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columbus day? hero or zero?


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all of you shitting on columbus are a bunch of hypocrites. columbus was the man. what he did was fucking epic. he sailed three ships into the unknown in a time when most europeans thought the world was flat. going on a new theory hoping to find a new way to get to india while risking falling off the face of the earth. that takes some real rocks.

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all of you shitting on columbus are a bunch of hypocrites. columbus was the man. what he did was fucking epic. he sailed three ships into the unknown in a time when most europeans thought the world was flat. going on a new theory hoping to find a new way to get to india while risking falling off the face of the earth. that takes some real rocks.


i agree with you sir.


however i dont see how he still gets credit for "discovering" america though.

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Drug tests on the mummies showed they used cocaine and proved transatlantic trade in the Egyptian days.


Vikings hit Canada up way before him in Newfoundland.


Chinese anchors have been found on the coast of California dating back to precolumbian times.


Columbus will eventually be remembered as a murderer and not much more.

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GENOCIDE IS REAL 1492 marks death for all people

who were affected by columbus (mainly caribbean and central

american latinos)


So would you call the black death a "genocide" too? More than 90% of natives in the new world died from diseases such as smallpox and cholera. People overlook this fact way too much. Not to say colonists weren't shady, but genocide is a misleading term. They didn't just come out here and murder everyone. And don't bring up the smallpox blanket argument.


Dunno what I think about Columbus. If he hadn't done what he did someone else would have.

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Drug tests on the mummies showed they used cocaine and proved transatlantic trade in the Egyptian days.


Vikings hit Canada up way before him in Newfoundland.


Chinese anchors have been found on the coast of California dating back to precolumbian times.


Columbus will eventually be remembered as a murderer and not much more.



do you have some links or some references? im interested

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Ok but don't forget the white people were purposely leaving blankets from other whites who had smallpox for natives to find. And remember who BROUGHT those diseases over.


And how much of a difference did that really make? Disease exchange was a fact of contact. Europeans lived in crowded cities for centuries, developing immunities to a large assortment of diseases that Native Americans had never encountered before. It was pretty much a one-way exchange (Europeans got syphilis on the deal) and for the most part it was unintentional. Native populations were often decimated by disease before they even contacted white men.


I'm not trying to say Native Americans didn't get shafted, because they did. But people who act like that shit was the holocaust sound just as dumb to me as people who think Columbus 'discovered' the new world and brought civilization to a bunch of savages. The truth is not that one-sided.

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he isnt a hero and he isnt a zero. he made western development popular in europe. who cares anyway? ive been hearing this bullshit every fucking year for my entire life, go and complain about that shit in private where i cant hear you.





since the 4th grade



the only reason I care is because the banks are closed, otherwise why do I give a fuck either way. These holidays mean little to nothing anyways.



Columbus day is probably the least important holiday out there

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People are fucking stupid. All Columbus did was find the shit. He aint have nothing to do with the colonization and wars with the natives other than him and his peeps defending themselves. And he sure as fuck didn't have anything to do with the slave trade.

Blaming Columbus for slavery or killing off the natives is like blameing George Washington for Vietnam or Iraq.

Some of you people are really dumb.

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