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one reason i love FLICR...


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flickr is filled with artfags


dudes be on there talkinbout:


"the composition you made was exquisite, the water effects juxtaposes nicely with the fire in its reflection. very reminiscent of the tears that came down my eyes when i viewed this photo -- a metaphor for the fire in my eyes as i laid eyes on this breathtaking masterpiece"

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flickr is filled with artfags


dudes be on there talkinbout:


"the composition you made was exquisite, the water effects juxtaposes nicely with the fire in its reflection. very reminiscent of the tears that came down my eyes when i viewed this photo -- a metaphor for the fire in my eyes as i laid eyes on this breathtaking masterpiece"



i find it funny that if you have a flickr and a camera, you're automatically a photographer


i own a car, dosent make me a racecar driver

i have a stove, dosent make me a chef

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Guest shai_hulud

That kitten looked broke the fuck off.


If I was a vet, I would have just put it to sleep. Poor little guy must have been thinking, "What the fuck are they doing?"

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Guest shai_hulud

It had a broken neck.


I mean, I love animals...and that's part of the reason I would have just put him to sleep.


It's tough, but jeez...he's going to be one high-maintenance pet. You'd practically have to be a vet to take care of him.

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flickr is filled with artfags


dudes be on there talkinbout:


"the composition you made was exquisite, the water effects juxtaposes nicely with the fire in its reflection. very reminiscent of the tears that came down my eyes when i viewed this photo -- a metaphor for the fire in my eyes as i laid eyes on this breathtaking masterpiece"



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That kitten should have been put down. People are ridiculous when it comes to things like this. You could either choose to put the kitten out of its suffering or, choose to spend thousands of dollars on medical bills to provide it with a quality of life that even a aborted horse fetus would not envy. Back on subject, Flickr isn't too shabby.

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and how an observant individual posts: "Is the small cat now 100% healthy again?"


after the updates





"the poor little baby should of been put to sleep at the vets when it got there coz it would of been in so much pain the poor little thing it would of been worse than bracking your arm and i have a brocken arm and it harts that little kitten would of been in moro pain than me ........... that is Abuse to animals keeping a animal a live when its in a lot of pain :'( im crying my hurt out"

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