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yo bloodfart


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I should go to bed.

So I can wake up.

And get my bike.

I am going to ride until my legs don't work anymore tomorrow.


Which might come back to bite me in the ass when I have to go on a field trip with a bunch of 5 year olds that are in love with me on Wed.

I won't be able to escape their tiny hands.


I miss my cat.

I wish I could see him more often.

I also wish pissdrunkwhat? would hurry up and move here.

So we can start our super radical life as the most awesome roommates ever.

We're going to have cat parties and drink beer around a bonfire in our backyard while we listen to Willie Nelson and have spa nights and give each other facials (not the sexy kind) and pedicures and we are going to get weeded and watch The Princess Bride.


Life is going to be sweet, bro.

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i still have a gt performer in my parents garage. i miss jumping curbs, and knocking over my neighbors trash cans. they used to call me dennis the menace. anyone know a good place to get a sling shot, haha. i dont have work today so maybe i'll spray some wd40 on the chain, and terrorize people in wicker park.

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Mandy Patinkin's brother writes for a newspaper in Providence. I've read his stuff a couple of times while visiting, and have always been struck by what a dickbag he comes across as. Mandy Patinkin, on the other hand, seems cool. Of course, this has nothing to do with anything.


Also, I once read that William Goldman, the guy who wrote the Princess Bride, made it up over the course of several months as a bedtime story for his two daughters. His wife was telling him the whole time that he should write it down, but he never did. Then, when he finally decided to make a book out of it, he couldn't remember a lot of it and had to rely on his two little kids to recall how it went.


Again, nothing and anything and all. It's late.

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I wasn't talking shit, not that I know.

Stop being a baby.

I was just saying you need to hurry up and move down.

Because I am tired of sleeping on my mom's couch.

And not having cat parties.


I am inpatient.

About everything.


My friend that is selling me that bike is such a weed lord.

I have to wait for him to wake up.

Who knows when that will be.

STONNEEERS!(shaking fist at sky)

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That is gay, son.



I am not punk.

Or hot.

Those kids must be dumbshits.


Really though, I was thinking about all the guests who are always looking at 12oz.

And wonder if the people who aren't members follow what is going on in here.

I think too much about 12oz.


I need somebody who does web design to make me a website.

Where I can market myself.

So when I finish these books and get them published, I will already have people lined up to buy them.

So I can get rich.

And buy moar catz.

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I'm writing in blood fart for president. Move over Hilary, dar be a new queen in town. Print this post nationwide and your in like flin. Plus, how awesome would it be to see our Prez ride'n in to Marine1 from da Whitehouse on her new BMX.....SWEET

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That is gay, son.



I am not punk.

Or hot.

Those kids must be dumbshits.


Really though, I was thinking about all the guests who are always looking at 12oz.

And wonder if the people who aren't members follow what is going on in here.

I think too much about 12oz.


I need somebody who does web design to make me a website.

Where I can market myself.

So when I finish these books and get them published, I will already have people lined up to buy them.

So I can get rich.

And buy moar catz.


yeah i thought it was hilarious that they called you punk.

i kinda loled when they said that.

you could tell they had a sharpie magnum and bingo dabbers on them.

and that they bought their slipknot shirts at hot topic.

tey even asked me where i bought my 'tight ass' pants.

i gave them a dirty look and told them to learn how to sew.


but yeah so your like totally teh new it girl of the month.

be proud bf, for there are young boys out there pleasuring themselves to the thought of you riding your gnared out bike over their testicles.

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I know more about politics than people give me credit for.

I watch Democracy NOW! errry day.


With that said, I don't think I can even be President.

Criminal background check won't pass.

Among other things.

People are too close-minded.

They would never agree with my stances on various topics of interest.



I don't know what being my whipping boy fully entails.

If it means you fetch me pizza, make me weed brownies, and change the cats litter box..yes, you have a position.

If it involves something that makes you feel sexy, then I am probably not really down for that.

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yeah i thought it was hilarious that they called you punk.

i kinda loled when they said that.

you could tell they had a sharpie magnum and bingo dabbers on them.

and that they bought their slipknot shirts at hot topic.

tey even asked me where i bought my 'tight ass' pants.

i gave them a dirty look and told them to learn how to sew.


but yeah so your like totally teh new it girl of the month.

be proud bf, for there are young boys out there pleasuring themselves to the thought of you riding your gnared out bike over their testicles.



Slipknot shirts?


My fanbase is lame.

Sorry dudes, I know you are reading this.

But really.

King Diamond>Deicide>Carcass>Grim Reaper>Manowar>thousands of other bands>Slipknot.

Get down with the get down.


I am metal.



Rock and roll.



Hip hop.


I was punk in my teenage years.

Now I am old.

And don't care too much about impressing anyone.

I am the scene.

Scene of one.

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I know more about politics than people give me credit for.

I watch Democracy NOW! errry day.


With that said, I don't think I can even be President.

Criminal background check won't pass.

Among other things.

People are too close-minded.

They would never agree with my stances on various topics of interest.



I don't know what being my whipping boy fully entails.

If it means you fetch me pizza, make me weed brownies, and change the cats litter box..yes, you have a position.

If it involves something that makes you feel sexy, then I am probably not really down for that.


I'll start with the pizza and litter box and hope for more as learn to love me, or tolerate me...either way

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Everybody wants to be loved.

Very few know what that means.

I destroy dudes.

Not intentionally.

I am just like that.

I hurt feelings.

I enrage.

I make people homicidal.


Too much of a good thing makes dudes go insane.


I am not really all that excellent.

I am better than some.

But there are many more out there that are just as radical, if not more, than I am.

I can think of a few girls on here that fit that bill.

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