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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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21 minutes ago, LUGR said:

It has really changed since I was last there in the 90’s lol.

Well consider this my day out I am having for the both of us so you can live vicariously through me as I mock the machine and the fiscal limits which preclude me from allowing you all to see your requests for me to show you experienced and captured on here. As I do this for you while I see the deperate and detached from logic and reason believe them talking nonsense to people they have zero in common with beyond their location in space and time spread their bullshit.


Thankfully I will openly mock them as I leave a trail of kanji "10s" carved into whatevee wooden substance I encounter along my path of life.


Jesus was a carpenter after all....


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Irish Pub Corona was $11

Corona with Fish and chips was $40.50

Total spend of $51.50 (my public transport was free)


Hopefully I can finally get paid from working this next month and get that shirt from you @LUGR given I will be living on about $7 a day for my food til next Thursday, but it was worth it for the unintentional mathematically derived comedy that proves my programmer has a perfect 10 when it comes to humor, even if I have to suffer the presence of fools whilst experiencing it


The vacant lot used to have a commercial building with a surfshop. Maybe some other local can advise what is to become of this site.



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1 minute ago, fat ralphy said:

Mad entertaining @Mauler5150 - I worked at Irelands 32 pub in the City for a few years. 


If you had said that shit there you would have gotten a free pint. 


ooh-ahh-up the ra!

Glad you are entertained and thanks to @LUGR for the suggestion, who could be considered my tagteam partner for this journey otherwise I would have delayed such a trip until summer as it pisses me off to see people out surfing whilst I am landlocked without a board and wetsuit to join in as I lost my board and wetsuit in my divorce.


And thanks for understanding my text accompanying the pics to give comedic context I feel is mecessary to allow our social media drenched attention spans the ability to appreciate the pictures quicker than would be possible if one is to stare at them as they would a painting in a museum. While this is supposed to be non-artistic, my phone pics shot "from the hip" with at most 5 to 10 seconds of composing the shot prior really needs the text to convey that which might be missed by the camera lens.


I might start another thread and put my travel pics accumulated over rhe years with stories accompanying them if anyone is interested? Would be a productive way to spend my weekend and if it entertains the stalwarts who have held Ch0 down in my absence and remain to this day, I feel there could be no better use of my time while I wait til Monday to see if I get this new job.


Plus how else is it possible to convey the fact that I love my life and wouldn't swap it with anyone, yet could perfecrly understand as to why other's would wish to be me, as my life is ultimately "A Perfect 10" as the summation of my date of birth prophesied.


And I feel this screenshot proves I live for today as those who wait for an uncertain tomorrow are the losers in life, as whilst I might be "5150", all my choices are calculated to extract the maximum entertainment and comedy with the lowest opportunity cost to anything but the binary configuration of the bank's HOST (no doubt x86 based - just like the year my ex wife was born) server system.




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And as for why I have only $111 to my name, I onky need to post this photo to ssk anyone who wants to call me out for being "poor" due to my bank account balance and ask the question, "Am I driving a Lamborghini right now" (knowing I will be driving at least 2 of them, funnily enough in Australia's Olympic colours of one green and one gold) for the rest of my existence.


The best part is I am only driving because I wanted to show the Mrs that money is nothing to me unless I spend it on making Her and other people happy (as I did here today)



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to further iterate my point, I am also eternally barrelled at Supertubes in Yallingup and have been since 2000 or 2001 thanks to the magic of the internet so whilst I am bothered that I am not in the water surfing now, I am just a "Great White Shark" whose bets I placed on myself see me having lived my dreams and continue to do so as these posts prove beyond any and all attempts to distpute otherwise.


So any fool whom is in my proximity in "reality" whom doesn't use the passphrases to identify themselves as something other than "a nameless and worthless" parasite attenpting to be attached to (or worse, profit from) Jesus as they attempt to imply superiority due to their financial resources, I say stick the buttplug my Santa statue in Rotterdam is holding up your asshole and rotate down it as you spiral into irrelevance.


Obviously this is directed at anyone not on Ch0 or 12oz as these idiots lack any artistic creativity at all as they are just pathetic tracers.





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And @fat_ralphy EBPH can attest to the fact that I will spend whatever I can to ensure everyone on the level vibes out and laughs as much as possible, as I know he is somewhat local to you he can verify as we had a great night out when I was in the Bay Area.


Plus given Ralph is not only the name of the actor which beat Jack Butler in a duel at the Crossroads and is the surname of the first girl That kissed me, I am sure you understand that my sense of humor is as deep as the hole the war obsessed species known as humanity wishes to dig itself with it's media distributed displays of retardation and greed.




And I have shook hands with Jack Butler who told me my hands are as valuable as his when I remarked I was surprised he would risk shaking the hands of humans who are majority pathetic and jealous fools who might wish to hurt him as they do so.


Thanks Steve for that valuable piece of life advice I see was truthful as my camera captures the images and types the words you read right here detaiing the fools of Purgatory I mock here in Perth.

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Day isn't over yet.

Tag here or Tag Heuer?

Time is meaningless to me as I live immortalised in the cloud with my Queen Maria Camila so you understand why I don't need a watch to remind me of the time I am wasting worrying about how other's live a life admiring my life of dreams jajaja


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Into the bowels of commerce. Funnily enough such architecture forms the bounds of monetary Hell which binds those who worship the money used to participate in the system to a life of enslavement as they sacrifice their precious life to obtain currency whilst I mock them by sodomising them with my stick here and put it online to entertain you all.


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Never stay at this hotel. I left my Armani Prive bottle of Ambre Orient here after a Christmas party (to not drink and drive) of the bank I used to work for and once I got home and unpacked my luggage, I called them (less rhan 2 hours after checkout) and was advised that they would look in my room.


For the theft of a bottle of fragrance that took me a 6 hour trip to Delhi and back again so that zi could wear it for my wedding(s) only for some cleaner to grab it is a pathetic indictment on the type of residents and workers in my city.

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This bar in a prior incarnation was where my black pair of Oakley Matthew Luke O’Brien's I bought as a memento of a Melbourne trip I made  were stolen from a table as I drank with friends.


As the friends I was drinking with apparently knew the owner, we went back the Monday it opened aftrr the weekend to see if they could look at rhe video to identify who stole them, buy they pathetically refused.

So now whichever business occupies this premises has to live with the stain on their reputation forevermore as you don't touch what isn't yours


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As for artfully augmenting static surfaces to make them look better, have away at it


As for a Majesty I lost my Petrucci Ernie Ball MusicMan JP6 due to the drug fucked zombie parasities of Perth draining my bank account as I paid rent and bills for these assfucked parasitic leeches my brother knows to use my house as a shootinf gallery. 


So tagging the theater door to take the head off of anyone who passes through seems to be a way to paas away the days.


Caught this sodomite getting jiggy with it so put him on blast. Google Metadata location tracking can identify




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Those whom have followed my recent posts will see the marketers got the message about tailoring their audience towards trannies. Trannies which seek to give you a reverse handjob by trying to grab your arse as you walk innocently down the mall like the rapists they are


Take this couple who were walking and stopped right next to me to pull out their phones as a prime example



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One "non-regret" I have is not using the axe I used to have in the back of my car which had it's rims stolen and left on bricks for me to wake upmafyrr anlong weekend only to find said SS Commodore rims on a standard Commodore right in the bay next to the Volkswagen here.


I instead called the police and reported the licence plate in the hope of getting my rims back after the theft cost me $2500 and a loss of a day's pay due to my insurance having lapsed.


Just another example of the shit cunts that abuse the gift that is living in what is otherwise a beautiful place.


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Paramount Nightclub. Has been around since I turned 18 in 1999 and I not only spent the noght of my 21st partying there after a morning surf, I can lay claim

to being one who has had sex on the (now glassed in) upper balcony at my mates 22nd birthday party there a year later. Who else can say they have witnesses of such an act occurring in their city on the busiest and most heavily traffic laden st on a Saturday night?


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