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Lost Book of Nostradamus


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Aren't Hopi indians descendents of the reptoids?


I want to know what the reptoids have to say about this whole 2012 deely.



man, you shouldn't poke fun at the hopi (and yeah, i think noewhan maybe said some crazy shit about the hopi tribe being reptile aliens or something)

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i'm still waiting for the nuclear holocast nostradomus predicted. the one where the bear and the eagle meet in the sky, and cannibalism occurs following the fall of the great city. supposedly it's all sparked by some leader who's right hand man wears a blue hat/helmet/turbon.


how many of us watched "the man who saw tomorrow" as kids and got freaked out. then the shit hit the fan in 2001, and all the metaphors started coming together.


fuck nostradamus --orson welles scared the shit out of me:


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