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i think most people that say they have insomnia, really don't.


what 20 something doesn't stay up until 4-5 am all the fucking time?


i get like 4 hours of sleep a night during the week, i catch up on the weekend, or at least try to.


i like to be awake just as much as i like to sleep, so therefor they always compete.


but thanks to things like internet, video games, drugs, and whatever else, i frequently stay up.




fuck your insomnia.

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I'd recommend going non-stop all day, doing something every second. Be up at 7 or 8 and sit or lay down as little as possible. Then be ready for bed by 10 ish without watching TV or being on the Oz an hour prior to this. Cut caffiene and sugar too, I went through a phase like this, would be up at 4am for work and wouldn't be able to fall asleep till 1:30am the next day, giving me 2.5 hours of sleep a night, regardless of how exhausted I was. Then I stopped vegging out watching television and kept myself busy throughout the day, then again, everyone's different. Best of luck with the snoozing.

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gotta be in at work at around 4 in the afternoon which is perfect because i usually wake up around 2-3 in the afternoon.


im debating whether to stay up until 5-6 again because i just drank a bunch of mixed drinks with energy drinks so im drunk AND im wired.

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i have insomnia.....only because i think too much....:confused: :o :eek: :huh:

i also have schizophrenia....


I work at a home for residentially challenged with thee mental ailments like bipolar,mdr,schiz, and they all have insomnia. They all have to take seroquel and Ambien to fall asleep. I guess its common for people with things like that to be insomniacs...which makes me question myself.

I never use to have sleeping problems till I hit the pre-teens. Then it was all down hill. Late night television and lurking thee internet gets boring after awhile.

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