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i think stay gay with it is tryna get an invite from me.

twinky the kid

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Guest shai_hulud





He's going to see this thread. Gliks, could you maybe...you know, change the title or something? I know you're around here somewhere.


We don't want to tip him off.


I'm not going to be mean. I'm just going to do what I do best, and act very, very condescending.

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now why would stay bay have the SAME IP as Toe Cutter, which isnt even located in the bay?


anyone wanna shed light on why someone who would probably have a really shitty haircut, bad personal hygiene, and do really shitty alternative but not trying to be alternative and nerdy art try to be 2 different completely wack ass alter agos of like 13 year old boys?

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Guest shai_hulud

I'm not convinced that it was EBPH.


There's a few hints that it COULD be him. But, if it was....


-It means he lied to me when I asked him point-blank, "Are you Toe Cutter?" He denied it, but told me that he wasn't a little kid...well. That sucks.


- He KNOWS how to get on 12 oz. without getting traced via IP. Why? Because I discussed proxies and maintaining anonymity online with him long before he ever got banned.


I'm friends with the guy. Even though it isn't my place to say so, I'm sorry that he pissed people off here. I liked having him around. But, I respected seeking when he said that he wasn't welcome here.


I don't really know what to say. I feel a little foolish.

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Guest shai_hulud
We have our reasons why we think its EBPH.


I also have a few reasons I don't think so.


Either way, they're both condemned. haha.:lol:


Well, no disrespect to you or Gliks, but would you mind sharing those reasons with me?


Fine. I don't want EBPH back here. He doesn't want to come back here. If he's lying about HIS side of the story, then tell me so I can roast him about it. In person, if necessary.


But, I can't take anything at face value. I want some proof. If I was wrong to trust someone that I met on 12 oz., I feel like I have a right to know from WHY my trust was misplaced.

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Guest shai_hulud

Gliks, if you were someone I hung out with in person, and someone was saying things about you without substantiating them, then I would float you blind credit.


EBPH has never done me wrong, and until he does, I have no reason to think he will.


Do this for me. PM the IP Toecutter/Staygay was using, and I'll compare it to EBPH's IP.


If they match, then I will GLADLY admit that I was wrong. Publicly.


You can do whatever you want. But, this guy is my friend, and I've been standing by him because I believe him. You can't fault me for that.


I don't want him to come back anymore, but I don't like my friends being accused of things they didn't do. Plain and simple.


You can do whatever you want or say whatever you want about me. I don't really care. I'm doing what I think is right, and I want EVERYONE to know that.


You seem like a good guy, Gliks. So, show me the card you claim that you pulled on EBPH, and I'll drop this.

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