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is it ever a good idea to shit your shants?

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


throw the 18th year girl a steak, nice place to stay, clean her up


















then send her my way


I'll take some photos tonight when I get home.

I'll drink a few dranks to make it easier to talk myself into dealing with them.

She's not that horrible looking.

Although if I were a gay, I wouldn't let her kiss me on the mouth.

She is just a hippie.

Always with the long skirts and the wierd shirts that are just a piece of fabric with ties in the back.

I am not into people not wearing shoes.

Or shooting IV drugs.


One of the dudes that was shooting up at her house has AIDS.

I told her.

She didn't know.

I am sure he isn't the only one.

She will probably get it.

It happens.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


like she said before.. drug addicts have "deaf ears"


i would snitch. this isnt graffiti or a beer run..this is your property and you should feel safe in your own home. i've done, seen, and been through all that shit too. druggies care about noone but themselves..



i had to snitch once on a bestfriend turned meth head. that was because he thought it was okay to steal my car for a week. after attempts to call him thousands of times, and look for him and even talk to him he told me it wasnt my car it was his. even contacting his mom didnt help. it had to be done.. i got my car back, and i never pressed charges. it didnt change his drug habbit though. now he's clean and understands why i did it.


sometimes things have to be done. yeah cops sucks.. yeah sometimes they dont even help. but you can at least try..


like i said you should feel safe in your own home..

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


The best thing you can do is get the fuck out of there and move into a new place without the drug people issues. This will probably mean that the rent will cost more. Either that or shut the junkie fucks out completely, even if it means a street fight.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


renter's insurance is cheap by the way. just talk to your bank.


My mommy told us to get renter's insurance.

We are going to, when we can afford it.

Probably this weekend.


Our bank is a hollowed out book in the closet.

I feel safe about it.

Junkies don't know how to read, so they won't be looking in our books.


I am totally calling the cops tonight.

Before I get drunk.

I am less than excellent at talking to cops when I am drunk.

It was proven once again the other night when they came to my house in the middle of the night.

I didn't answer the door at first.

I told them I thought it was my wack neighbors trying to play a prank.

They said it was no joking matter.

Cops don't have senses of humor.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


don't leave your money in that book deposit box in your closet. put that shit in an account. it will be safer until you move out, and you can even collect interest if you're good with your money.


if you do call the cops/landlords, do you think the junkies will pinpoint you as the snitch? retaliation is a bitch when dealing with ignorant HIV infected junkies. watch your back and your blood stream.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Go ahead and call the cops. Fuck anyone who says "Dont be a snitch" or "Get a gun, that will make things easier".


Calling the cops is alot easier than shooting another human being. Youd be doing the world a favor but Im sure you dont want to have to kill somone. Plus then you have to deal with alot more shit if you kill somone. And Alure is right. Its your home. Its your shit. You shouldnt have to feel threatened.


And CILONE had it right when he said you pay taxes. Your taxes pay for their paychecks so use your money. Plus you dont have to go "OMG THERE ARE DRUG DEALERS AND WHORES EVERYWHERE!" Just tell them there are some bad things in the area. Ask for an increase in patrols.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


or dont get yourself into situations that you eventually whine about and have to run to the cops about because of your totally awesome punk rock lifestyle.


I didn't move into my apartments because of a totally awesome punk rock lifestyle.

I moved into my apartments because they are close to my job and my dude's job.

And it was what we could afford at the time.

Now we can afford something nicer, and are going to live somewhere nicer.


If working and paying rent and not doing drugs and not wanting to be around junkies is a totally awesome punk rock lifestyle, then I guess that is the lifestyle I lead.

I always got the feeling that I was leading a typical adult lifestyle and wanted to protect what I have worked for from thieving junkies.



Leave it to the internet to set me straight on how I am really living.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


I think were just going to start leaving the door unlocked while we are home.

And then sit and wait for someone to try to walk into our house.


The only downfall to stabbing a junkie is that AIDS blood is hard to get out of carpets.


And now that I think about this snitching thing more..I snitched on people once before.

My ex-roommates got real into drugs.

I moved out.

They got worse.

To the point of locking their kid in a room so they wouldn't be hassled while they smoked meth.

The electricity got turned off, and they were smoking meth by candlelight.

The kid was 5 and couldn't go to school because his mother hadn't potty trained him yet.

There were other things she did to be a horrible mother.

I called Child Protection Services on them.

CPS didn't do a thing.

The kid is still living with a meth addict mother.

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