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its hard for me to look at that dude and not see kurt schilling from Oz on HBO.


people should stop trying to have oppinions that differ from mine, and act as if they matter.

they do not.

if me and abc have the same oppinion, your oppinion matters twice as little.

basically, as it stands now, this movie is a near guaranteed winner for best-of-eveything in every award show this year, just based on me and abc being fans. hatters go start your own forum. jury is in, juno is a hit. go die.

dude you are so on point, It was hard to see that guy playing the father figure when I've seen him as the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood!
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I am such a critic when it comes to "comedies." I hate most movies that come out.

This was one of the best movies I've seen in a looooong time. I loved it.


Plus, it was the first movie that Glik$ and I saw together....

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This movie was great. It was a little more drama and less comedy than I expected... I would say it was similar in tone to Little Miss Sunshine. Definitely a good date movie, as all the couples I know were able to enjoy it on both sides, which is kinda rare.


I don't know how you could call this shit cookie cutter, since it's not really like any other movie that I can think of. I suppose I can see comparisons to Napoleon Dynamite (there have been a lot), but only if you're not looking past the surface at all and don't really understand/appreciate good movies.


In other news, I walked out about an hour into Sweeney Todd the other night.

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i liked sweeny todd, although it will not be topping my chart of hot shit. i somehow did not know it was a musical. oops.


any napolian dynamite comparisons are limited to it being whitty and taking place in highschool. nothing else is the same. ND was way over hyped, and way under-funny, completely relying on your compassion and interest im total fucking dorks, which subsequently caused a nation full of hipster-dork hybrid faggots. if this movie wants to spawn a bunch of whitty, hot teenagers, im not gonna be mad.

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I don't know how you could call this shit cookie cutter, since it's not really like any other movie that I can think of. I suppose I can see comparisons to Napoleon Dynamite (there have been a lot)


exactly. but there are two people calling it cookie cutter and about 1000 singing it's praises, so i wouldn't sweat it.


and the only scene that was even remotely like napoleon was the science class scene with the boyfriend and girlfriend arguing. the rest of it was based far more in reality than napoleon dynamite was.

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its def a date movie, for sure. as far as th emusic, ive never heard such bad, cliche high school music before. those lyrics must have written by a 15-year-old girl.

as far as the character juno, she was quite the "snippy" and "witty" one. i think the actress who played the character played it just a little but over the top too much, just a little.

otherwise, even though i have knocked it here, i do think it is one of the better films to come out in some time for its originality and the topics it covered (which i think was pretty ballsy in todays age).

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any napolian dynamite comparisons are limited to it being whitty and taking place in highschool. nothing else is the same. ND was way over hyped, and way under-funny, completely relying on your compassion and interest im total fucking dorks, which subsequently caused a nation full of hipster-dork hybrid faggots. if this movie wants to spawn a bunch of whitty, hot teenagers, im not gonna be mad.




Haha... word.


I also didn't realize Sweeney Todd was a musical. Had I known that going in, I might not have been so disappointed. But when Depp first started singing, I was like, "what the FUCK?!!?" And then he pretty much didn't stop.



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Gliks-- Cloverfield should be pretty hot. JJ Abrams does some ill shit. I'm a big fan of Lost, and MI3 was one of the best, most action packed movies I ever saw come out of Hollywood, despite having Tom Cruise in it. On the other hand, I heard it was all shot from first-person perspectives, like it was cut together from found footage from camcorders and people's cel phones and shit. That might be rad, or it might get old really fast.


ILB- Sweeney was shot awesomely (of course), and there was a great scene with Sascha Baron Cohen. Other than that, there was just too much fucking singing. I have no problem with musicals, but there was barely any spoken dialog. I can't listen to people sing in English accents for two straight hours. It was like being at the opera or something.

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