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Team Sleep Problems Official Thread.

Prime Chaos

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its 3:30 am right now. sadly that doesnt even seem that late for me anymore.

i havent been able to get myself on any sort of set sleep pattern for months now, not that i was on any steady one before that. its just been getting more and more out of hand.

i usually find myself feeling tired towards the end of the day but it always passes and i end up awake till all hours of the night full of energy, sometimes till the sun comes up. if i try to make myself go to sleep earlier, i'll lay in bed for hours without falling asleep or feeling the slightest bit tired. when i finally do get to bed, after it takes me forever to actually fall asleep, i wake up at completely random times throughout the morning until i need to get up for work or anything else going on. every now and then ill get some time to crash during the day and i'll fall asleep in seconds and be dead asleep for hours. it sucks. anybody in the same type of situation, or better yet been in one and found a good fix?

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By the time I got downstairs and looked at a clock, it was 7:30 in the morning.

I have nothing to be awake for.

Is it too early to start drinking?


I am such a waste case that I am already looking forward to taking a nap.


I think I will go lay in the tub and die a little bit.

Then come read a book about the history of American Hair Metal.


This newscaster lady's face is making me wish I was never born.



My first thought of the day had to do with DethKlok in a Family Feud situation.

"We asked 100 people "What is the most metal sexual lubricant of all time?"






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I have nothing to be awake for.

Is it too early to start drinking?



It is never too early or too late to start drinking..The only time we gotta worry bout drinkin too late is when the clock bout to hit that 2 o'clock mark..and then having to wait till 6 in the morning to go back to the store..


If I had sum drank, i would get started right now..at least a couple beers..


By the way I only got like 3 hours of sleep and I feel good..I should try to take a nap doe..



*** Ohh yeah..if you decide to get started..Drink one for me..YYEEEEE..

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my first time in here, i think. its like 3:55 in chicago, i just got back from another mission. fuck im way to wasted to be on this shit, but the only thing keeping me awake is the my beloved jameson. while im here fuck the snow, i slipped on the sidewalk and my right shoulder is throbing. and fuck my girls compulsive text messaging habits, my phone has been vibrating every 10 minutes. cheers

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