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and the spot 's blown up.




Is abstract photography kosher in here? I've been lurking this thread from the start, but I won't participate because my drawings and paintings always have and always will be shit. That being said, I'd like to try my hand at these assignments using film as my medium.

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not everyone can play in the NBA, that doesnt mean you should hate basketball.


anyone who is serious and sincere is encouraged to participate.

it's not about being an inherently great artist, it's about pushing yourself to get better.


with that said, my landscape will be up, framed, tomorrow.


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thats pretty nutty.



I have always liked the idea of drawing on glass, or painting on it. The translucence and depth behind different pieces of glass has always seemed a crazy thing to play with.


back when I still felt I was legitimately trying to do graffiti, I caught a few tags and drawings on these glass panes that I could get inside between two layers of glass windows. I kept trying to do drawings that had to be viewed from a certain perspective. Or that as you walked by the glass you would get different images dependent on where you were in relation to the two panes.

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of course the photo doesnt do it justice, but atleast it gives a hint as to the amount of layers and stuff.

'black' area is two different kinds of black, two transparent reds, transparent black, clear matte medium, transparent white and various hand mixed shades of grey the parts that look blue are reflections from the light, it doesn't look that way 'IRL'. only blue is a thin band at the top that doesnt really translate in the photo. i need a studio to take pictures of all this stuff in.

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i started out with the intent to do a more literal 'landscape', but still kind of in 'my style'. the more i worked on it though, the more it just turned into the kind of thing i would usually paint. in that respect, i think i totally failed, since the whole point of these excercises is to push yourself and try new stuff. on the other hand, the fact that i completed a painting is a huge accomplishment for me, so fuck yo couch, nigga.


one thing that interests me about my stuff, is that they never feel finished without frames on them. infact, i almost think they suck without frames. i dont know why a frame would make such a big difference, but to me they do. im kind of afraid that it's like in photography, where anything printed with a full frame border automatically looks better than a photo without one. maybe it's ridiculous to think so deeply about something so insignifigant, but when you're painting shit that is just a couple smears of color, every aspect factors in. blah.



like that glass a lot.

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no but really, seeks i like the latest a lot.


i like the martini glass--what kind of paint did you use, the only time i've ever painted glass was w/ spraypaint...


Oil based paint markers. Who knows if it'll hold up? I just made it for a show.

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one thing that interests me about my stuff, is that they never feel finished without frames on them. infact, i almost think they suck without frames. i dont know why a frame would make such a big difference, but to me they do. im kind of afraid that it's like in photography, where anything printed with a full frame border automatically looks better than a photo without one. maybe it's ridiculous to think so deeply about something so insignifigant, but when you're painting shit that is just a couple smears of color, every aspect factors in. blah.



I read something about Mark Ryden once about he also prefers his work framed. Apparently he goes to great lengths to have it done too. He designs these really elaborate frames and has somebody hand carve them for him.





and also there are a few good pictures of some of the frames on his website ... http://www.markryden.com

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i can see how his frames would add to the overall feel, because they're ornate and match well with his work. mine are just pieces of wood, cut badly and hot glued to the board.


i think what it is, is that it everything i paint is dependent on space and spacial relationships. when there are no clear borders, it creates a sort of panic and confusion, which would be interesting if it wasnt totally aimless and unharnessable. if that makes any sense. also, i just really like boxes and compartmentalizing things. it's a good time.



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Sorry folks... life gets in the way sometimes.


Off the top of my head with no time to really think about it we can try this :


Black paper or canvas or whatever... the starting point has to be black.


This is either going to be really unpopular or well received but here's what I have in mind... take an image of a concept car or motorcycle and rework the image in your style. So don't draw or paint the image exactly the same as you see it... abstract it. Can be a little or a lot.


I went to Google and typed in "concept car images" and "concept motorcycle images" and found a bunch of things. I've posted a few to give you an idea of what's out there. It can be anything you find that you like but it has to be something that has actually been made. No recreations of drawings. Does that make sense?


Deadline is Sunday night... November 11th.









Or motorcycles...







Sorry... wanted to try and work with something that most of us probably never deal with.

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