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Dying is for suckas. I want to live for ever, and I want to be sharp forever. Death has been inevitable previously, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that death may be conquered in the future.


I have been contemplating the idea of "downloading" my consciousness into some sort of energy field. I wonder what the implications would be for my sense of self. Would a unique self split from a piece of consciousness that continues on. How would those selves relate to the continuum of what I perceive to be my ego?

You seen how lawnmower man ended right? Haha. If human intelligence was emulated, then all of your individual cognitive processes were coded into this thing, it would only be a copy of you that would be would be completely separate from you. If you existed at the same time as the AI, how could you experience two consciousnesses at the same time?
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so then atheism doesnt have to be grounded in factual evidence?


two things (a simple answer and a not so simple answer):


1. No, I do not believe so. While atheism usually has the realism bent of science, it does not necessarily imply it. To be atheist is merely do deny a proposition. It isn't contingent on why one denies it.


2. Was not the logical progression I gave not factual? The visual information you take in when you read what I wrote provides evidence as much as recording results of a particle accelerator. At this point we should learn to recognize that while we speak about the empiricism of scientific data and evidence, it is merely factual in as much as we are looking for something under the restrictions of a metaphysical dogma already. If you look for electrons, you will find electrons. If you look for god you will find god.


Evidence, Fact, and recalcitrant data are all presupposed by any theory of reality, let alone somethin even more necessarily mystifying as death.

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thats kinda what i was getting at. science is a religion too.


I know it seems kind of a "dead horse" conversation but i've never understood how one can be an atheist, agnostic sure, i mean secretly everyone is, but to actually know there is no G-d, that would be earth shattering.

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Would it really though?



I know you and I have talked about this before, but what is functional difference between the words "God" and "Reality"?


To me, if you accept god, it is as much as just accepting that which is, reality.



Earth shattering only if one needs the external presence of something beyond them to make decisions.

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im not saying you have to believe in something, rather accept that something may or may not exist. Nor am i saying that this/these higher being(s) must have something to do with your life, Im just proposing that one cant objectively say that G-d is a lie, just as it is impossible to prove otherwise.


i dont preach religion, its not what i do, just in case its coming off that way.

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religion is a weird one, stirs up so many emotions in people


I for one am positive there is no god (even though I have no proof to this) I have spent a lot of today reading about exitensilism and other similar ideas, I feel kinda embarassed to say that as someone who is almost 30 I have not really read up on philosophy, when it is something that really interests me


I found the stuff I read today sumed up my viewpoint of life and our existence. I just don't believe there is a great plan for mankind or any meaning to our lives. We are just a chemical reaction and a collection of atoms and nothing made us into this it was random chaos.


I quite often find myself arguing with people of religion as they wont accept my viewpoint and I cannot accpet theirs, but fairplay if people have faith, I suppose I do too, just my faith is in myself as a person who judges himself by my own values and morals and not those that are dictated to me by religion or society. Not to say I don't know right from wrong. Obviously I wouldn't go and rape and murder, but the only person that can truley judge me is me and I just think this way of thinking makes me believe that once death occurs that is it. There isn't oblivion and a conciousness following death. Once that brain activity is gone I am nothing more than a hunk of meat.


I hope that makes sense I am kinda new to this philosophical atuff lol just whap me round the head if I'm chatting shit!!

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p.s. scientific materialism is a boring paradigm. no wonder most of you think nothing happens after death, you're subscribing to society's most pervasive mindset whether you realize it or not.


you're never going to prove or not prove such things as the existence of a soul or a definite afterlife through the scientific method. it's about using the right tools for the right job people.

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im not a religious person. so the afterlife and a place besides here is kinda out there to me


im not affraid to die. but i dont want to. at least not now. maybe 50 years from now i wont feel the same. but thinking about death is weird. it makes me get chills. one moment you can think. and the next you dont know if you're dead or not because you're dead. you cant think. it trips me out. how long will this place last before humans are gone. what will everyone i know be doing? its weird to me. i dont like thinking about death that much. hahaha


just my input

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I don’t really dwell on what happens after death any more. The idea of not existing and not for sure knowing what will happen when I die use to terrify me. I think I have just come to terms with not knowing and have become content with what is at hand. I try to get as much out of life as I can right now because right now is guaranteed. I have yet to experience someone I know and care about passing so I don’t know exactly how I would take it but I am assuming depending on the situation that I would not try and focus on the fact that they are no longer alive and accessible but more so what they taught me or how much I enjoyed knowing them when they were alive. If memories of the deceased exist strongly I do not believe that death (in a sense) has happened. I mean literally the dead are no longer. You cant touch them, see them, blah blah but if they somehow run through your mind every so often and you talk about them to your kids, friends, or family and then they in turn may tell someone else doesn’t that kind of make them immortal (maybe because they now exist in your mind)? I guess in order to get down with what death means you have to ask yourself what does living actually mean. ergh. rambling sorry.

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"Science is not faith-based, and here’s why.


The scientific method makes one assumption, and one assumption only: the Universe obeys a set of rules. That’s it. There is one corollary, and that is that if the Universe follows these rules, then those rules can be deduced by observing the way Universe behaves. This follows naturally; if it obeys the rules, then the rules must be revealed by that behavior."


All but four of you read, but here's the link to the rest of the article anyway http://www.badastronomy.com/bablog/2008/02/18/is-science-faith-based/

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tell that to richard dawkins.




people treat it just the same.



people who "believe" in science usually have as little understanding of it as most people who "believe" in whatever religion they do.



Harpo- you are correct that that is the assumption that science works under. But that assumption entails many other assumptions.



Any scientific theory says that such and such objects exist and that they must act in certain ways. This is as much as what you said.


However, a simple introspection onto what this means in time for theories of science shows that no theory in science can ever be correct.


Phlogiston used to be beleived in, etc.


Theories are only as good in as much as they can accurately predict, but no where in there do they assure that the objects they speak of exist. Experimentation by indirect causal relations does nothing more than confirm that something is doing something. It does not put to rest the question of whether the entities presupposed by the technology do in fact exist.



It is as this point that it is like a religion. If you take science in a pragmatic sense, then no, it is not a religion, it is a tool. But if you take it to be that any contemporary theory of science is in fact the way the world is, then you are no better who attributes the states of the world to an omnipotent being.


Science gives us technology and religion gives us complacency. Only difference beyond the obvious.



At any rate, this thread is about death. Not science and its relation to religion, I have another thread for that.

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Religious views don't directly intertwine with people's views of death and the afterlife? And in the event of one's non-belief in religion, which offers an explanation of post death experience, wouldn't science and its being at odds with religion have an impact on one's views of death?

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Yes, I agree they are fundamentally related.



I was talking about the status of the one to the other. I am not trying to get people debating in here. I just wondered particularly about death.



So, arguments go in General Philosophy thread or Nature of the Creator... thread.


that was my only point

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honestly, there's been random moments in my life where I'm chillin, and then BAM! I get hit with this feeling of dread like "Im gonna die one day, and there ain't shit I can do" and what scares me is the uncertaintly... beyond even whether or not there is a heaven or hell, and if there is, which will I go to, where will my loved ones go... It's fucked...

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Death gets a big shrug from me. I know it's coming, don't know when. I try to assume that I don't have much time left on this earth, to stay motivated. I think many people shrink away from the idea of mortality, hiding behind a belief that they will live to at least 100, which reassures them they have plenty of time. Then they're not ready when the sickle drops. I try to always be ready by cramming in whatever living I can while I'm still breathing. I don't always succeed or stay productive but I think it's better than having my head in the sand.

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i do not fear death. i would like to believe that the way you die is a direct reflection of the way you live. that would be fitting for some people.

i feel that when its your time to go. you're going.

my mother used to work as a nurse and she has told me some crazy stories about peoples will to live. for instance.

a philipino boy got in a car wreck and was severely damaged. he should have died very quickly. he just barely stayed alive long enough for his father to fly from the philipines to the hospital. the father held the boy, kissed his forehead, and told him he loved him and goodbye in philipino. the kid died almost instantaneously.

crazy shit.

thats why i would like to believe there is something more.

i also love the whole reincarnation thing.

i hope im reincarnated as a female bicycle seat. haha...name that movie.


i have died two times.

third time is a charm.

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i've always thought of it as similar to the moment when you wake up directly out of a dream..


the space right between dream time and awake is as beautiful as it is terrifying like.....


mm now i remember why i dont post in these threads ...


/incoherent ramble oner

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