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i went to a dive bar saturday night and got pretty shitfaced. by the end of the night i couldn't really stand and my boyfriend had to convince me to go home for about a half an hour. i usually don't listen and don't know when to stop.


i woke up sunday not really remembering much, but i did remember talking with an old wrinkly alcoholic man all night, and i made him cry. i remember telling him that he was a great person and had many special qualities, and now he wastes his life away getting drunk all the time and trying to forget his past. i told him that he was a fuck up, but i was brought to him that night to tell him how great he was, and he could turn his life around if he wanted to. i was a drunken angel in disguise. when he started crying i told him that was the good person inside of him and he had it in him all the time. then i said, "just stop crying and drinking and get your shit together and everything will be all right".


i'm an idiot and just thought i'd share.

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