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coping a apple mac book


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$2800 for a laptop that isn't even good for gaming

sure you can put every adobe product on it, but fuck that









Macs are for high productivity work like graphics, audio, and digital video



Some people use computers for work and could give a fuck about games when it cuts your render time in half


but I wouldn't fuck with those new intel chips

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Macs are for high productivity work like graphics, audio, and digital video



Some people use computers for work and could give a fuck about games when it cuts your render time in half



You do realize that PCs and Macs use the same fucking processors and chipsets now, right?

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once you go mac...you never, ever...EVER! go back.


Untrue. I kicked my mac to the curb 3 years ago. Fuck that pinwheel shit, and really, you can get a whole lot more machine for the money, if you're inclined to spend money.


oh, and so many lawls on this thread, I'm happy I logged on today.

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hey you know what you should buy?



































a PC.


Better, cheaper, upgradable, not SHITTY AND SLOW



ASUS nigga

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Macs are for high productivity work like graphics, audio, and digital video



Some people use computers for work and could give a fuck about games when it cuts your render time in half


but I wouldn't fuck with those new intel chips


Too bad a PC laptop or desktop for the same price BLOWS THE MAC out of the water

PC's have better graphics, audio, and digital video usability due to upgradeable graphics, audio, and digital video chips.












Linux is dope too

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Oh, PCs don't freeze, huh?


I can do work on both, but i've had macs for about 4 years and honestly can't remember the last time my computer froze or crashed while running high end video or photography programs. I definitely can't say the same for when i was working with similar programs on PC.


In all honesty though, the PC vs Mac debate is a waste of time. Its a personal preference. Just because you hate one or the other doesn't mean it isn't the perfect computer for someone else. Get over it.

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i know very little about the technical components of macs vs. pc's, but macs stock programs are heads and tails better than most things i've seen that are free/entry level on pcs (let alone the fact they come free).







i have also had waaay more problems with crashing/programs not responding/ etc. with my old pc than i do with my macbook.

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I just upgraded to a tower/monitor system from my old laptop.

Thought about going mac since I used to have one and have access to free adobe CS4 for mac but their prices are just retarded.

I figured out for the same money I could upgrade to CS4 and get athe same performance with PC and still save a good chunk of money on top of that.

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if you don't do pro audio or video you don't need a mac


I wouldn't get one of these mac book g4 overpriced things when you could get a decked out lenovo or vaio... But if you do video or audio you pretty much need to have a mac to be industry standard... And even audio studio PCs are catching up


If you just check email and fuck with photoshop here and there, surf the web, buying mac is a huge waste of money

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I worked at a professional recording studio for a while (unpaid intern, thought it would be cool to learn) and they were running a Protools rig on custom PC hardware. At that level it doesn't matter at all if a PC or Mac is being used as long as proper sound hardware is installed. http://www.digidesign.com/index.cfm?langid=100&navid=62&itemid=34329



The reputation Macs have for being important for pro audio / video dates waaaaay back to the early 90s and simply hasn't been true for a very long time. If they get used in those industries more often it is only out of tradition and preference of the users rather than any kind of real performance advantage.

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I worked at a professional recording studio for a while (unpaid intern, thought it would be cool to learn) and they were running a Protools rig on custom PC hardware. At that level it doesn't matter at all if a PC or Mac is being used as long as proper sound hardware is installed. http://www.digidesign.com/index.cfm?langid=100&navid=62&itemid=34329



The reputation Macs have for being important for pro audio / video dates waaaaay back to the early 90s and simply hasn't been true for a very long time. If they get used in those industries more often it is only out of tradition and preference of the users rather than any kind of real performance advantage.




A lot of audio / video production studios don't like dealing with having to have someone to specifically customize all their hardware... And it's definitely not just tradition that they choose mac. It's a lot easier to buy a g5 tower with a top notch interface as opposed to buying a windows box, then making sure you have platinum sheilded ram for latency issues and things of that nature.



I'm glad you did an internship this one time with a studio that uses PC, but I am sure I have worked in far more than that, both audio and video. I've built studios from the ground up, been a rep for literally every audio company under the sun, and the city I live in has more studios per square foot than any other city in the world.


So yeah, some more amateur studios use pc's

I never said you couldn't

But for you to say it's "tradition" is really uninformed




As for video, once again you can use PC, but you have to get quad processors to even approach what can be done on a mac. And I hope you don't have a tight deadline, because the render time is really going to suck.


Macs are even more critical for video than audio, once again the majority of professionals want something that will get tbs job done out the box, and are willing to pay the higher price for that.


And let's not even get into why having a more stable OS is critical






Sorry dude, buy you working an unpaid internship doesn't really match up to the 13 years I have been working in studios, as well as my degree in digital video

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Oh, PCs don't freeze, huh?


I can do work on both, but i've had macs for about 4 years and honestly can't remember the last time my computer froze or crashed while running high end video or photography programs. I definitely can't say the same for when i was working with similar programs on PC.


In all honesty though, the PC vs Mac debate is a waste of time. Its a personal preference. Just because you hate one or the other doesn't mean it isn't the perfect computer for someone else. Get over it.


If you have a GOOD laptop or custom-built GOOD pc, and a decent amount of ram and good processors, it won't freeze at all or as much as a shit emachine or w/e

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dude, you have to have a really high end PC customized to do the same video work a mac does out the box



Some people are willing to drop extra to accomplish this

Not everyone wants to deal with these customization issues PCs have

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A quad core xeon is a quad core xeon no matter the system it's installed in.... if it's a PC it might be a six core. But you're right, the out of box factor is a major issue in any industry, and is probably reason enough for production houses that have been running on Macs to stay that way.

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The mac os is far more stable

That's a major selling point

If you have processor errors while rendering, even If they are non system fatal it still screws up your work. These aren't the processor errors that crash your machine, but they will screw a render up

This is why mac is standard over all - the same hardware running osx vs pc will always be more stable and have far less errors running mac. This is why macs can do HD video rendering with only 2 gigs ram and a standard video card

Try doing the same on a pc, you'll change your tune


But for the record the new intel g4 chipsets are pure garbage

I would never run an intel osx box


PPC is far more stable







But I'm not some mac dude. I would never reccommend a mac for consumer level. I use my PC far more than I do my mac, but there's just a lot of shit the mac os handles better. I hate the way macs are marketed, the retarded restrictions Steve jobs puts on things, and how they have used the iPod as a jumpoff to break into the consumer market and moved away from their pro base. I wouldn't reccommend a mac to anyone who didn't need it, but from a pro user level I speak with probably more authority on this matter than anyone on this board since I have been doing AV work since high school and I'm pushing 30 now

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Oh shit.


Just read this page and your posts Kim.


You got this shit straight, I understand pros. need that stability for serious shit.


MAJORITY of consumers don't need them.



When they buy them, they tend to be faggot ass hipster mac fanboys.

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