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Breaking Bad


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Is that kid on Breaking Bad really a crippled tard?


I just started watching Breaking Bad and was wondering if that crippled tard on the show really is a crippled tard, or just acting like a crippled tard. if it really is a crippled tard and he's able to act in the show (like Corky, in "Life Goes On"), then bravo. but if it's a real kid playing a crippled tard, then he's on some Tom Hanks sh1t and deserves an academy award.



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just ran through the past 3 seasons after like a 4 year hiatus from the show... fuck i couldn't have picked a better time to catch up as there's only 11 days left. Gustavo Fring was fucking bad ass i was even backing him for a while, hoping he and Walt would find their happy ever after. also what the fuck happened to Ted? dead or crippled? seriously this has to be one of the best shows on tv especially character development and overall story, I cannot wait to start season 5 week by week.

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LOL at the top comment..


Carpet - "I fucked ted"

TheSchultzZ 1 week ago 42




Ted broke his neck.

And most definitely agree with you on this being one of the best shows on tv, with the story line and character development. No other show like it.

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I was reading some comments on the AMC website about Season 5 and some people brought up interesting points.


In the Promo Pics Hank is in Frings old office, what if he finds the old video feed of the meth lab that Walt was working in? Or even video of them meeting at Gus' restaurant?


In the first episode they are seen at the junkyard talking to Old Joe with Mike. What are they doing there? Pic here


quotes from other people on AMC forum...


I'd be worried about the old lady from the nursing home who saw Walt outside the window before the bomb went off (assuming she's not totally senile), if I were Walt.

27 Minutes Ago

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you all are going to flip out on season five. lets just say, "jesse pinkman" is a good friend of mine in the REAL WORLD. and aaron already gave me the rundown, not to mention a fucking bootleg dvd of season five, which im watching as we speak. booooooyah! the perks of trading artwork with actors is great. and dont even ASK for a copy, a single freeze frame pic, or anything. i keep my word with my friends... i can however tell you one thing. lots of people die.

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I was reading some comments on the AMC website about Season 5 and some people brought up interesting points.


In the Promo Pics Hank is in Frings old office, what if he finds the old video feed of the meth lab that Walt was working in? Or even video of them meeting at Gus' restaurant?


In the first episode they are seen at the junkyard talking to Old Joe with Mike. What are they doing there? Pic here


quotes from other people on AMC forum...


I'd be worried about the old lady from the nursing home who saw Walt outside the window before the bomb went off (assuming she's not totally senile), if I were Walt.

27 Minutes Ago




Ok. Yes. I agree with all of this, especially the Gus video feed. Watch the link ^^^^ABOVE^^^^^.There are a few scenes/clips/ quick shots in it where it looks like cops are rushing to the evidence room. Now that you say this, I' think your onto something. Everything must've been seized by the DEA/Ab police. Walt then realizes this. With his power has someone either blow up or destroy the video tapes or something in the evidence locker hence why they're running into it with there guns out. HMMMM. Thoughts?



And this below might answer or hint to what they will be doing with a lab to cook. Interesting to say the least.....


"We're just one week away from the season 5 premiere of "Breaking Bad," so it's about time that the cast started opening up a bit about the upcoming season.


In an interview with MTV, Bryan Cranston explains Walt's new cooking endeavor with Jesse: "Walt figures out a very clever way to disguise it," he said. "Obviously we don't have the means or wherewithal to make another super lab, but we do it like a poor man's super lab ... and in so doing, we need to expand our partnership."


Cue "Friday Night Lights" star Jesse Plemons, who joins the cast as a new potential partner for Walt and Jesse named Todd. "There's some friction when he joins the group," said Cranston. "We think we know him, and then it's like, 'What just happened? What did he do?" Hmm... intriguing...


You can get even more info in this behind-the-scenes video, released Sunday, which teases Walt's rise to power and a potential confrontation between him and Hank. Will this final season be the best one yet? Certainly could be."



6 more days.

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Was Gus Fring gay?



someone's comment on the AMC website



There is a couple things about Gus which is weird and need to be answered

First in the episode one minute season 3 Tito Salamanca talks about Gus and he called him the fried chicken but there is one expression that he used that strikes me "the general".

than later on on the season 4 when hank and the chief of DEA interrogates Gus , hank starts asking question about Gus and his past and also the fact that he couldn't t found anything about his past in chili.

Then later on on the episode.8 Season 4

when Gus go see Tito salamca at the nursing home for the second time in the episode he says "hank shrader is looking into my past then When we see the flashback of Gus when his "best friend "get killed in front of him Don eladio says another weird thing about the past of Gus

"the only reason you are still alive is because I know your past but you are no longer in chili "

One more thing when Tito salamanca pee in the pool he look at Gus and his "friend" quoting tito: "they like what they see "and give them a kiss meaning they are gay

And also Gus take 20 years to take his vengeance he has so much hates toward Salamanca family that I truly believe that they killed his lover plus Gus friend before he got shot says that Gus " is an honorable man he rescued me from the Santiago slums". Which is actually a gay hooker neighborhood in chili, from what I heard. And then he is about to cry when Gus's life is in danger and defend Gus he said "he is my partner, I need him"

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I'm betting they cook in houses or buildings they will pretend they're fumigating. I've seen spoiler pics with big fumigation tents and Jessie wearing a pest control jacket... Plus at the wrap party Aaron and Bryan were dressed up as roaches...


Also there's no way dude has a DVD of season 5, lol. I don't care if Vince Gilligan is your dad and Aaron's your brother you don't have shit

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Bed frame you make good points, but they all could go both ways. Still I can see Gus being gay. Also there is a new character set to play one who worked for Gus.




Laura Fraser to Play "Integral" Character


"creator Vince Gilligan describes as a "former associate of Gus Fring who’s integral to the proceedings of season 5,” and who is also “nervous about her place in the world.”

That's nice, vague and intriguing, isn't it?"




I'm betting they cook in houses or buildings they will pretend they're fumigating. I've seen spoiler pics with big fumigation tents and Jessie wearing a pest control jacket... Plus at the wrap party Aaron and Bryan were dressed up as roaches...


Also there's no way dude has a DVD of season 5, lol. I don't care if Vince Gilligan is your dad and Aaron's your brother you don't have shit



Yes, and YES! LOL.




This backs up this theory. Walt and Jesse in a house, which although resembles Walts actual home, it could be another house which like you said they are using to cook. HMMMM. Fucking shit! Almost down to 5 days.

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