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Man, screw Christmas Eve

Weapon X

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your posting in a thread titled "man, screw Christmas Eve"


what do you fucking expect.


if you can honestly tell me youve never had a bad holiday season than more power to you. but truth is weve all had our bad years. and im bored as hell by myself with nothing better to do than browse 12 oz.

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your posting in a thread titled "man, screw Christmas Eve"


what do you fucking expect.


if you can honestly tell me youve never had a bad holiday season than more power to you. but truth is weve all had our bad years. and im bored as hell by myself with nothing better to do than browse 12 oz.


I always make the best out of bad situations, you should to....And you shouldn't hate on your mom like that, once she's gone that's it...Might as well appreciate the fact you have a life and show her some respect.

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Guest shai_hulud
gucci dont do it.


horrible reproccusions. just call the phone company on wednesday if you dont have it back and tranfser your service to a new phone. You just have to pay for the phone... you can get one for 80 bucks? yeah... something like that. if you really want to get back at the guy just go up to his house and take your phone back. he cant do anything about that.








They can't fingerprint a brick.

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you guys need to hope this shit is in your fucking stockings tomorrow:




and Glik$ --that coffee diet is going to give you an ulcer the size of jupiter.



haha the liquor, vicodin, naproxen, and skelaxin diet already did that to me about a year ago.

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Seriously. I guess one time I developed this big hemorrhoid and continued to fuck my stomach up that now I get it all the time from taking nasty shits cus I guess it never fully healed. It bleeds and stuff and you can't even take a shower to wash your nasty asscrack because the soap burns sooo bad.


I seriously fucking quit drinking right now. All it leads to is 1. making an asshole out of myself 2. making bad decisions and doing drugs 3. since i drink so much i tear my body up and feel disgustingly sick for atleast 3 or 4 days after.

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moderation my friend.


i'm not one to talk, i've had my girlfriend tell me i have a problem and that we can't have booze in the house. then today, my parents (whom i'm staying with for the holidays) asked me if i have a problem, because i finished three bottles of booze in the last four days.


i can't help it, i'm fucking bored at night here.


edit: the 3 bottles i finished weren't full. that was my defense.

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damn nothing like christmas eve. i always gotta work till 10pm. we get our ass kicked doin 600 plus covers in a matter of 5 hours. and on top of that we had this girl bartending today that fuckin bitches about everything so the fuckin kitchen crew didn't even get to drink cause the bitch did last call at 930. fuckin whore. i would've just went to the local pub but that shit was closed aswell. fuckin lame. so now here i am drinkin at home still got gifts to wrap and i don't want to do it cause i fuckin hate wrappin shit. oh well shit ain't too bad. oh man i gotta go to the store tomorrow to get shit for christmas dinner and shit. that's gonna be awsome. merry christmas fuckers!!!!!

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damn nothing like christmas eve. i always gotta work till 10pm. we get our ass kicked doin 600 plus covers in a matter of 5 hours. and on top of that we had this girl bartending today that fuckin bitches about everything so the fuckin kitchen crew didn't even get to drink cause the bitch did last call at 930. fuckin whore. i would've just went to the local pub but that shit was closed aswell. fuckin lame. so now here i am drinkin at home still got gifts to wrap and i don't want to do it cause i fuckin hate wrappin shit. oh well shit ain't too bad. oh man i gotta go to the store tomorrow to get shit for christmas dinner and shit. that's gonna be awsome. merry christmas fuckers!!!!!



dude I hope someone bitched that chick bartending the fuck out... how the fuck you gonna get slammed working x-mas eve and not even get to drink.... man I hope you be jacking steaks out that kitchen or some shit to make up for it...

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dude I hope someone bitched that chick bartending the fuck out... how the fuck you gonna get slammed working x-mas eve and not even get to drink.... man I hope you be jacking steaks out that kitchen or some shit to make up for it...



naw didnt do that pretty much cause it's impossible being that we do a meat count at the beginning of the day and the end of the night, but the boss man hooked me up on a sweet deal on a half prime rib roast. 6 pounds for 50 bucks of choice prime rib that is aged from 15 to 21 days. super good deal. considering i got it for just less than 9 bucks a pound and he was chargin other fools on the staff (mainly servers) 14 a pound...hahaha suckers. it pays to work in the kitchen sometimes.

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damn nothing like christmas eve. i always gotta work till 10pm. we get our ass kicked doin 600 plus covers in a matter of 5 hours. and on top of that we had this girl bartending today that fuckin bitches about everything so the fuckin kitchen crew didn't even get to drink cause the bitch did last call at 930. fuckin whore.


i can feel your pain man. i spent a few years working in kitchens. you and your crew (kitchen) must seek revenge on that bar wench. i worked the kitchen in this one BBQ joint, it was a great crew to work with because everyone was a fucking cut up. so there was this one beached whale of a waitress, who's eyes shook in her head like marbles in a jar. she talked like a valley girl, and her chin(s) would swing when she walked. she was annoying, over dramatic, and a fucking rusty bitch. doesn't every restaurant have one? so anyways, we had a bin behind the line for dinner rolls, and during the rush, it was annoying to have to keep re-upping on those things, when you have all these tables coming in and staff barking orders at you. so this fucking hog would come up to the window and say "can i get rolls for 2," then stuff one at a time into her big fat fucking t-rex mouth, whole. it was like watching a snake eat a rat. so we kept telling her "those are for the fucking tables, if you want one, fine, but lay off." so she kept doing it, and finally the grill chef snapped and called her a "fucking beast" or something. well, she turns, goes to the manager, and gets this dude written up.


revenge: seeing that she liked free food, but nobody liked her, we decided to make a "hand out." crab cakes were on the menu, so we took all the nasty fat and shit that you cut off pulled pork. if you've ever seen a pile of this shit, it looks like a pile of snot with clotted blood in it. we pattied (sp?) two piles of this shit, breaded it, deep fried it, put it in the window as crab cakes, and told her it was a mistake. then we sat and watched her eat them both non-stop, not even questioning "this is crab meat?" i hope that shit burned a hole in her asshole that night.


i know this is a long post, but i thought mr. farce might appreciate it.

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this thread reinforces my belief that motherfucka's that pull that stalling you on the phone shit need to get their head bust.


gucci, you need to handle yours, cause i know EXACTLY how you feel right now, and that aint the type of shit you need to be dealing with.

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Damn, that fat bitch deserved it, earl.



My last night got salvaged a bit. Ended up helping install an alarm and radio and some speakers over some beers, spliff, and a couple of asian sluts hanging around.


Today I have to go to some party that I don't want to go to. It's gonna be so wack - everyone will be playing poker, and I'm just not feeling that today. I'm gonna get out early and go to my buddy's British family's house to drink high end scotch, hopefully.

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I got my phone back yo!!! Hahh.


I came home tonight and there was a message from my boy saying he got my phone off this youngin who had it for me. I don't know how he ended up with it, I think maybe him or probably one of his friends lifted that shit cus they didn't know who's it was and found out it was mine and was like oh shit.


I don't really give a fuck what happened because it is safe at an actual close friend of mine's house now so I know I can at least just go pick it the fuck up tomorrow without worrying if it's going to be there still.


I got a ton of ill shit for Christmas too.


Turned out to be a good day.

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