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tango 24

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i, officially, do not have cancer

had a biopsy on a lump on my neck which turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma

i just got a call from the doctor and it was completely removed and it hasnt spread to any other part of my neck/head/torso

i pretty much just dodged a bullet and 6 weeks of radiotherapy

fuck you cigarettes and weed


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my mums side of the family has a genetic predisposition too

mum had the a basal cell carcinoma

grandma had to have a radical mastectomy due to breast cancer

aunty had several skin cancers

but this was absolute shit

couldnt speak for about a weak

couldnt swallow, drugged up 24/7 on all kinds of stuff

it was fucking depressing waiting to know whether it had spread and if i was going to die

6 weeks of radiotherapy also wasnt exactly a bright speck on the horizon

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