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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola









































































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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


Damn Bee, those niggas stomped you out, why did you flick that? I mean, we've all been beat down or at least had some get the best of us, but flick it and put it on the internet? whatsupwithat? If anything you should post a picture of you stealin' on somebody to redeem that last picture, mang.



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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


when i went to R.I. i watched AyeeBee get beat up

true story.


Hahaha...if you ever do get your ass down here I'mma make sure I get you smacked around a lil bit for spreading such foul lies


Edit: See, muthafuckas are already believing it haha

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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


AYbee i hope your not that guy that knowmatter what happens get beat up. I have a boy like that, we had beef for about a year with some cats and we would always throw down like 5 on 5's or we would get jumped 5 on 15 or some crazy numbers but we would always hold it down cause i think its easier to fight in a crwd, but my one boy would always make us look bad cause he would be the one cat to get ko'ed ever time. Dude had bad luck, got ran over once when we thought he was in the car and like 30 deep was on us but dude was outside and my boy ran over his leg. We had to stop and get down just to peel his ass off the ground.


To this day he still gets knocked out even by our own boys he gets drunk or does something stupid.

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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


T;5963972']AYbee i hope your not that guy that knowmatter what happens get beat up. I have a boy like that, we had beef for about a year with some cats and we would always throw down like 5 on 5's or we would get jumped 5 on 15 or some crazy numbers but we would always hold it down cause i think its easier to fight in a crwd, but my one boy would always make us look bad cause he would be the one cat to get ko'ed ever time. Dude had bad luck, got ran over once when we thought he was in the car and like 30 deep was on us but dude was outside and my boy ran over his leg. We had to stop and get down just to peel his ass off the ground.


To this day he still gets knocked out even by our own boys he gets drunk or does something stupid.


Goddmanit Carbombs do you see what the fuck you've done haha


I get in a average of 3 or 4 fights a month, I don't lose. The picture above is the only time I've ever actually been beaten up, and I got snuck by 2 dudes with a brick

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