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yea from what ive seen of ironalk its not exactly great paint for freights, actually i dont really think its great paint to begin with, ITS JUST OK. Ironlak is not the end all be all of graff paint, and I suspect nothing ever made will be, dont get me wrong its good but not that good that im going to pay shipping costs everytime i buy paint. But I'll get it sometimes.


For freights I'd say roll with rusto/pt/aa especially if your going big. it ends up costing more to use ironlak when going big because the can size. and i know when i paint freights i try to go pretty big. and rusto was designed to cover rusto(hence the name) and alot of times you end up painting rusty hoppers or boxcars.

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As ironlak has stated multiple times, The pigment has been upgraded from 1 to 7, the newer cans will not fade.


Ironlak has a pretty good track record for taking criticism and fixing it. So dont look at older flicks like that and the heat posted about and think that ironlak has done nothing to rectify it. They are a company whose clientele is important to them. Therefore, they take input very well and fix whats wrong with their product.

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As ironlak has stated multiple times, The pigment has been upgraded from 1 to 7, the newer cans will not fade.


Ironlak has a pretty good track record for taking criticism and fixing it. So dont look at older flicks like that and the heat posted about and think that ironlak has done nothing to rectify it. They are a company whose clientele is important to them. Therefore, they take input very well and fix whats wrong with their product.




I saw a post asking about snow and how it goes on freights. being that the guys are from oz, snow wasn't an issue until they started distributing it to other countries. From my understanding of the country, not many trains run through snow there. Its no doubt an issue they're working on to keep us all happy

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Well i hit some roof spots with ironlak and i see them daily. They receive direct sunlight most of the day and have been up for a few months and they havent faded at all.


I like the paint and its cheap i cant rack paint since its always locked up. so ironlak gets the fucking job done and it smells good too.

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From my understanding of the country, not many trains run through snow there. Its no doubt an issue they're working on to keep us all happy


i'm not even sure if there are any train lines that go through the snow in the entire country.





and to all the people saying blah blah bla ironlak fades blah blah my precious burner blah blah fades just remember all paint fades to some degree. understand ironlak is working to make their product the best it can be. half of the people saying it fades are parroting what other people have said to them online or in real life and are trying to pass it off as fact.

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yes, especially when i can get painters touch for 3.44 a can at home depot and ironlak is like 3.95 on the internet.


you just gotta get more creative with the colors schemes.


im not bashing ironlak, i bought some and i was pretty happy with it. i just dont think its all that great. its OK PAINT

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the issue I had with Ironlak, is the hellish consistency of the paint. I just ordered 4 cans off Oinkartltd.com and shook them each considerably before ever spraying a single shot out of any, and after shaking still got a silly string-like liquid discharge. after letting them sit in the sun for 30 minutes and shaking them even more, i finally got them to spray properly. but not for long... all four cans now still have half of their contents and the most hellishly clogged nozzles i've ever dealt with in my life. tried flushing it with solvent and yet no results are to be found. i will definitely be tossin in the xtra 2-4 dollars for montana hardcore... the brand i know and trust 100%...

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yes, especially when i can get painters touch for 3.44 a can at home depot and ironlak is like 3.95 on the internet.


you just gotta get more creative with the colors schemes.


im not bashing ironlak, i bought some and i was pretty happy with it. i just dont think its all that great. its OK PAINT


AVT Paints

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Join Date: Feb 2009

Posts: 22


Hades in regards to your comments on size of cans, it seems to be some confusion as to weights and volumes and comparing brands together.


Ironlak is 312 Grams which equates to 11oz in mass or 400ml (13.5oz Fl) The confusion is that 'oz' relates to mass, not the US fluid oz unit of weight measurement.




If you have a look at other Graff branded paints they are 400ml (13.5oz Fl) just as Ironlak is, if you are comparing on weight then they would be 312gm net or 11oz mass just as Ironlak is. Different countries require different forms of measurement and you need to be sure that you are in fact comparing apples with apples so to speak.



If you look at a hardcore can its 400ml the same as Ironlak.


If you look at a Belton can it is 312gm or 11oz in weight and 400ml in Volume.


We hope this clears up any misconceptions about Ironlak not being the same as other comparable brands.

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the issue I had with Ironlak........


Were these bad valved leaker cans? I have personally never had a problem with the new valve cans ever fucking up except for a lil lak I got to try out only sprayed silly string.


Ironlak is probably the only paint I really like to use now because I hate high pressure paint and Ironlak is easy to get and fiarly cheap. Good colors aswell.

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As someone else pointed out Ironlak is NOT 312ml. 312grams does not equate to 312ml. It equate to 400ml just like it does with all the brands. I won't go into it further because someone else's post covered it fairly well.




You nailed it you get the concentrate at the start, its the thicker part of the product and will sit in the diptube over time. Other Brands often spray clear at the start Ironlak has the opposite effect. Once you shake the can properly and remove the concentrate (silly string) from the diptube you are good to go. Its no different to when other brands spray clear solvent at the start and you need to clear that before you get the paint colour.




We don't have all the cans mentioned above in front of us to test ourselves, but we tend to agree to some extend. We aren't saying people won't have the occasional problem (it will happen with all brands) but in our experience you get 1 faulty can every several thousand sold (usually 1 in 5000) so when we see people with repeat problems we start to look a little closer. We also have 20 very competent writers we sponsor who paint a lot and we are also writers so we have a pretty sound guage and spread of writers from all over the world saying "check this colour, there could be a problem" and that is pretty rare. We want to help our customers have good experiences with the paint and enjoy using Ironlak, but a bad experience with the product doesn't necessarily mean its the product no performing.



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I don't understand all the problems people are claiming to be having with this paint... I've gone through about 75 cans of ironlak and haven't had a single problem. The paint starts out thick, like silly string but then after a second or two it sprays normally. I'm not sure why, but that's just what it does. Just start your can with one of the two NY fats it came with, then swap to whatever cap you want to use. Problem solved.


Personally, I think it's great paint... Nice pressure, covers everything, variety of great colours.... Put an astro fat on there and wreck shit, or throw on a skinny pro and get lines so thin they make kate moss look like a fatty...

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If your caps keep clogging, its likeley that shits been sittin for a minute.. But the only problem I have with Lak is the silly string effect and the lame ass tips they come with.. If they came with ny fats or level5's that would be an instant pick up and bomb.. But shake that shit, spray, shake and spray again.. Then Bam, you got that smooth Lak flow..

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Use monster colors, then come back and talk to me about clogging caps, do you fools not shake your cans?


Ironlak, i dont mean to disagree with you, but i've used hundreds if not thousands of cans since your paint came over here, any almost every problem i've had is easily rectified.

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tried to clean the Valves on these 4 cans i've had since xmas to no result... Totally dig the idea of a company trying to make a Low Cost Low Pressure paint for our purposes, but like all neat new technologies (i.e. Ipods, Zunes, LCD screens) i think I'll be waiting until later generations of this paint are available. Like many before me in this forum, I'm not bashing the product, (what little bit i got out performed very admirably) I just enjoy a little greater performance out of a paint that i can't just steal...

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If your caps keep clogging, its likeley that shits been sittin for a minute.. But the only problem I have with Lak is the silly string effect and the lame ass tips they come with.. If they came with ny fats or level5's that would be an instant pick up and bomb.. But shake that shit, spray, shake and spray again.. Then Bam, you got that smooth Lak flow..


They do come with NY fats. Two of them in fact and one pink 'vegan' cap, that I think is pretty similar to a german outline... The older cans came with two NY fats and a black outlining cap, that was also similar to a german outline except maybe a little fatter and softer around the edges, but I never used them very much...

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