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----->>>GUINNESS Appreciation Thread<<<-------


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Guiness is great. One of the less caloric beers out there too.

Went to Ireland for three weeks a few years ago. Drank Guiness tough every day. By like the 3rd day my shits had turned black. Rowdy business.

I had a murphy's yesterday. Prefer Guiness.


And then when I came back I was all elitist about my Guiness taste since they are serious business about it there.

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i've had it a few times. its good but not something i drink on the regular, especially becuase i can't get drunk off it beforei get full off it. i maybe drink it on a irish "holiday" if im feeling saucey/festive enough.

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yeah ive heard of people making them with really crappy sweet girl cider's though like Woodchuck.


what kinda cider would you recommend?

im not super huge on the stuff but seems like it would be good, how would Strongbow be?



I only drink Woodchuck for the pear, and that's because pear cider is a little harder to find. I dunno, Woodpecker?

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kopparberg mixed berries cider is good to mix it with, they do pear, peach and apple cider aswell. its swedish i think... fancy stuff but tastes nice. bit of a bitch drink on its own but in fairness the mixed berries is like 6% so its not too bad!


Guinness is an aquired taste tho. every real man in ireland drinks guinness( no joke)

When you go to the pub in ireland it almost rude if you dont drink guinness. haha

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That's all that was ever in my house growin up (mick), which is why I am preferential to it. I find it compliments any kind of barbecue well and have used it occasionally to add some flavor to marinade.


And I am personally fond of Jameson Whiskey, hell my younger brother is named Jamison hahah fuckin alcoholic parents.


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