some would say the "ghetto" kids from the way in jail all stabbed up, my neighborhood gentrified to high hell,

my block is actually one of the last existing spots to cop coke on the ave.

(in case niggas want to doubt my credentials).

HOWEVER acting like a NIGGER has nothing to do with bieng hood.

DAO likes to come on here and shuck and jive and think that by acting a complete fool it solidifies how "ghetto" or "authentic" he is.

NO my nigga your ability to improvise and maintain and overcome obstacles is the virtue in growing up in the hood.

not acting like a closed minded asshole.


so please ouncers when dao acts this way and talks about pants tight or not dont think this is acting hood.

Its just him striving for his eprops.

And ironically the whole hood is now into tight pants, and ed hardy styled tight shirts.

go figuere.

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I'm pretty serious about my world politics and actually do a small bit of work for some non profits (nothing glamourous).


Why dont you seriously suggest cooking with/for your friend and puting the money towards a charity you like. The smallest percentage of funds going towards real use by a major charity is 80 percent. Having said that I know so many people who've volunteered in africa and have rocked up to be met with excessive living conditions for volunteers.


You just need to check out who you donate to. And more importantly, be aware of the rest of the world.


Sorry but fuck you people saying fuck starving children. It's only pot luck that's not you fools.

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You seem to really like your Wii and your computer, don't you?


Like I said before, it's cool if giving to charity makes you happy, but I don't care to do it.


Maybe a big TV and expensive food doesn't make you happy, but don't tell me it won't brighten my day



I am not high and mighty, I just think that everyone should do a little if you can afford it.

Spending shit loads of money on something that only last minutes is kind of dumb

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On the sushi tip, I'm gunna half defend DAO


The people I grew up with, and the guys I still regularly chill with, have all probably never had or dislike sushi. I can see how someone would think sushi isn't regular food.


However, since I mostly hang out with girls from a better upbringing than my own, I do understand that alot of people eat the shit for some reason

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your not going to get your message cross this way tho

if people are on that level of giving they are

if people arent then they arent

your not going to change that

my girl came from a upper midle class bckground

and she was pretty open minded and considered herself

to be like bohemian and whatever the fuck.

when it came down to it tho she had no real sense of a dollar

blew her money on 20$ under shirts from american apparel

and was quick to cop the newest blackberry when sk;s got played out.

it bugged me and id try to explain to her the whoel u know niggas is broke in the world

hold onto your money a little more maturely it came off as nagging.

no one cares how many miles you walked in the snow to school bro until they do it themselves

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not putting out for dudes you really like is the ill power move.

this guy who i really like is playing me really close right now but i am in no hurry to do anything about it.

the buildup is key.


Sorry, I'm all for being playful but this is just silly. Normally as soon as I see a girl is doing this, I forget about her and she winds up looking confused. It weeds out a lot of silly and immature women to be frank with you.

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On the sushi tip, I'm gunna half defend DAO


The people I grew up with, and the guys I still regularly chill with, have all probably never had or dislike sushi. I can see how someone would think sushi isn't regular food.


However, since I mostly hang out with girls from a better upbringing than my own, I do understand that alot of people eat the shit for some reason


theres alot of misconceptions about it

sushi is actually cooked

and alot of niggas in the hood think its raw

which is known as sashimi. the thing is low income heads

dont really venture outside of their mindsets. We already are

programmed to have shitty diets as is.

25c cakes and waters for lunch, chinese food every night for dinner

god knows if niggas ever had breakfast or touched a fruit.

soda replaces water. One day however my boy almost got colon cancer.

now this nigga was big . 300+ i seen him he was skinnier than me.

thats when he put me on to lean meats, vegetables fruits, and grains.

shit really changed my life to be honest with you but thats beside the point.

i meant its normal food in the sense that niggas and im talking about adults

will spend 50$ really fast on all kinds of retarded shit. 50$ is pretty much a meal

at a sushi spot for 2 people. Monetarily speaking its average shit to eat now background is a different story.

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I used to make sushi every morning when I worked at a restaurant, shit just doesn't appeal to me. At least I've tried it though, I know 100's of people that would immediately be like "AW HELL NAW NIGGA, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME WIT DAT SHIT B"


Fuck it though, who cares

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I used to make sushi every morning when I worked at a restaurant, shit just doesn't appeal to me. At least I've tried it though, I know 100's of people that would immediately be like "AW HELL NAW NIGGA, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME WIT DAT SHIT B"


Fuck it though, who cares


lmao def.

the wildest one i ever heard was

"chill son vegetables make me throw up i cant eat dem shits"

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I used to make sushi every morning when I worked at a restaurant, shit just doesn't appeal to me. At least I've tried it though, I know 100's of people that would immediately be like "AW HELL NAW NIGGA, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME WIT DAT SHIT B"


Fuck it though, who cares


sushi great for eating

better as bait



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My best friend is Dominican, that muthafucka won't eat at least half the shit I make. He straight up eats around the mushrooms in my chicken alfredo


I also tried to get him to eat seafood a bunch of times, and finally succeeded with some grilled scallops. I felt bad because he puked the shit up like 5 seconds after swallowing haha

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wut? dude you went to talking about sushi to cancer...weird


i was getting at how peoples environements in the

city adversely affect their lives and decisions to the

point that alot of them can not even keep an open mind to even

TRY something..like sushi. Emphasizing my point by explaining how

niggas get trapped in their ignorance until they almost die or die.

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your not going to get your message cross this way tho

if people are on that level of giving they are

if people arent then they arent

your not going to change that

my girl came from a upper midle class bckground

and she was pretty open minded and considered herself

to be like bohemian and whatever the fuck.

when it came down to it tho she had no real sense of a dollar

blew her money on 20$ under shirts from american apparel

and was quick to cop the newest blackberry when sk;s got played out.

it bugged me and id try to explain to her the whoel u know niggas is broke in the world

hold onto your money a little more maturely it came off as nagging.

no one cares how many miles you walked in the snow to school bro until they do it themselves


I think if you travel and see poverty first hand, you become interested in helping and appreciate what you have. I never really thought about it before that. I dont really know what it is to be bohemian or whatever. Frankly if I met someone who actually called themselves a bohemian I'd probally call them a faggot. I'm just saying people are silly to think they are all that different from anyone in country that isnt developed because its just not true. Maybe people seperate themselves mentally because its easier than looking at problems. Alot of people are just poorly educated and ignorant.

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My best friend is Dominican, that muthafucka won't eat at least half the shit I make. He straight up eats around the mushrooms in my chicken alfredo


I also tried to get him to eat seafood a bunch of times, and finally succeeded with some grilled scallops. I felt bad because he puked the shit up like 5 seconds after swallowing haha



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I think if you travel and see poverty first hand, you become interested in helping and appreciate what you have. I never really thought about it before that.


^thats my point

until you experience poverty it doesnt mean anything to most people

so i think droning on about feeding the children is redundant

i went that route doesnt work.

and i always found it crazy pretentious how like

white people always want to like join

the peace corps and help disparaged people in exotic countries

and i think to myself

just goes to show how discconected you are

like you had to travel to experience poverty?

and if your that interested in bieng compassionate like you have

to go to guatemala to do so? god forbid you DRIVE to the other side of town and give a nigga a sandwhich or something.

and before you all hit me with the


then chill im clearly not talking about you

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25c cakes and waters for lunch, chinese food every night for dinner

god knows if niggas ever had breakfast or touched a fruit.

soda replaces water.

Hell yeah mo get those chicken wings in bulk... I might hit kennedys early today son.... Shit breathing the air around my way will probably give a nigga cancer..

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