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To whom it may concern.


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Oh I know.


Im thanking god it wasnt my decent camera.


And no, they are not the scum of the earth.


They are a complete peice of shit.


And I have a good idea of who took it.


Fucking highschool footballin crowd.





God damn.








Are those seriously the kids that you think took it? :lol:



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Start lifting wieghts and sign up for boxing, and buy some mace.


If anyone ever mugged me at gun point they'd be very disappointed as I never carry more than $20 with me. Even the worthless things I have with me I watch like a hawk. I'm extremely paranoid about being robbed, even though I never have been....

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When I was a kid me and some freinds took a skate-trip to DC.


When we got to Polaski park I took my watch off and put it in my book bag.


When we where done I noticed that somebody had gone in my bag and took my watch... but left the bag.

Like instead of just walking off with the bag, they actually took the time to open it up and grab my watch. :lol:


Oh well. Lesson learned.


Keep a eye on your shit next time, especially if you're not in your element.

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Dear __________, (To whom it may concern)


You are a fucking idiot.


And by you I am referring to the unfortunate mass of retardedness that managed to steal my backpack .


Its contents are irrelevant, but for the record, it contained my camera, sketchbook, a white meanstreak, headphones, skate tool, and hat. An estimated value of 4 to 5 hundred american dollars.


I can only pity you.


did you actually think that you would be gaining anything from this selfish act of stupidity? Did you even for ONE second consider the fact that you would not be able to USE any of the shit you stole (except for the 15 dollar headphones, big win, jackass)


What I am most concerned about is not the fact that my stuff is now gone. But the fact that there are people out there who would take it. Did your parents abuse you as a child? were you dropped on your head when you were young? Perhaps you were in need of a quick ego-booster. You should really do us all a favor, and just end your worthless life right now. Just go ahead and walk yourself into oncoming traffic, maybe throw yourself off a building, light yourself on fire. I honestly dont care, and neither will anyone else. I say that loosely because I do of course realize that SOMEONE out there will care. But if they are actually stupid enough to affiliate themself with someone as worthless as you, they should not be considered people.


Did I mention your a fucking moron?




Your a fucking moron.


Id ask you to give my shit back, but I know that would be in vain. No one stupid enough to grab a busted ass camera with no charger, some cheap headphones and a sketchbook would think twice along the lines of, oh sayy...... returning it?


I take pride in my knowing this might actually be the highlight of your week, because while you gloat over your mediocre excuse for whats not even a petty theft, I am sitting here writing this, which is more of an accomplishment then anything you have, and probably will, ever do.


Fuck You.



Sucks for you. :lol:
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my roommate's girlfriend stole a sweatshirt from me right off the couch and i caught her wearing it 2 days later. I gave her the Larry David stare after she claimed a "friend from work" had gave it to her. She was like "he does merch for animal collective." whatever the fuck that means. Then she was like "what a coincidence! You can just have mine."



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My boy Mike left his bike and jacket in a freinds car when he was visiting from out of town and it got stolen. He put up flyers the next day saying "$500 dollar reward no questions asked." This crack head called claiming he knew who stole it. So since he was out of town by the time the crackhead called he set dude up for a ass woopin saying "meet me at the park and I'll pay you for it. It wasn't my bike and I have to give it back." Naturally he got his shit back for free and good revenge. You have to do your own detective work if you want your stuff back..

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I'm glad to see most people on here are clowning this kid along with me...I expected this to be one of those things where people were like "OMG, SOME SCUMBAG STOLE YOUR BACKPACK?! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO"


Sometimes the population of Channel Zero feels very anti-criminal...this isn't one of those times

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