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near death experiences


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Guest shai_hulud

Needless to say, I've developed a healthy respect for cocaine based on fear. I used to think it was nothing compared to all the other shit I had done. I stand corrected.


I just drink these days. It's legal and cheap and easy to come by. Plus, there's not as much of a social stigma attached to it.


I don't care what other people do as long as they do it right. I don't have a lot of patience for hypes.

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-me and my boys used to raft down the river over the summer, and we would bring a couple cases of beer for the hour and a half float. at the end of it (after getting reasonably fucked up), we were swimming in a calm area of the water and i ended up ducking my head under water to wet my hair. when i came up, i was already 15 down the river, caught in a current. i ended up getting pulled out into the middle of the river (rapids), hitting rocks and swallowing water, realizing how much of an idiot i was for getting so drunk and swimming in rapids. i thought i was going to die for sure, but i finally ended up beaching myself on a rock about 200 yards down.


-got shot at in the yard about 2 weeks ago ... bullets whistling through the air, hitting steel and such. dont even know where they were firing from, but they let off a good amount of shots, enough to have us fuckin break north in a hurry.


-i have a pretty crazy acid story (crazier than most) but its too long to type out, and talking about drugs on 12oz makes me feel like a herb.

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Guest shai_hulud
almost shot myself by accident once.

almost got shot once during a hold-up (was being held-up)

numerous experiences with drugs


I got held up once, too. I don't know if that counts as a near death experience or not.

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Guest shai_hulud
-i have a pretty crazy acid story (crazier than most) but its too long to type out, and talking about drugs on 12oz makes me feel like a herb.


Acid stories ae totally okay. Talking about how incredible ______ is and your plans to smoke till you choke isn't favorably viewed. But, it's whatever. The rules seem to be flexible nowadays, enjoy it while it lasts.


Actually, I like acid stories. They're usually hilarious. BF told one about some guy eating poo that still cracks me up.

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I got held up once, too. I don't know if that counts as a near death experience or not.



guy had a pea shooter pointed into the truck from right outside the window. he was shaking because he had a speed problem. i don't trust cats like that at all.


forgot one experience: got drunk with a friend and decided to race down peachtree street in atlanta. we were up against this honda with a chick driving and some dude in the passenger side. after we made them almost hit a big fucking concrete wall, dude jumps out the sun roof

firing a pistol at us. he missed because we were doing 90 or so...

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gwar and acid sound like a terrible combination to me.


the last time i tripped, we were watching the GG Allin documentary. after watching the video of his last concert (ending in a riot and them running half naked and bloody through the streets), i lost my shit.


i ended up getting this crazy feeling in my chest that i soon realized was my semi-dormant psychic powers kicking in. something terrible was about to happen, a catastrophe along the lines of 9/11, or perhaps a nuclear strike on my area. i wigged out and started telling everyone what was going to happen, and that we needed to get to a bomb shelter immediately, but everyone just told me to stay calm and stay inside. at that point i was too far gone ... i started fighting for survival, punching out windows in my little brothers apartment trying to get out. i opened up my hands pretty bad, and at that point i pretty much blacked out (or, more accurately, my mind detached itself from my body and i was sort of sleepwalking, although it was less of a sleep-walk and more of a sleep-run-through-the-streets-screaming-nonsense) ... my mind went through a rollercoaster of a trip about evolution and survival instinct, psychic powers, aliens coming to destroy the earth, climbing the face of a building with the news helicopters around me, broadcasting my imminent death/suicide ... facing the choice of the end of the world or the small chance of human evolution into the next higher step .... at some point i was trying to get to the bridge tunnel so i could go underwater, from where we (the human survivors) could properly regroup and gear up against whatever attacked us .... it ended with me getting into a battle with apes (baboon sorta things) and having my arm twisted behind my back and my head in the ground, while i was screaming. i woke up at 9am in jail, in my boxers, covered in dried blood (not having any idea AT ALL what the fuck happened).


i found out in court a month later that i got arrested on the helicopter landing pad of the nearby hospital. I was stopped by 5 security guards and one real police officer, and i ended up wrestling all of them while i was "repeatedly screaming something about the rap group the wu-tang clan."


im actually lucky i got arrested that night, because i was running crazy in the streets and i probably would have died or killed myself in a frenzy. acid is seriously an unpredictable, terrible drug ...

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Guest shai_hulud

Well, ghost rider, I always say that if you're going to go out, do it with some class. Mission accomplished.


The last time I took acid (1997) I streaked an apartment complex and scared the hell out of some old lady.


Then went on to grab a knife and crawl under a sink because I was "okay". I was still naked, of course.


Needless to say, my friends were not convinced. They called my ex and told her to come get me or else. I guess I stole a palm tree later that night and gave it to her mom as a present. She still has the palm tree.


I decided the next day that I was done with LSD. Too risky.

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Guest shai_hulud
Plus, once you had the palm tree, you pretty much had nothing left to gain from LSD. Cash out while you're up.


Indeed. I am ahead one palm tree, even if it was acquired by illicit means.


I want to see if I can find this link about the last time I took mushrooms.

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i've never done drugs so I can gladly say I never had any "near death experiences" of that kind, but I feel like I had some other close calls.


>I got into a car accident coming home from a funeral with a few friends. The street we were on has residential housing but the road is pretty busy. People on that street tended to back out quickly bc there isnt much time to get out before the next wave of traffic comes. The lady must have not seen us and slammed into the passengers side door where I was sitting. the car did a 540 and hit another car and narrowly missed a telephone poll. We all survived unhurt. It was unreal.




>The other time I had a close call was on Halloween. I was walking in downtown with my brother to go to Borders and we would explore for fun we found some neat stuff like old murals in the past.


It was dusk and we decided to see if we could listen to some music. There was a jazz club that's back door faced an alley and the music was usually pretty good. We stepped into the alley which we walked through all the time with no troubles and some guy runs in and says, "Yo smoke ya weed somewhere else." I told him i didnt smoke but he didnt care he told me I had to leave anyway.


I was 18 dumb and overconfident. I told him, "I just want to listen to some music fuck off". He explained I had to leave because his man was "getting right" I had no idea what he meant at the time but said fuck it and left.


He apparently had some friends with him and he must have told four of them to follow me because they did. They kept yelling, "Hey where you going? We want to talk to you!". I had just cashed my paycheck that day and was walking around with over $200 in my pocket and my bro had $40 he saved for a new book. The last thing i wanted was my brother to get beaten and robbed so I told him to run across the street when i said to. Right before the traffic made it to where we were I grabbed him and sprinted across the street. We ran to the place I was working at down the block after nearly getting hit by a red van. Two seconds later I saw them run by. One of my co-workers offered to drive us home.


The whole time I was thinking about how i could never forgive myself if he got hurt.

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Peyote you're pretty hardcore into the drug thing eh?


i sort of WAS.



its been at least 2-3 years since ive done drugs really.


smoking weed doesnt count and the occasional shroom/acid doesnt really count. im basically a sober person. except i drink too. alot

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Near death....Ok.

Like 10 years ago or more...no, more like 12-13 years ago..I got shot in the leg by this cat who was all pilled out and drunk. Long story short...Dude was trying to punk me with his little .380 and I wasn't convinced he was going to shoot me, so I said "STFU, man you ain't gonna shoot nobody" Years later, I realize I should of just not said anything to dude, but I was like 20 years old and I really wasn't scared of him and his little gun. Well, when he shot me, we started beefing so, I'm losing blood fast. I fall out from blood loss and I wake up to my boy slapping me in the face yelling wake up! WAKE UP! So, now I'm awake and My boy's girl took her shirt off to tie it around my leg. When they called the ambulance, someone was smart enough to call a cab too. The cab came first. There were lot's of things that could've happened that night, and I could've died, but it wasn't time for that.

I was just thinking about how I was going to get dude back without getting arrested for it becuase the police knew he shot me even though they couldn't arrest him without my cooperation.

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my only story worth telling was the time my friends and i came from this party completley trashed and it was raining and we were just kickin it in the streets walking back to my house and it was like half a mile

we are painting and these dudes roll up like yelling at us and driving around us so we run and its these local writers and we chill with them for a sec and then we bounce

i get down the street and start doing this fill and im almost done when this guys comes out

"hey, what the fuck you doin?!"

so he shoots at us and we run down the street and my dumbass keeps painting

the guy comes back and yells again and i jump off this twelve foot drop and surprisingly land and keep running home with my friends

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yeah...i try and stay away from cats like this...

glad you pulled through..

being shot and not being able to get revenge sucks.


I could've got revenge. He disappeared for a while then He actually called me like 3 weeks later saying he wanted me to shoot him in the leg so we can dead the beef or whatever. I considered it, then I thought about if I hit an artery and dude died , how would I squirm out of that one, so I just left it alone, he left the city for a while and he finally popped up when I was doing a little bid in the county, so I was gearing up to go see him and the next thing you know he got his blankets and stuff in his hands talking to a C.O. I guess he went to PUNK CITY,(protective custody) but I don't know. I ended up seeing him years later after I got my life together and just let it go. By that time, like 4 years later it wasn't worth the aggravation.

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Non-drug related trips can be dangerous too. 2004 I went sailing with my brother and two of his buddies. I was the only one that wasn't an experienced sailor.

The weather was far from a storm but the wind was blowing well, creating waves and making us go fast.

At one point I noticed the national flag had fell off and was dragging behind on a piece of rope.

By then we had been drinking (moderately) for about two days, and one of my brother's friends went to pick up the flag, although we said to let it be.

At the moment my brother warned of incoming waves, they hit the boat and started rocking enough to make our friend fall off the edge.

He tried to hang from the flag rope for a few secs before losing the grip.


Suddently situation was very serious. When you're imagining this, you might thing "just lift the dude from the sea" but in reality it's not that easy.

It was hard to tell the speed we were going, and in 2 seconds he was like 20 meters behind.

The dusk was coming, and every wave was big enough to lose visual sight of our friend for a sec.

I threw a lifebuoy at him and my brother shouted me to point at him while he was turning the boat to know where to go.

I would find myself pointing 20 degrees at wrong direction few times.

Gladly we were able to drag him up on second try, with another lifebuoy that had rope attached to it.


I've nearly drowned as a child, fell through the ice and another time fell into a ditch. But this was the most near death experience to me, although it wasn't me about to die.

The guy has two kids. I would've blamed myself if smething happened to him.


Later on the same trip we were going a heavy traffic freighter lane the wrong direction with very little sleep, in complete darkness and had ran out of batteries for the GPS.

Only thing that kept us from official mayday situation was the dark sense of humor and anti-panic attitude we had.

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