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bro im aussie and i was buyin ironlak from the day it came out and it was sooo fucking good at the start. for the first year and a half

then they increased the thickness of the paint which i liked cos it covered anything 1 coat, but it blocked caps and the overspray increased heapsss. btw ironlak smells sooo boss aha


nah man the new aussie paint that will cause a ruckus overseas is razor paint bro that shit is the same price 7 dollars and has the good pressure and quality. everyone over here uses that now for outlines and details on pieces man ironlak just has the boss colours but they fucked up some of there formula cos they used to be made in australia, now they make em cheap in china and as a result u get dodgy paint.

so yeh look into razor all u yankeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz





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guys, hes not butthurt about someone calling his stuff bad... he comes from 12oz, not BS



and before someone brings up the "well my sisters had a light pink miata for 10 years and it hasnt faded a bit!" gag, cars have clearcoats on them. freight trains do not.

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Oink is just changing the way the cans are priced, Instead of charging you large amounts on the backend, he is charging it in the front on the can and giving a flat 5 dollar shipping rate.


There is an accurate comparison chart to others carrying the same paint.

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BigMetalCircus is right.

I had a long talk via email with James about this, remember they did Volume Discounts down to $3.60 a can before, but have now decided to eat the shipping cost (minimum $12 to ship via UPS, costs $1+ a can) so they can provide "a more honest service" as he put it.

So basically, add $1.25+ minimum, a lot more if under 36 cans, to the price per can you see on other sites to see the real cost.

It's still, and always will be, cheaper at Oink.

& 33third put their prices back up to $3.95 since they made this chart - so add 20 cents more to their prices.

Not to mention Matt @ 33third is a snitch. Ask Revok.


Women lie, Men lie, Numbers don't lie:


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Women lie, Men lie, Numbers don't lie:



that chart is gangster. we would never know what people really charge unless we had time to do a bunch of research. Oink did the grunt work for us and gave us the numbers.


with the new $5 ship rate, just about everything you order will most likely be cheaper than any other store.

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BigMetalCircus is right.

I had a long talk via email with James about this, remember they did Volume Discounts down to $3.60 a can before, but have now decided to eat the shipping cost (minimum $12 to ship via UPS, costs $1+ a can) so they can provide "a more honest service" as he put it.

So basically, add $1.25+ minimum, a lot more if under 36 cans, to the price per can you see on other sites to see the real cost.

It's still, and always will be, cheaper at Oink.

& 33third put their prices back up to $3.95 since they made this chart - so add 20 cents more to their prices.

Not to mention Matt @ 33third is a snitch. Ask Revok.



Oink's paint is cheaper. Better service. But Revok is the snitch, even if it was himself that he snitched out

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I'm sorry young lady, I didnt realize graffiti had turned in to the kindergarten classroom. "Dont worry eon, you're getting there, you'll get good soon, keep working at it! GRAPE JOB!"




thanks for the props B)


next time click DISapprove. its hard, i know.

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just to clear some things up. ironlak is a gloss acrylic paint. it says so on the back label. there seems to still be fading problem. thats the only reason i weary to buy it again. even though they say they corrected the fading with the new valve i still see pieces that are less than a year old that have been done with the new valve system that is supposedly fade proof compared to its prior batches.


Ewok MSK (art basel 08-09) sorry one of them was protected.




Pull both pictures up beside each other. Compare the color of the sky, the sidewalk, the background color of the wall. Terrible Photoshop.

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^^The faded one looks like a dry weather winter flick. Or a flick perhaps after a city clean up crew went by and pulled up plants or sprayed weed killer. The other looks like it was taken in summer soon it was painted and after it rained out. The sky is not the same. The older ironlak is well known for faden out fast. Your point is void.


But then again so is pushing the fact that the older formula of ironlak faded kinda quickly. Especially after the fact that ironlak has been showing that its tryen to work out the bugs of they're product. Each time a issue has been addressed Ironlak has made effort to resolve it.


With all that said. All paint fades in time. Some faster then others.

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