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white people of the oontz


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i have.

i did it after being called a "stupid ass cracker",

i called her a fat ingnorant nigger whore.


then she got all uppity,

and started swaying her finger around

while saying over and over "LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING WHITEBOY"


it was obvious that she had nothing else to say.


then i went and got a fucking slurpee.


fuck yeah.



Doesn't count. You gotta say it out of the blue unprovoked to a black MALE like you do on here. Not harmless fat black bitches. :lol:

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i honestly dont even know what i would do if a white person ever called me a nigger to my face.


i cant even imagine it happening.


usually when i see white people(on the train mostly) there all shook up and spooked probably thinking im going to rob them.(unless their cops)




This post reminds me of that story you made up about how some white dude supposedly called you a nigger on the bus and you beat his ass.

I guess you forgot about that, huh.

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Doesn't count. You gotta say it out of the blue unprovoked to a black MALE like you do on here. Not harmless fat black bitches. :lol:


I'll bet it was just some little girl.

There's nothing "harmless" about fat black bitches. Some of them have man-muscles and can scrap like dudes and have absolutely no hesitation swinging on you like as if they were a dude.

Twinky's scrawny ass woulda got served if this was a full grown black chick.

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I wanna see some of you who drop this word all the time say it around some black folk..


Seriously I do.


A lot of Mexican kids use that shit in L.A., even a lot them don't really like black people.


Boggles the mind.

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I grew up in suburban ass orange county ... behind the Orange curtain so to speak.

It was rare to have black classmates. As well one of my aunts would kick some ass if she ever heard anyone in the family using slurs.

So I have a profound hate for that word, as well as any other slur.


Two years ago I moved two of my cousins from CHI-Town out here. I was floored with how casually they said shit that made my skin crawl. After these two years they have almost completely stopped using shit like that. One of them is such a Wigger too ... it never made any sense to me.

I wonder if being close (10 - 15 minute drive) to south side and the fear that area puts in white people had a negative effect drawing that kind of behavior out of these kids.

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