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word i hear you can put shit in it to make it better like i think they said fish oil pills


You're an idiot, gtfo n00b



this thread needs a revival


im thinking of ordering this.

anyone have experience?


Yea, its legit...received a couple dalos from there

a long time ago.




also if you're not talking markers, or just shit talking

why are you in this thread? If you are talkin etch why

are you on this forum?

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why would you want to change the ink from a pilot?

thats some of the best shit around...


Use it all up...refill with your own ink.


They are easy to find here in Los Angeles, but not a lot of writers really use them.


Finally used one of them "Steel-tip mops" that I had sitting around for a while. Pretty damn fun, even if the ink was a bit shitty.

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i got the etch bath i just need to know what more i should put in it im not dumb i know that shit can fuck you up


using it isnt a good idea because in some places they will personally seek you out for your damage with it. It will also give heat to all other writers. but if you really want to try it, for legal purposes, you dont really need to add anything. but i usually take it and pour it slowly from the etch bottle into a coke bottle. stop pouring when the dirty stuff starts coming out. Then, let the coke bottle settle for a few weeks. The stuff that moves to the top will be the strongest.


ps.. etch isnt as bad as everyone makes it seem. ive had it on my hands and never had burns. the worst i had was a slight itch, it was mainly annoying. if you get it on your skin, wash it with soap and water as fast as you can. no biggie. if you submerge your thumb in it for like 10 seconds, youll get a burn but if you just get some on there while pouring a marker, no big deal.

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using it isnt a good idea because in some places they will personally seek you out for your damage with it. It will also give heat to all other writers. but if you really want to try it, for legal purposes, you dont really need to add anything. but i usually take it and pour it slowly from the etch bottle into a coke bottle. stop pouring when the dirty stuff starts coming out. Then, let the coke bottle settle for a few weeks. The stuff that moves to the top will be the strongest.


ps.. etch isnt as bad as everyone makes it seem. ive had it on my hands and never had burns. the worst i had was a slight itch, it was mainly annoying. if you get it on your skin, wash it with soap and water as fast as you can. no biggie. if you submerge your thumb in it for like 10 seconds, youll get a burn but if you just get some on there while pouring a marker, no big deal.


the shit sinks into you and eats away at your bones.

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I'm using Pilot Jumbo and what a sturdy marker it is. The nib was worn out so I ditched it and plugged with some felt and Garvey & Marsh-T mix(couldn't find Pilot refillable.). So far, so good.


You could of flipped the nib over and used the other side. ;)


And as for being cheap about not getting a steel tip marker. I'm sure they'll last a while and knowing that is the main reason I got one. It'll save me time, money and all that bullshit in the long run as long as I refill it with my own ink.


Does everyone split streaks? That's considered toy down here for some reason, although I know it was done in the 90's.

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