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dood, am i(26) too old to beat my pops(55) ass?


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you should be trying to get some money rather than bullshitting on here. do whatever it is you decide youre gonna do and do it quick. go ahead try and buck up to pops, i dont intend to offend you but theres no other way to say it, you kinda sound like you need to get your ass handed to you.

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My dad is like 54 years old, I'm 19 and prolly in the best shape I'll ever be in...my Dad would beat the fuckkkkkk out of me


HGe was a pro kickboxer and just an alla round thug groiwn up...you ask anyone from my hood aboput my father and muthafuckas flinch, dude is serious


Also, one of the nicest guys ever and best father I could have veer asked for...when i tld him yesterdya tat I might hafta do a month or 2 in jail very soon his first words were "Well, you better cut that fuckin hair and stopt alkin about how pretty you are" haha

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no matter what, i feel like a grown man (until theyre like 60) could fuck up his son (if hes not a cage fighter or something) no matter what.

also, if you already have arrest warrants on you and youre hiding, do you really think beating up a man is a good idea? i swear, motherfuckers just cant think 10 minutes into the future

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i was gonna say the exact same thing. all dads have got what i like to call "old man strength "and could most likely work your fucking ass. so you should avoid an ass whooping and the second charge. im almost 30, and my dad just turned 60 and theres no way i would swing on him.


but im guessing you already know that deep inside and this thread is just for attention/humor more so than actual advice.

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yeah i know my pops would beat my ass, we always spar and shit and he can toss me around all crazy like



but yeah, Ive been OTR for awhile, I even had a warrant served on me while I was managing a radioshack, on the sales floor. I just got a warrant cleared up last week. I havnt lived at my ID adfress for about 2 years now and I dont drive hardly ever. Dont get in a fight. Its dumb as hell seriously, Ive had warrants and seen kids out on the street who I still want to get, but you cant. One time me and a few of my boys got in a brawl in the middle of a very busy and crowded block and cops came when I knew I had a warrant. Somehow they didnt check, even tho they kept my ID and detained me at the scene and let me go but I felt so fucking stupid for putting myself at risk like that, even tho I was helping out my boy whos in my crew. You dont even have that much of a reason to risk it

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lawyer up, lay low...


and i feel you on the Little sister BF shit....if some dude ever messed (physically) with my lil sis, he'd get curb stomped.


i remember being in sixth grade and hearing some fool call my sister a bitch during recess (she came home crying)....after school the next day kid lost two teeth after being slammed against the pole of the monkey bars. What i didnt know was that he had a brother in tenth grade, and when i got to highschool, he was a senior in my gym class....and that sucked.




good luck!


good luck with your case.

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So your pops hides you out putting himself at risk for aiding a fugitive and you want to get into a fisticuffs with him and the rules under his roof.

You keep blowing up like that you're destined for a a longer jailtime.

As for raising money by selling art to assist in paying lawyers fees, good luck with that. Think about if you get into a fight with pops and the cops are called for (wait for it)....

another domestic, your newly raised art money won't even pay the bail.

I vote turn yourself in and man up.

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