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On the real.

Poesia [ ] T

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On the real.


Here it is and Im drunk posting i apologize cause Obama just Lost California and i had too many beers at the non-victory party.


Ok all yall, you know already what you do is what you do we all don't want to do anything. If you got a job you like you got lucky, play some lotto bitch. Those that have parents that support you traveling the world or got your back when your short on that rent and got nothing good for you going cool. Those that smell like shit can surf couches and live town to town good for you also. Those that are married and doing what you do and happy with just that cool. Those that are spoiled kids living with moms and think you know whats good and have no idea what is about to hit you cool. Those that live on your own pay bills and are in the purgatory that exists in just being cool. And to those of you too cool to give a fuck or be concerned cool. This is to all yall.


Money is easier to get than you can even imagine. Business is almost like a secret society in its own. Those that know how wont help you, or give a shit too. So what does that mean your probably on your own. So act like a man and get educated. Books aint the onlt education in the world also you know this. School is for Nerds, and intelligent cool people meaning it looks good on a resume but shit will land you a great day to day but chances of being rich are scarce, but at 55 or 65 you might have a million dollars in a 401K, but thats got to last you the rest of your life. But that is cool for most of yall get it. But dont complain when you got it, you chose that path.


Shit hate to break it you, but 95% of you will be normal and happily unhappy. The rest bums and republican rich assholes. So what do you really want? Me im gonna be a Rich democrat but could end up a bum as well. Why? Cause im willing to take a risk for what i want even if it involves gambling for what ive been working for my whole life.


Yall you think that dropping out of school made Michael dell or bill gates millionaires, wrong and fucking dead wrong. School got in the way of there passion and they learned enough to follow what they love and had passion to bring to us. They had discipline and the vision to understand what they needed to do. I doubt you got that, i dont even got that, but you might shit you never know.


You think quitting school is passion, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. As the famous clay davis say's. You aint even dreamt about passion or even had reason to think you knew what you wanted to do. Thats ok we all dont see the light or will ever see it. You aint the only one 95% of us yeah all yall also that are gonna post and talk shit. You just as bad.


So in closing you will know if you are meant or not meant to be what you need to be. If not just be happy being healthy and a normal cat, nothing wrong with that. Shit we all got our paths, i cant ever be michael jordan or bill gates but shit im gonna be damned if im not gonna be me. Live up to my potential succeed by failure and succeed by living to fail again if thats what i need to learn again. Contentment is sometimes being afraid to commit. And commit to that what you fear the most.


Good Luck and stop bitching about life, you are all some young bucks with life ahead of you.





If you dont know now you know.


/dedicated to all yall 1/4, 1/3 1/2 life crisis Mfuckers including me

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I'm not even sure I'd like to be that rich dude.


I'm like the Jesus, mon. Me lives a life of simplicity! Me no tinks about the complications of dee reech, boyee!


I wrote that thinking how a Jamaican would answer. But I agree with my imaginary Jamaican response.

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im in a crisis myself, im about to earn a nice degreee that will garuntee me at least 40k a year but im not feeling it, i dont want to punch numbers for some rich old white guy making money off me. i want to get into real estate and developement, properties and properties, i love real estate. i drive around the bay area checking out favorable priced properties, but i really have no purchasing power yet. once i can get 40k stacked up i can finally invest in some real estate, so far im halfway there.


poesia keep in touch homie, lets make mills.

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If this dont concern you dont take it personal, shit dont even read it, i just hear alot of the same questions about the same shit im drinking so im posting my thoughts.


Im just another guy thats been here and there, so take it with a grain of salt and school is cool kids, just dont think its a golden ticket to life. Shit life is earned on the streets and if were lucky in books. Common sense is the reason and the rational.


Everyone else whats up and it is what it is.


Common Myths.


You need an education to make money

You dont need an education to make money

You dont need money to make money

It takes money to make money

Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks

hoes and tricks aint shit but bitches


you get the point.................

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Channel zero=no graff so thats what i hear


I only post it cause it seems like every other thread is about the same question where am i going in life. So when i stop hearing the same question i will stop posting the same tony Robbins Guido talk.


If you want to talk graff meet me in anywhere in brickslayers, untitled, paper chase we can talk graf if you like.


Otherwise stop reading my posts or block me.


Would you rather hear some more threads about some 17 year girl problems or putting on a condom inside your pants.


We still got those just dont click on mine,

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Guest shai_hulud



I just dumpstered a shitload of spraypaint and downers.


What should I do? I'm so drunk I am drooling. I'm also hungry, but I'm afraid that if I try to cook I might burn the house down.


What I really want to do is go down to the tracks and do a row of stamps that say DLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDDLDLDLDLDLDLDLDL till I run out of paint.


The question I guess I'm trying to ask is, should I wait till tomorrow and do it in broad daylight while wearing painter's whites and sunglasses?


Or, should I leave the house at 6 AM and use a pair of crutches and scream a lot while I paint (i.e. pull the freak card)?

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the graffiti life is grimey, cheap apartments, cheap hoes, racking every day smoking crack doing coke selling coke fighting kids over writing.


i wanna be on that high class shit. button ups and plane flights, nice resturants and european whips. cruising around checking on properties and collecting rent. blah blah blah, fuck tagging and banging.


BARRRRRIN! :china:

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i want to get into real estate and developement, properties and properties, i love real estate. i drive around the bay area checking out favorable priced properties, but i really have no purchasing power yet. once i can get 40k stacked up i can finally invest in some real estate, so far im halfway there.


maybe i'm wrong, i don't know much about the real estate game, but 40k ain't shit. 40k is a decent annual income to live off of, but i'd assume if you really want to get into the bay area's real estate game, you'll need a lot more than that. with 40k, you'll be putting yourself in serious debt with bank loans.

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please stop now with these bullshit power-lunch minute-to-win-it reach-beyond-the-max etc. business philosophy threads you keep posting, on a graff forum no less. You come accross like a guido tony robins.


why should anyone stop posting shit like this? it starts conversation/debate that might help someone else out. why does it have to be a guido tony robbins? oh wait, it's a graff forum, i guess the only life to live is being a scumbag racking everything you got, living on an old futon mattress covered in drool stains from the past 20 years, drinking 40's and smoking L's, watching girls gone wild, and jerking off into a bath towel you call "the orphanage."

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poesia --i'm hearing you on why you dropped this drunken post. basically, everyone has to find their own hustle. all in all, when you get down to it, what you do to make money is a hustle. no matter what it is. the job i'm working in now, is by far nothing i want to be "doing" with my life. but it is paying my bills, feeding my belly, and paying for someone else to do my laundry (very important factor in life). it's a temporary gig, so i say, working with good people, but i definitely need to find more direction to what i want to do. i'm no midlife crisis, probably because i'm too blind to the fact that i'm fucking up, but i am a little older and need to seriously figure shit out. i find other things in life to be happy about, and that's what keeps me from jumping off a bridge. i chased dreams, got burned, and made the biggest mistake, i gave up. maybe i just need to jump back on that horse. either way, i better be able to pay someone to do my laundry.

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i imagine the whole point of his post was the 'ugh....new money' line. implying that he is from old money. cause even money cant just be money. for some reason having it handed to you is more noble to some, than coming from nothing and working for it.

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Poesia: I hear where you're coming from, and appreciate anyone who takes time out to help others out in any way they can. For some of these younger cats, the motivation might be money, for others, it might simply be doing what they want to do for a living.


Maybe a thread where you could answer specific financial questions would be appreciated. Myself, I usually hit Barnes and Nobles for this. You can read the books for free, and if you really dig them, buy them at Amazon.com.


I know I would have a few questions regarding refinancing and federal loans.


And Moe-Lester, i don't think 40k would cut it in California, but it would go alot farther in other states.

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Yeah man, sorry to all you that got to hear me talk about shit that really you might not care about, but i was drunk and reading that thread about what do i do blah blah and i just put it out there. Even drunk i do feel the same way and i am by no means above anyone or know more than anyone im not to preach like that.


And for on that seeking point of Blood Feast. New Money? Man i'm glad i worked for what i got because i would probably not appreciate it if it was given to me. BloodFeast you must been born with that silver spoon more power to your old money.


And Viper pm me if you got questions, i dont know about a thread about finance cause im not a magician or warren buffet im learning everday. I just know that attitude and hustle got me to were im at, and whatever knowledge i do have feel free to hit me up.







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I appreciate what you have to say Poesia.

And money that's handed to you is more tempting to spend/waste in my opinion.

Money earned is shit I try to save. I HATE GIVING THAT AWAY for bills, food, clothes etc.

It just sucks how some people measure your worth by how much you make and how.

Living comfortably is the way to go.

Too much or too little money leads to unhappiness.

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