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Dirty Messican

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Everything posted by Dirty Messican

  1. I cant front Ive been lovin this
  2. Someone sed post more sleep hero,right?
  3. Dekor. Wuts uglier,the guys or the"piece"?????????
  4. That MP flat at the top of this page is ill.I havent seen one in a while.
  5. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff I think going to the city made me appreciate this even more. Bet it was sick back then.
  6. God if I could ever MEAT size21, OMG........
  7. I really like this thread. It gives people a chance to "shine" who dont get out and do shit.
  8. Dirty Messican


    And the sword may have been a bit to "strong" in halo 2 but now its a total piece of shit. The Gravity Hammer took its place, I guess. And fuck, wuts with all the "sniper shotty" gametypes in slayer!? Ok, Ill stop bitchin. I promise.
  9. Dirty Messican


    Halo3 is pretty dope. But I think with all honesty the matchmakin isnt as fun as Halo 2. My main concern was the weapons but I seemed to like em all. Small things are botherin me but I think I just have to get used to the small changes-----like how weak the Rocket Launcher and grenades are blah blah...
  10. Thats crazy the exhibit is so close to me im SCARED!! AHHHHHHHH. :D
  11. People who let their girls punk them by hittin them up make me want to puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Holy shit Ive slept on this thread. Lots of homies...
  13. Woulda of been dope to see that when finished. Nice sized coupe.
  14. :lol: @ those glasses. Dude does do the same ole shit. But before all of the ICH bodyguards/nutriders attack me, I do like catching his werk. I do see it a lot. I do whack of to it at night.
  15. bump big fetis!!!!!!!!!!!!! im a customer
  16. I seen a dope ICH with a skull character but it had horns and other shit and looked way meaner on an ex-GVSR stamped SP (Ithink). It was done 2006.
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