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and now i will shit all over explosions in the sky...


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first off, this is a band that i am not extremely familiar with, but ive got a couple friends that like them, so i've heard enough to develop an opinion. from what i had heard, they were decent, though quite melodramatic, and sounded like they ripped off neurosis a little too much. whatever though, i can live with all that. what i heard recently though, is what made me decide that these dudes are a bunch of faggots who take themselves waaay too seriously. my boy just saw them the other night in rhode island. after they were finished playing a set that was under 2 hours, the crowd was cheering for an encore, when these jackoffs came back on stage and said something to the effect of "we are drained from playing out the set. we've given you all we can give and cant bring ourselves to do an encore." are you fucking kidding me????? an under 2 hour set and these fucks have to nerve to act like they are emotionally exhausted from performing? talk about the melodrama carrying over from the music to these corny motherfuckers persona. i heard that and wanted to puke. i mean, i used to go see bands that would play IMPROVISED music for hours upon hours. one time i saw one band play from sunset well into sunrise all night, completely improvised, and they ended it all with a great big "thank you!" after hearing about explosions in the take ourselves too seriously whine like a bunch of queers after playing for under a couple hours, i couldnt help but make the comparison. these fucks get the eternal thumbs down from here on out.




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Not doing an encore- not a big deal. Slightly disappointing but I'd forget about it in a week.


Not doing an encore then coming out and telling me that you're not going to do an encore after a two hour set- I never pay to see you again and I bootleg your album and t-shirts at your shows.


I grew up going to Grateful Dead concerts. Some of them lasted a good five hours. Two sets and an encore. All improvised, with no formal set list. By a bunch of aging hippies, one of whom was morbidly obese with a fierce dope habit.


Neurosis is one band that has never failed to deliver the goods.

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I grew up going to Grateful Dead concerts. Some of them lasted a good five hours. Two sets and an encore. All improvised, with no formal set list. By a bunch of aging hippies, one of whom was morbidly obese with a fierce dope habit.



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one of my best friends is a very serious dead head.

he did 5 years or so of touring with the band. really into it.

he has like 200 shows recorded. each of some obnoxious nature like 5 hours...


seriously folks, improvised set means you're watching them practice. and as none of them are outstanding musicians you're not going to see anything that impressive. thats rad if you're fucking racked out of your mind on drugs, but you're making a big deal out of shitty musicians making shitty music for less time???


you should be thanking them for cutting it short.

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jam band music is definitely an acquired taste, but to dismiss bands like the grateful dead and phish by saying that improvising on stage is nothing more than listening to them practice and isnt worth hearing at the show to me is just silly. the reality of it is you really cant get a grasp on what the dead and the phish were able to do with their live shows if you never saw them.


...and as far as that kind of music only being good if you're on drugs, that's pure hogwash. some of the best shows i'd seen from both bands i was stone cold sober for.



and im not trying to make this into a improvised music vs. non improvised music thread, but i felt the comparison was necessary after hearing what these corny motherfuckers acted like when asked for an encore.

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jam band music is definitely an acquired taste, but to dismiss bands like the grateful dead and phish by saying that improvising on stage is nothing more than listening to them practice and isnt worth hearing at the show to me is just silly. the reality of it is you really cant get a grasp on what the dead and the phish were able to do with their live shows if you never saw them.


...and as far as that kind of music only being good if you're on drugs, that's pure hogwash. some of the best shows i'd seen from both bands i was stone cold sober for.



and im not trying to make this into a improvised music vs. non improvised music thread, but i felt the comparison was necessary after hearing what these corny motherfuckers acted like when asked for an encore.


I think every time I saw Phish (about ten times) I was more or less sober.


The Dead...well, the truth is that anyone who goes to a concert and takes so many drugs that he can't remember it is a fool.


And I have been that fool on several occasions.


The Dead and Phish are definitely bands that trigger strong reactions in people one way or the other. I grew up listening to the Dead, so I have a way different take on it than most people. I like them because I learned a lot about music from listening to them, but my tastes have evolved...I listen to punk and metal mostly nowadays, but I still love my bluegrass and folk.


Also, I never listened to either of them much outside of live shows, so I can cosign the "you had to be there" sentiment.


However, I don't have much patience for these new school jam bands. They all sound the same to me. Kind of hokey and derivative.

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i can understand not wanting to sit through 2 hours+ of music, (even though i love shows that last forever) it's the fact that these dudes could be so self absorbed that they would say some corny ass shit like that. i mean that shit is just so smug to me that i could never take them or their music seriously ever again. like i said with the music being melodramatic enough, the attitude that apparently goes with it makes for a real lousy vibe.

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