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Can you pee over your head?

El Mamerro

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Alright, this is very simple. If you point out into the yard, can you create a pee parabola that's higher than your head level? No limbo leaning back allowed. Just straight up pee, point your dick upwards, and try to create an arch that's higher than your head. Can you rock it?


I got $50 resting on this, so your input is very much appreciated.

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a couple ways you can go about this...



1. squeeze the head of your junk to create pressure then thrust those muscles you use to push the pee out at the same time..(timing of the muscle push and the pressure applied to head is critical)


2. drink about 4 beers real quick and just wait til you JUST CANT HOLD IT ANY ANY LONGER!!!, then blast off...(this creates a natural pressure)


3. try a combo of 1&2




good luck!

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I went outside and tried just now and I just don't think it's feasable... maybe I have weak pumps in my old age, I'll get my nephews to try it in the morning. Their house is all about peeing in the yard.


*on the plus side, when I readjusted my aim I think I went over 15 feet in length but I could only get the stream up to about eye level.

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I think it's possible under certain circumstances. Your dick would have to be a bit hard, so you could get some more pressure.


Also you might have to put your thumb over the pee hole and build up a little pressure first, but yeah I think it's possible.

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I'll let you guys in on something I just proved to myself... if you're mostly done peeing and you're in the 'shake/squirt' stage and the you kinda pinch/scratch your nuggets you can definately unleash in a furious way all over the handle and the side of the toilet (plus the wall a little bit ((what? windex?)))...

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I know what you can do to win the bet, when you awake in the morning with the morning wood, dont get out of bed, just piss straight as you are lying down, then you could easily get it over your head.


There wasn't any restriction that mentioned you had to be standing, so I don't see why getting some piss on your bed isn't worth $50.

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When I was in work release there was this guy we called 'cellphone'... he had his own business so like one second after check in he was on the horn telling his folks how to run the joint... it did ok for a while but one day (right at the end of his term) one of his employees burned down his entire shop...


I don't know that he actually knew we called him that, 'cellphone' i mean, he was mostly on the phone or fixing the weedeaters/chainsaws because he was a small engine mechanic by trade... still...

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Years ago I could probably pull this off, but since the widening of my piss stream via kidney stones, I don't think its possible. I can however, piss really fast.


One time when I was a kid we went for a drive to some mountain. My folks pulled over so my pops, myself, and big brother could take pees. They went down the hill quite a ways, and I was young, lazy and had to pee so bad that I walked just over the guard rail a few feet and fired away.


I cleared their heads, and they were somewhat amazed, yet not very thrilled.

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Penis Weight Hanging

Hanging 101 + Sample Routine Post #1


1. This can not be emphasized enough -- pain is BAD!!! If it's anything beyond a dull burn, you're doing something wrong.


2. Never hang erect or partially erect!


3. Before hanging, remember to warm-up the area with a hot rice sock, heating pad or hot towel.


4. Limit sets to 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minute break and at least a couple of minutes of light jelqing to restore circulation.


5. Pay close attention to the color/temperature of your glans. Dark/cold=bad.


6. Remember to squeeze the blood from the glans while you're attaching your hanger.


7. Start your Thera-Band/swimcap material back a quarter of an inch from the beginning of your cotton wrap.


8. Retighten hanger after weight is applied.


9. Hanging is not a weight lifting competition. Too much, too soon will do more to slow down your overall gains than too little will. Start with a pound or two and move up very, very gradually, adding a pound or two after each week of hanging. Below is a copy of ledzep's beginning hanging record as an example.




Month 1 -- 5 pounds -- 5 days per week -- 45 minutes per day



Month 2 -- 7 pounds -- 5 days per week -- 45 minutes per day



Month 3 -- 10 pounds -- 5 days per week -- 60 minutes per day



Month 4 -- 12.5/15 pounds - 5/6 days per week -- 60 minutes per day

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