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ever feel like


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your in a continuous repetitive cycle?


that's sort of what i'm feeling like now.



i broke up with my exgirlfriend a few months ago, and i went through all of that stuff, but we started talking again lately, and i got all hopeful and excited and such, but now it's looking like nothing is going to happen.


i mean all i really want is something to happen again, but i guess it's not going to.




this is really just sort of a rant and probably doesn't warrant its own thread but whatever.



all i know is, i'm still completely hung up on her, and i can't see a way out of it, but unlike what everyone around me is telling me, i don't want to move on, i just want a way for things to be like they used to be with us, the ways that we had always talked about them being.


then add to that trying to change for the better, that shit is fucking difficult.


but i can try right?



so hopefully from here on out, no more drugs, no more cigarettes, no more fast food, not as heavy drinking, and maybe toss out a few pounds to make it all better.




sounds easy right?

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This kinda' thinking gets me down once in awhile (life repeating itself).


Especially when I see my younger friends, partying non-stop and traveling like crazy.








I was gonna try and write a positive rebuttal to my statement...but I've got nothing.

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i think i can feel for you on this one. since we're around the same age mang and i dealt with this not too long ago....


i felt the same way and i was willing to change 10 million things about myself in hopes of getting a second chance.....

it was one of those things where i knew the chances of anything rekindling were pretty slim but i wouldn't accept the fact and it got me pretty bummed out at times


and all i can say here is that time might be the only solution. everything i tried to make myself feel better only made it worse

but now, a year has passed and i can gladly say i've moved on from her... and this whole time we haven't really even talked to each other at all, but now that i've got it out of my head that i don't really need her anymore (or feel attached in that same way anymore) we can have friendly conversations without me getting all worked up over it, unlike before when whenever we'd trade a "hello" or something when we saw each other i would get all excited that there might still be a chance only to realize a day later that it was just an attempt at being polite.


sorry if i'm informing you of something you already know


just tryna help cuzzin

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I don't recognize you so i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but seriously, shut up.

Don't front like you know, I didn't ask for people to comment on her, plus most of you already saw her before when they were doing the booty contest thread.




EDIT: sleeping pills, thanks man. it's always appreciated to see comments from people who actually know what i'm getting at and have been through similar situations.

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man everyday i come home, bored and tired. i sit around the rest of day waiting on calls, smoking bowls and drinking rum. its only monday and i cant wait until the end of the week.



i hope this doesnt turn into some lifelong cycle or work followed by extreme boredom at home. i cant leave the fucking house either, theres no where to go or ways to get there. im fucking stuck in this god damn place until summer when i can finally leave.

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back when this happened to me in all honesty i just told myself i hated the girl and i convinced myself so much that i actually started to hate her


seems fucked up but it worked cause then we didnt talk and it gave me time to really get over her and like sleeping pills said it just takes time and now i kick it with her on the regular cause we're both over the dating thing but remember why we were friends in the first place.

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get cat

wait you live with the rents huh?

get your own apartment

then cat

then work alot

and watch your cat destroy your shit you work for all day.

clean up the mess

then you won't have time to be upset about anything.

watch lazy ass cat sleep all the time.


bicycling helps ( but only if you drink while your doing it)

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me and you are in the same boat goner.


Me and the ex broke up a while back...but for real we were in pretty deep. 3+ years. saw each other all the time. head over heels. had tons of shit together. like me and her talked about our future and shit. and im 21...that shit is like an engagement.



Anyway, all girls are decietful, manipulative, etc. But still we obsess over them. Some shit happened and I put us on a break...which as everyone knows, means eventually a break is a break-up and so thats where we are. Its wack cause sometimes im regretting the break..but i dunno. fuck that. She had been lying about some shit. And I got HUGE issues with trust. so word. Now me and her rarely talk. Mostly my doing cause Im trying to get over her. Whatever.


Right now i'm crushing on a new girl. It keeps me out of that depressive shut-in phase that happens. And i actually dig her for real. not some rebound type shit.


My suggestion: find another girl to obsess over. you need that. the male brain requires female stimulation. fuck living the single life and doing stupid shit to kill your time. women make life better.

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son time heals all wounds. woman come and go. iwas was married for almost 10 ys got divorced she left me and my kids. shit gets better. life is a huge cycle only you can direct it. dont sweat a female if its right than it would not have left.... fuck the emotional shit for now get drunk and smash her friends.....

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you guys sweat bitches way too hard. i just broke up with my lady of 3 and half fucking years, she was my first love, blah blah blha. i dont really give a shit abuot it. girls are not things to worry about.


your money, friends, business, and situation are. when i sit in bed at night i dont fantasize about my girlfriend or getting with girls. i think abuot marble countertops, range rovers and drinking whiskey on the rocks, wearing gucci shirts and discussin the bizz with me mates.


i watch too much Layer Cake.

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