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one order of ACID TRIP please!


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acid is the most memorable drug experience out of everything i've ever taken. more crazy and stupid (fun) shit has happened on that shit, to where i actually enjoy telling some of the stories about the trips than any other drug...cheapest shit too. white blotter 4 life!

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This is a dope photo.


yeah thats white blotter.. i took it at 12 midnight, had to work at 7, was still tripping on my 45 minute drive to work, and still kept going till about noon. felt weird till about 4pm. worked and everything. thats an experience, answering questions from dumb customers bugging out

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Took mushrooms monday night. rode bikes to ocean beach through golden gate. once we got to ocean beach it was wind blown and nobody had walked on it much. i spent an hour slowly walking around on the rippled sand and watching the foamy waves come in. lost my mind on a lunar landscape.


doing exactly all i did that night was exactly what i wanted my first mushroom experience to be since the many years ago i last did it.

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thats good to finally hear someone had a good mushroom trip, every time i;ve taken them besides 1, i've had terrible times. the best time was when i put 10 grams on a celeste microwave pizza and watched soul plane on repeat for about 10 hours with my head on teh floor and my legs on the couch. kept farting too. mushrooms...BOOOOOOO

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Acid is without a doubt my favorite drug of all time. Even though I don't do drugs anymore I've always said if I come across any I will buy as much as I can, because that shit is rare as fuck now a days and I need it in my life.


Here's a pic of me from the 90's with a hit on my tongue...



I'm sure it will end up in DAO's revenge folder and be used to slay me some time in the near future. :lol:

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Acid is without a doubt my favorite drug of all time. Even though I don't do drugs anymore I've always said if I come across any I will buy as much as I can, because that shit is rare as fuck now a days and I need it in my life.


Here's a pic of me from the 90's with a hit on my tongue...



Footloose23.jpg kevin ??? /no dis

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you guys are morons doing drug trafficking over an internet forum

come on


he clearly put the suspicious cool guy sunglasses smiley indicating he was NOT going to give me a paypal donation. :cool:


you mad coz i'm not hooking you up with my crazy australian dingo acid? :lol:

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