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Animal Liberation?

smooth bruce

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With the news this week that Japan has launched its whaling fleet for the season and plans on slaughtering 1000 whales (humpbacks specifically I beleive) how do people feel about 'animal liberation' and the concepts that it encompasses




Here is a film narrated by Joaquin Phoenix that may give you some insight



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Word I am going to be able to go to japan and eat some whale meat...

And I like liberating animals from being alive... So i fully support animal liberation... animals are tasty

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at one point in my life (about 7 years) i was vegetarian (a couple year stint as a vegan) butcher. eventually i just became a butcher.


i recognize the atrocities that exist, but i am more concerned with my dinner.


this idea pretty much permeates to the entirity of my thinking: self servantry.

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honestly, i could go one for fucking days about my thoughts on animal liberation (i'm very for it, btw), but i know i'm in the very small minority here.


i will say i'm not one to force my views on other people, but shit like whaling is putting entire species at risk of extinction. when we're wiping out species left and right like that, it's only a matter of time before we're the next in line.


"Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."


Chief Seattle, 1854.




oh, and watch that video posted up there. shit is for real.

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Yes humpbacks are endangered.


I read 'Animal Liberation' by Peter Singer, it's absolutely fantastic. What all the cretins don't understand is that animal liberation isn't even about having to be a vegetarian, it's about serving the interests of the animals and treating them as sentient beings rather than just a commodity.

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Did you know whales evolved from four legged land mammals?


The closest relative of the whale is the hippo


I ate whale meat in Japan and its greasy and tastes like shit.


I'm not sure if humpbacks are endangered or not, but I'm never against people hunting responsibly.


What is responsible hunting? Where do you draw a line?


Are raccoons, chipmunks, ducks, game bird, deer more acceptable than bears?


Yes humpbacks are endangered.


I read 'Animal Liberation' by Peter Singer, it's absolutely fantastic. What all the cretins don't understand is that animal liberation isn't even about having to be a vegetarian, it's about serving the interests of the animals and treating them as sentient beings rather than just a commodity.


I still haven't had a chance to buy this book yet but I would probably agree with most of it.


honestly, i could go one for fucking days about my thoughts on animal liberation (i'm very for it, btw), but i know i'm in the very small minority here.


i will say i'm not one to force my views on other people, but shit like whaling is putting entire species at risk of extinction. when we're wiping out species left and right like that, it's only a matter of time before we're the next in line.


What is forcing your view on others?


I am not going to dish out a sermon every time my friends and family decide to eat a steak or lamb chop if that is forcing views.


On the other hand violent resistance to Japanese corporations slaughtering dolphins I think is completely acceptable. As is violence aimed at test labs, circuses, etc


Also to put this into perspective for people who think it is about being a vego or some soft cock hippy shit I still eat chicken breast (free range) for pumping weights and seafood, just not mass slaughtered cow, sheep and pig.

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What is responsible hunting? Where do you draw a line?


Are raccoons, chipmunks, ducks, game bird, deer more acceptable than bears?




There certainly is responsible hunting, and most avid hunters I know have more respect for nature and support environmental initiatives far more than the average eco-minded individual. There is a line I see very clearly on what responsible hunting entails, but which we might not agree upon.


All those animals you mentioned sound to me perfectly acceptable for hunting providing none of them are endangered, their populations closely monitored (as are most game animals), and that the hunter consumes their meat for nourishment. That would probably rule out chipmunks, raccoons, and bears, unless you get down like that.

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i take it you are a vegan then NayS? or do you think it's better to eat an animal that spent its whole forsaken life with its head stuck between the bars of a feedlot than one that was able to live in the state it was meant to?


yes, i'm vegan.

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so what's your theory on why eating meat is bad? if you don't mind me asking...
no, i don't mind. probably sounds gay to you, but like i care.

iv'e been brought up in a family that generally loves animals (nobestiality) and iv'e owned a lot of creatures throughout my life, from pet worms to bats to lizards to fish to rats to dogs n cats (and, you get the idea..) , iv'e also taken many injured foxes/hedgehogs/birds under my wing... and iv'e simply realised that each and every thing has a personality and (some) conscious, and to eat one is like to eat a human in my opinion.


i have i thousands of other reasons why i don't, but this was my first understanding of why not to at about age 12.



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I take the middle course in here. I'm all for responsible hunting and I think America's fascination with meat is overboard. When you go out for a steak it's like this HUGE steak and few green beans, maybe a baked potato, but the main meal is BEEF.

It should be the other way around. More vegetables , less meat. Meat is good for protein but the way they slaughter animals and shoot em up with seroids nowadays is horrifying. I eat free range animals for the most part. I'm not religious about it because I'm a busy cat, but I prefer free range (halal) meat that was slaughtered properly, not shot or beat to death. People should practice moderation in how they eat meat and they would be healthier for sure. As for the animals rights, well In my opinion, the animal has the right to a decent life and a quick death. Bismillah.

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There certainly is responsible hunting, and most avid hunters I know have more respect for nature and support environmental initiatives far more than the average eco-minded individual. There is a line I see very clearly on what responsible hunting entails, but which we might not agree upon.


All those animals you mentioned sound to me perfectly acceptable for hunting providing none of them are endangered, their populations closely monitored (as are most game animals), and that the hunter consumes their meat for nourishment. That would probably rule out chipmunks, raccoons, and bears, unless you get down like that.


There was an interesting article mirroring this sentiment in National Geographic recently... It's a good read if you have the time. The writer spoke of how a number of species might be extinct nowadays if it weren't for responsible hunters.


Here's a link: http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/2007-11/hunters/poole-text.html

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humans are more important than animals, people should worry about liberating them first.


I don't think you will find many people that adhere to the animal liberation ideology that don't agree with you on this.


I agreed with you solely for about the last 7 years and have finally come to the realisation that animal liberation is of its own importance and a key part in the whole.


It would be nice if you could go to west China or the DRC and help make peoples lives better but for many people this isn't a reality. On the other hand there may be a circus or test lab on the other side of town.



There certainly is responsible hunting, and most avid hunters I know have more respect for nature and support environmental initiatives far more than the average eco-minded individual. There is a line I see very clearly on what responsible hunting entails, but which we might not agree upon.


I use to argue that only animals of incredibly low to zero intelligence but now I would probably say none if we are to acknowledge that animals have just as much right to life as we do


All those animals you mentioned sound to me perfectly acceptable for hunting providing none of them are endangered, their populations closely monitored (as are most game animals), and that the hunter consumes their meat for nourishment. That would probably rule out chipmunks, raccoons, and bears, unless you get down like that.


I don't know how anyone can say killing bears is ok but I guess I've been brainwashed by their majestic propaganda beauty from Attenbourough's films.


I also use to think if you ate the meat and used its pelt that was ok but then I realised that it isn't the 18th century and if you want to eat meat it is all around you and a multi million dollar industry.


If you ONLY ate meat that you hunted and you never bought any... maybe I could find that acceptable....... but not bears, thats fucked up.

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another thought on the meat thing. I don't think people should eat predators like tigers, cheetahs, bears etc. Or basically anything that kills it's prey then eats it. (yes that means we shouldn't eat eachother either) And definately not pig. My thinking on this is that people will take on the nervous systems and aggressiveness of these predator animals if they become accustomed to eating them.. I'll eat everything out of the sea, though.


edited to say, I do kill my own sheep a couple times a year and eat off it for a month or so, I save all the insides because I know people who make sausage from it's intestines and eat the heart , brain etc.

I need to make a sheepskin bomber one year...

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I'm with Dawood's first post. His second post was a little bizarre though.

My understanding of the humpback situation is that they are no longer endangered and number upwards of 30,000, so the 1000-limit cull is around 3% of the population. Except whales travel in pods and get mad stressed when a pod member is killed, so more harm gets inflicted than just that to the ones killed.

Part of me says leave the fucking whales alone, it's bad enough they have to deal with the Navy's invasive super-sonar that fucks up their navigation abilities. Part of me shrugs because I don't have the energy to pursue every change I'd like to see in the world. Part of me doesn't know what to feel, because I eat fish, although I'm not aware of a specific instance in which I used a whale product.

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No the computer is a product of an advanced industrial society, "you ignorant fuck".


Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most computers made and designed in capitalist countries? I know, weak counterpoint but its 1am on T-day... ITS THE TURKEY! THE TURKEY I TELL YA!!!


Which says what exactly even if your statement was true?


That he's a hypocrite.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most computers made and designed in capitalist countries? I know, weak counterpoint but its 1am on T-day... ITS THE TURKEY! THE TURKEY I TELL YA!!!


The advanced industrial society produced the computer and would have regardless of the laws of economics it runs under be it what the majority of the world have now, Marx's idea of communism or something unfathomable.


Secondly if you want to actually investigate this just about the last thing that invented the computer was free market economics.


Shit like computers and the internet are invented at the state level, funded by the tax payer dollar and then they are moved to the private sector to sell back to us. 'Capitalism' in the sense that capitalists/private power invented these things is flat out wrong.


That he's a hypocrite.


So if I am in Nazi Germany but want to overthrow Hitler's regime I am a hypocrite because the Nazi state provide the power on which I send out secret morse code transmission?

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no, i don't mind. probably sounds gay to you, but like i care.

iv'e been brought up in a family that generally loves animals (nobestiality) and iv'e owned a lot of creatures throughout my life, from pet worms to bats to lizards to fish to rats to dogs n cats (and, you get the idea..) , iv'e also taken many injured foxes/hedgehogs/birds under my wing... and iv'e simply realised that each and every thing has a personality and (some) conscious, and to eat one is like to eat a human in my opinion.


i have i thousands of other reasons why i don't, but this was my first understanding of why not to at about age 12.




nah dude i don;t htink thats gay at all i am a big animal lover (/nobestiality) myself i have mad respect for that.

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